Dr. MFO – FFS Surgeon in Turkey

What can I eat after FFS? The answer to one of the most frequently asked questions

What can I eat after FFS?

What can I eat after FFS? If you have undergone facial feminization surgery (FFS), you may be wondering what you can eat after your operation. FFS is a set of surgical procedures that alter typically male facial features to make them more feminine. FFS can include various bony and soft tissue procedures such as brow lift, rhinoplasty, cheek implantation, and lip augmentation.

Eating the right foods after FFS can help you heal faster, prevent complications, and achieve the best results. In this article, we will explain what you can eat after FFS, and what you should avoid. We will also give you some tips on how to make your post-operative diet more enjoyable and nutritious.

What can I eat after FFS?

The post-operative diet plan: What can I eat after FFS?

Your diet after FFS is designed to allow your face time to heal, prevent swelling and infection, reduce pain and discomfort, and support your overall health. Following your surgery, the post-operative diet plan is divided into four phases: liquid, pureed, soft, and regular.

Liquid phase

The liquid phase is the first phase of your post-operative diet plan. It starts right after your surgery and lasts for about 24 to 48 hours. During this phase, you can only drink clear liquids, such as water, broth, tea, and juice. You should avoid carbonated drinks, alcohol, caffeine, and dairy products.

The liquid phase helps you stay hydrated, flush out toxins, and prevent nausea and vomiting. You should drink at least 8 cups of fluids per day, and sip slowly and frequently. You should not use a straw, as this can cause air to enter your stomach and increase swelling and pain.

Pureed phase

The pureed phase is the second phase of your post-operative diet plan. It starts after you tolerate the liquid phase, and lasts for about 7 to 10 days. During this phase, you can eat foods that have a smooth and creamy consistency, such as yogurt, pudding, applesauce, mashed potatoes, and soup. You can also blend or puree your own foods, such as fruits, vegetables, chicken, fish, and eggs. You should avoid foods that are chunky, sticky, spicy, or acidic.

The pureed phase helps you get more calories, protein, and vitamins, which are essential for healing and recovery. You should eat small and frequent meals, and chew well. You should not eat foods that are too hot or too cold, as this can irritate your mouth and throat.

Soft phase

The soft phase is the third phase of your post-operative diet plan. It starts after you tolerate the pureed phase, and lasts for about 2 to 4 weeks. During this phase, you can eat foods that are soft and easy to chew, such as pasta, rice, bread, cheese, cooked vegetables, and soft fruits. You can also eat lean meats, such as turkey, chicken, and fish, but you should cut them into small pieces and moisten them with sauce or gravy. You should avoid foods that are hard, crunchy, chewy, or fibrous, such as nuts, seeds, popcorn, raw vegetables, and dried fruits.

The soft phase helps you transition to a normal diet, and provides you with more variety and flavor. You should eat balanced and healthy meals, and avoid foods that are high in fat, sugar, or salt. You should also drink plenty of fluids, but not with your meals, as this can fill you up and reduce your appetite.

Regular phase

The regular phase is the final phase of your post-operative diet plan. It starts after you tolerate the soft phase, and lasts for the rest of your life. During this phase, you can eat any foods that you like, as long as they do not cause you any problems. You should follow a balanced and nutritious diet, and include foods from all the food groups, such as grains, fruits, vegetables, protein, and dairy. You should limit foods that are high in fat, sugar, or salt, such as fried foods, sweets, and processed foods.

The regular phase helps you maintain your health and well-being, and enjoy your new appearance. You should eat moderate portions, and listen to your hunger and fullness cues. You should also drink enough fluids, and avoid alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.

Tips for eating after FFS

Eating after FFS can be challenging, especially in the first few weeks. You may experience pain, swelling, bruising, numbness, or tightness in your face, which can make eating difficult and uncomfortable. You may also have a reduced sense of taste or smell, which can affect your appetite and enjoyment of food. Here are some tips to help you eat better after FFS:

  • Use pain medication as prescribed by your doctor, and take it before your meals to ease your discomfort.
  • Apply ice packs or cold compresses to your face to reduce swelling and inflammation.
  • Elevate your head when you sleep or rest to improve blood circulation and drainage.
  • Rinse your mouth with warm salt water after each meal to prevent infection and promote healing.
  • Brush your teeth gently and carefully, and avoid touching your incisions or stitches.
  • Choose foods that are soft, moist, and bland, and avoid foods that are hard, dry, or spicy.
  • Cut your foods into small pieces, and use a spoon or a fork to eat.
  • Eat slowly and carefully, and avoid talking or laughing while eating.
  • Drink fluids between your meals, and avoid drinking from a cup or a bottle.
  • Add flavor and variety to your foods with herbs, spices, sauces, or condiments.
  • Try new foods and recipes, and experiment with different textures and temperatures.
  • Eat with others, and make your meals a pleasant and social occasion.
What can I eat after FFS?


Eating after FFS is an important part of your recovery and results. By following the post-operative diet plan and the tips above, you can heal faster, prevent complications, and achieve the best results. You can also improve your health and well-being, and enjoy your new appearance. Remember to consult your doctor and your dietitian for more advice and guidance on what you can eat after FFS.

Have New Questions? Ask the Surgeon Directly!

Dr. Mehmet Fatih Okyay is a renowned plastic surgeon based in Turkey. Born on June 23, 1989, in Gaziantep, he completed his medical education at Atatürk University’s Faculty of Medicine. He is a specialist in Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgery. Dr. Okyay ranked 8th in his term in the Turkish Medical Specialization Examination. He completed his residency at the world-renowned Istanbul University, Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine.

Dr. Okyay is certified by both the European and Turkish Board of Plastic Surgery. He has over a decade of experience in the field, with thousands of successful surgeries to his credit. His areas of interest include tummy tuck, liposuction, body-shaping, facelift, nose aesthetics, facial feminization surgeries, and breast aesthetic surgeries.

Dr. Okyay operates out of his clinic, Dr. MFO Clinic. The clinic offers a wide range of cosmetic solutions and welcomes revision/secondary cases. It is an Authorized International Health Tourism Center. The clinic prides itself on its transparent pricing, with no hidden costs. It also offers gender-affirming surgeries, including Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS), Top Surgery, and more.

The clinic is located in Antalya, a popular destination for health tourism. It offers all-inclusive packages, making it a convenient choice for international patients. Antalya is known for its beautiful beaches and historical sites, providing a relaxing environment for recovery.

In addition to his medical practice, Dr. Okyay is also a songwriter, poet, and plays the classical guitar, ney, and electric guitar. He is fluent in English and Spanish, and speaks intermediate-level French.

Visit the Dr.MFO Instagram profile for examples of successful Surgeries. Contact for free consultation.

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