Dr. MFO – FFS Surgeon in Turkey

What is Foot Feminization Surgery? 2 Amazing Benefits

What is Foot Feminization Surgery? 2 Amazing Benefits

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation, which is one of the most performed aesthetic surgery procedures all over the world, is an application with a high satisfaction rate. It gives satisfactory results in small, slightly drooping breasts. Today, silicone breasts are at the top of the list for breast augmentation.

It can also be applied in the same session with breast lift surgery, known as mastopexy, or breast asymmetry correction in suitable individuals.

The breast is one of the most prominent areas in female aesthetics. It has always been considered a criterion of aesthetic concern and perception of beauty rather than its functional value. The main way to have big, lively, and beautiful-looking breasts is through the application of high-quality and latest technology products of silicone breasts.

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In which situations is it applied?

  • Small size breasts
  • Unformed appeared chest part of your clothes
  • Significant volume loss in breasts after birth and breastfeeding
  • Size or shape-related asymmetry between both breasts

Who are candidates for breast augmentation surgery?

If you think your breasts are smaller than normal or if you complain of serious volume loss in your breasts after the breastfeeding period, Dr. MFO is also with you with online consultations.

Breast augmentation is the best solution for women with structurally small breasts starting from adolescence and for women who face serious volume loss due to emptying of their breasts after the breastfeeding period. Among those who want to benefit from breast augmentation are women who have shape and volume problems. In other words, breast aesthetics can be applied due to the difference in the shape of the breasts. Finally, those who want to make their breasts larger can also choose this procedure.

Before surgery

There are some situations that should be considered before breast augmentation surgery, which should be performed by a specialist plastic surgeon. In this process, first of all, the ideal and demanded breast size should be decided. People should express their likes in terms of shape, size, and projection during the doctor’s consultation. During the consultation, factors such as the width of the base of the breasts, the length of the arms, the shape and width of the rib cage, the patient’s height, and shoulder width are taken into consideration. Detailed information about the operation process, technical information, and the process after the procedure is conveyed to the patients. The breasts, which should look alive and full, should be large enough for the body to carry. Dr. MFO will show you an exciting path to your dreams about what can be done by evaluating your requests according to your anatomy.

As in all surgical operations, the consumption of tobacco and tobacco products, especially cigarettes, which harm tissue healing and increase the risk of infection by decreasing the oxygen level in the body, should be stopped before breast augmentation surgery. This period covers 2-4 weeks before surgery.

Anticoagulants as well as vitamins and herbal medicines should not be used within 7-10 days before the operation. If you have any known additional diseases and medications you use regularly, you should share them with your surgeon. If you do not have a special health problem, it can be decided whether you are suitable for the operation with the analysis performed on the day of the operation. After all these criteria are met, the favorite operation of women who pay attention to their physical appearance and want to feel good both socially and spiritually is successfully applied.

Structure of the tools

Silicones are classified as flat and rough according to surface structure, drop and round according to shape, and low or high projection according to height, and base spread. Vertical and horizontal diameters are equal in round prostheses. In drops, the vertical diameter is slightly longer than the horizontal diameter. Drop prostheses are referred to as anatomical silicones because they are anatomically similar to the natural breast structure.

Is it safe?

Since silicone does not pass into milk during breastfeeding, it does not harm the baby. For this reason, silicone breasts have been used as the top on the list in breast augmentation for decades. It does not cause any problems in the diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up of breast diseases.

Sub-muscle? Under breast?

The silicones can be placed under the breast or under the chest muscle, depending on the patient’s breast tissue thickness and the volume of the planned silicones. This choice can also be determined during your discussion with your doctor.

The incision used for the placement of the prosthesis is usually made around the lower crease of the breast or around the nipple. The incision milk ducts made from the lower fold of the breast are not affected by this situation. The incision scar will not be obvious as it will remain in the lower fold of the breast. Usually, within six months, it will almost disappear with a hardly visible appearance in the skin tissue. Although it is possible to completely lose the scar in some cases if an incision is made around the nipple, there is a risk that the milk ducts may be partially damaged.

Things to consider on the day of surgery

It is important to bring comfortable clothes for the postoperative period. Clothing that is wide, long, and buttoned will be ideal. It is also recommended to take a warm shower with an antibacterial soap the day before the operation. As in all surgical operations, the consumption of tobacco and tobacco products, especially cigarettes, which harm tissue healing and increase the risk of infection by decreasing the oxygen level in the body, should be stopped before breast augmentation surgery. This period covers 2-4 weeks before surgery.

If you have food supplements, herbal medicines, herbal teas, known additional diseases, or medicines you use regularly, you should share them with your surgeon and his team. If you do not have a special health problem, it can be decided whether you are suitable for the operation with the analysis performed on the day of the operation.

After surgery

You can start doing your daily work within a few days after the surgery. Dr. MFO does not recommend the use of drains except in rare patients who may have bleeding problems. In the same way, you can return to office work even on the first day, depending on the pain threshold of the people. On the second day, you can take a shower, including the operation area. Heavy activities should be avoided for the first three weeks after the operation.

A detailed control by your surgeon, usually on the third day after the operation, will also inform you about the results.

Sports activities such as light-paced walking can be done until the first three weeks are complete. As of the 4th week, you can fully return to your sports life, mostly. It is recommended to wait for the first six weeks for heavy professional sports activities (weightlifting, boxing, etc.).

Bra use

Following the bandaging after the procedure, medical bras or sports bras suitable for your new breast volume and shape are used for 3-6 weeks.

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Una publicación compartida por Mehmet Fatih Okyay, MD, FEBOPRAS (@dr_mfo)

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Una publicación compartida por Mehmet Fatih Okyay, MD, FEBOPRAS (@dr_mfo)

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