Доктор МФО – хирург FFS в Турции

Понимание удаления жировых отложений Биша при хирургической феминизации лица у трансгендерных женщин


Феминизация лица surgery (FFS) is a crucial step for many трансгендерные женщины in their journey towards aligning their physical appearance with their gender identity. One of the procedures often included in FFS is buccal fat pad removal. This surgery significantly alters the facial contour, contributing to a more traditionally feminine appearance. Let’s delve into the details of this procedure and answer some common questions about it.

What Are the Steps Involved in Buccal Fat Pad Removal During Facial Feminization Surgery?

Buccal fat pad removal is a relatively straightforward procedure. Here’s a step-by-step overview:

  1. Анестезия: The procedure begins with the administration of local or general anesthesia to ensure the patient is comfortable and pain-free.
  2. Разрез: врач хирург makes a small incision inside the mouth, near the upper molars.
  3. Fat Pad Removal: The surgeon gently extracts the buccal fat pad through the incision. This fat pad is located deep within the cheek, and its removal helps to slim the face.
  4. Closure: The surgeon closes the incision with dissolvable stitches, which heal over time without the need for removal.
 Buccal Fat Pad Removal

How Does Buccal Fat Pad Removal Contribute to the Overall Feminization of the Face in Transgender Women?

Buccal fat pad removal plays a significant role in facial feminization by:

  • Slimming the Cheeks: Removing the buccal fat pads reduces the fullness of the cheeks, creating a more contoured and slender facial appearance.
  • Enhancing Facial Features: This procedure accentuates the cheekbones and jawline, which are often desired features in a feminine face.
  • Balancing Proportions: By reducing the roundness of the cheeks, the overall facial proportions appear more balanced and traditionally feminine.

What Are the Risks and Benefits of Buccal Fat Pad Removal in Facial Feminization Surgery?


  • Improved Facial Contour: Achieves a slimmer, more defined facial appearance.
  • Boost in Confidence: Many patients feel more confident and aligned with their gender identity post-surgery.
  • Минимальное рубцевание: Since the incision is inside the mouth, there are no visible scars.


  • Инфекционное заболевание: As with any surgery, there is a risk of infection, though it is relatively low.
  • Асимметрия: There is a possibility of uneven fat removal, leading to asymmetry.
  • Повреждение нерва: Rarely, there can be damage to facial nerves, affecting movement or sensation.

How Long Is the Recovery Period After Buccal Fat Pad Removal for Transgender Women?

Recovery from buccal fat pad removal is generally quick and straightforward:

  • Первоначальное восстановление: Most patients experience swelling and discomfort for the first few days, which can be managed with prescribed pain medication.
  • Swelling Reduction: Swelling typically subsides within two weeks, revealing the initial results of the surgery.
  • Full Recovery: Complete healing and final results can take up to three months, although most patients can resume normal activities within a week.

Are There Any Specific Considerations for Transgender Women Undergoing Buccal Fat Pad Removal Compared to Other Patients?

Transgender women may have specific considerations, such as:

  • Гормональная терапия: The effects of hormone therapy on facial fat distribution should be considered when planning the surgery.
  • Comprehensive FFS Plan: Buccal fat pad removal is often part of a broader facial feminization plan, which may include other procedures like ринопластика, brow lift, or jaw contouring.
  • Psychological Support: Ensuring access to psychological support before and after surgery can be crucial for overall well-being and satisfaction with the results.
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Buccal fat pad removal is a valuable procedure in the context of операция по феминизации лица for transgender women. It helps achieve a more contoured and feminine facial appearance, contributing to the overall goals of FFS. Understanding the steps, benefits, risks, and recovery process can help patients make informed decisions and prepare for a successful surgical outcome. If you’re considering this procedure, consult with a qualified surgeon to discuss your specific needs and goals.

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Мехмет Фатих Окай, доктор медицинских наук, ФЕБОПРАС в Турции. ФФС-хирург.

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FAQ on Buccal Fat Pad Removal in Facial Feminization Surgery

What are the steps involved in buccal fat pad removal during facial feminization surgery?

Buccal fat pad removal begins with the administration of anesthesia to ensure comfort. The surgeon then makes a small incision inside the mouth, near the upper molars. Through this incision, the buccal fat pad is gently extracted. Finally, the incision is closed with dissolvable stitches, which heal over time without needing removal.

How does buccal fat pad removal contribute to the overall feminization of the face in transgender women?

Buccal fat pad removal significantly slims the cheeks, creating a more contoured and slender facial appearance. This procedure accentuates the cheekbones and jawline, enhancing traditionally feminine features. By reducing the roundness of the cheeks, it helps achieve balanced facial proportions that align with a feminine aesthetic.

What are the risks and benefits of buccal fat pad removal in facial feminization surgery?

The benefits of buccal fat pad removal include improved facial contour, increased confidence, and minimal scarring since the incision is inside the mouth. However, there are risks such as infection, asymmetry due to uneven fat removal, and rare instances of nerve damage affecting facial movement or sensation.

How long is the recovery period after buccal fat pad removal for transgender women?

Recovery from buccal fat pad removal is generally quick. Initial swelling and discomfort last for a few days and can be managed with prescribed pain medication. Swelling typically subsides within two weeks, revealing the initial results. Complete healing and final results can take up to three months, although most patients resume normal activities within a week.

Are there any specific considerations for transgender women undergoing buccal fat pad removal compared to other patients?

Transgender women may need to учитывать the effects of hormone therapy on facial fat distribution when planning the surgery. Buccal fat pad removal is often part of a broader facial feminization plan, which may include other procedures like rhinoplasty or jaw contouring. Access to psychological support before and after surgery is also crucial for overall well-being and satisfaction with the results.

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