Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)

Your nose plays an important role in the attractiveness and personality of your face. It also reflects your ethnic heritage, connecting you to your family roots. Few people are born with a perfectly shaped nose that has a golden ratio to the rest of their face.

If you are very unhappy with the shape of your nose, a lack of confidence can affect your entire life. You may feel anxious or even depressed. This is not uncommon. Rhinoplasty is perhaps one of the toughest and most delicate surgeries we do.

It may be the most meticulous and personally the most satisfying procedure of all plastic surgeries. Deformities due to different reasons, nasal fractures, and breathing problems can be corrected with Rhinoplasty. In recent years, rhinoplasty has become more natural and can offer better aesthetic results with the development of the concept of Preservation Rhinoplasty.

Thanks to rhinoplasty, you can achieve natural and aesthetic results that even your close friends may not notice at first glance. They will know you look great but they won’t know why! This is the hallmark of a well-executed aesthetic approach bordering on naturalness.

Rhinoplasty is a procedure designed to improve the shape and size of your nose and beautify your entire facial appearance. It is often a life-changing operation and provides patients with greater self-confidence and an overall better quality of life. 

Nose Job in Turkey offers you to regain your self-confidence in the mirror! To find out more before and after long-term results, patient reviews, and how much nose job surgery costs by Dr. MFO, click the ‘Contact Us’ button at the top of the site!


  • It can improve the appearance of your nose.
  • It can perfect the proportions of your facial features, making them more natural, more harmonious, and more balanced.
  • It can correct a birth defect or a post-traumatic broken and deformed nose.
  • It can make you breathe easier.

Dr. MFO's rhinoplasty philosophy

Changing the proportions in the center of the face affects the rest of the face. An excellent technical and detail-oriented approach is essential to avoid under- or over-correction. It is possible to observe how much improvement is achieved in facial harmony when the nasal surface and nose tip are reshaped. Happiness is reflected in your facial expression!

Although the anatomy of the nose varies between races, more than that, each nose is individual. Every nose has its own unique needs and goals. Every person’s anatomy is completely different. The interaction of skin, bones, and cartilage creates a unique harmony. While browsing our picture gallery during the examination, you will notice that there are noses that look very different from each other; this reflects the diversity and uniqueness of each nose and the work done. If these structures are handled properly, the results can come together like a beautiful symphony.

Dr. MFO, in addition to primary rhinoplasty, also performs revision (secondary) rhinoplasty and septorhinoplasty operations. As an approach, it adopts the Preservation Rhinoplasty technique, which is defined and accepted by world-renowned surgical authorities.

In “Ethnic Rhinoplasty,” Dr. MFO is among his areas of interest. African, Latino, Asian, and Middle Eastern… The physical nuances and nose shape and size of each ethnicity have their own characteristics. It is essential to consider these nuances when planning rhinoplasty. The aim is always to preserve the patient’s unique ethnic characteristics and at the same time make natural-looking, awe-inspiring improvements with natural transitions.

Am I a suitable candidate for rhinoplasty?

Most people who are looking for rhinoplasty ask for one of the following:

  • Straightening a crooked nose
  • Having a balanced nose with the contours of the face
  • Improving your smile (better selfies)
  • Improving the nose profile (remove bumps or collapses)
  • Getting rid of the flat wide nose bridge
  • Getting rid of an oversized, drooping, upturned, fleshy, or coarse nose tip
  • Correcting oversized, wide, or asymmetrical nostrils
  • Beautifying the angle between the nose and the upper lip (uplift of the nose tip)

Suitable candidates for rhinoplasty are individuals whose nose has completed bone and cartilage growth. Candidates must be physically and psychologically well and must not smoke. As with all plastic surgeries, you must be sure that you want rhinoplasty for your own happiness, not for anyone else.

Road to rhinoplasty

For rhinoplasty, doctor consultation is the key. Matching your expectations with Surgeon’s suggestions must be the first step. Rhinoplasty has a wide range of surgical details so consultation might be essential.

The second step would be getting offers from Dr. MFO’s team including the dates, best tickets, and affordable prices to learn costs.

If you use tobacco products, to increase tissue oxygenation and healing rate, giving up smoking might be considered. Also, you should share your medical history and regular use of medication, and herbal products with Dr. MFO or his team.

After surgery

Each treatment plan is different based on the needs and goals of the patient. Rhinoplasty is the sculpturing of cartilage and bone to reshape the nose. Features such as the base of the nose, back, tip, and nostrils can also be changed as needed. A deviated septum, concha, ossicles, and cartilage blocking the airway can be corrected with rhinoplasty, or other corrections can be made to nasal structures to improve respiratory function.

A few days after the operation, there may be varying degrees of swelling, bruising on sensitive skin rarely, and a slight pain in the form of tingling or a dull headache. These side effects are temporary and subside rapidly. A week off from work or school is usually sufficient. Contact lenses can be worn immediately after the operation, and even glasses can be used when necessary.

As the swelling decreases, the results of the operation become better visible. You will have to wait two weeks to two months for this. Swelling may reoccur from time to time in the first months after the procedure (usually more pronounced in the morning).

The key to successful results is to apply the individual’s demands and the surgeon’s directions together. Thanks to Preservation Rhinoplasty, postoperative swelling and bruises remain at a minimal level, while the recovery rate reaches the maximum level. After the operation, a one-night hospital stay and a one-week home rest are sufficient. The next day of the operation, usually all the pain disappears and the person can easily return to his daily routine at home. Thanks to the new techniques, the use of plaster and tampons has disappeared in the vast majority of patients.

It’s also important to talk to your surgeon about what to realistically expect from the procedure. Sometimes people aren’t happy with the results because they want a nose shape that doesn’t balance out other facial features. A good cosmetic/plastic surgeon should have a strong sense of aesthetics and can give you a natural and beautiful-looking nose that matches your face. Your plastic surgeon will also advise you on the pros and cons of the surgery, the expected recovery time, precautions to be taken, and post-operative care. Choosing the right doctor for your nose surgery gives you advantages for post-operative care, and it is much more important than cost or prices. Thus giving you comfort after the surgery.




Facial Feminization Surgery
Facial Feminisation Surgery



FFS Procedures: Forehead Contouring, Brow Bone Reduction, Fat Transfer, Rhinoplasty, Brow Lift, Chin Contouring (Sliding Anterior Genioplasty & Chin Reduction From Sides)

Revision - Secondary Rhinoplasty