Dr. MFO – FFS Surgeon in Turkey

How Does Female to Male Surgery Work?


How Does Female to Male Surgery Work? Female to male surgery, also known as gender-affirming surgery (GAS) or gender confirmation surgery (GCS), is a term that encompasses a variety of surgical procedures that aim to align a person’s physical appearance with their gender identity. For transgender men or non-binary people who were assigned female at birth, this may involve changing the shape and size of their chest, genitals, and facial features to create a more masculine appearance.

In this article, we will explore the different types of female to male surgery, how they work, what to expect from the recovery process, and what are the potential risks and complications. We will also discuss the mental health considerations, cost and insurance coverage, and medical tourism options for people who are interested in undergoing female to male surgery.

What are the Types of Female to Male Surgery?

Female to male surgery can be divided into three main categories: top surgery, bottom surgery, and facial feminization surgery. Each category has different procedural techniques, outcomes, and requirements. Depending on the individual’s goals and preferences, they may choose to have one or more of these surgeries, or none at all.

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Top Surgery

Top surgery, also known as chest masculinization, is a procedure that removes breast tissue and excess skin, and reshapes the chest to create a flat and contoured appearance. This can help reduce gender dysphoria, improve self-esteem, and make it easier to wear clothing and participate in physical activities.

There are several techniques for performing top surgery, such as:

  • Double incision: This is the most common technique, especially for people with larger chests. It involves making two horizontal incisions along the lower edge of the pectoral muscles, and removing the breast tissue, nipple, and areola. The nipple and areola are then resized and grafted to a new position on the chest. This technique results in a flat chest, but also leaves visible scars and may reduce nipple sensation.
  • Keyhole: This is a less invasive technique, suitable for people with smaller chests. It involves making a small incision around the areola, and removing the breast tissue through liposuction. The nipple and areola are left intact, and the skin is tightened to create a smooth chest. This technique preserves nipple sensation, but may not achieve a completely flat chest or remove excess skin.
  • Peri-areolar: This is a hybrid technique, suitable for people with medium-sized chests. It involves making two circular incisions around the areola, and removing the breast tissue and excess skin. The nipple and areola are then repositioned and resized to create a more masculine appearance. This technique reduces scarring and preserves some nipple sensation, but may not achieve a completely flat chest or remove all excess skin.

The choice of technique depends on several factors, such as the size and shape of the chest, the elasticity of the skin, the desired outcome, and the surgeon’s expertise. The surgery usually takes 2 to 4 hours, and is performed under general anesthesia. The recovery time varies from 2 to 6 weeks, depending on the technique and the individual’s healing process.

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Bottom Surgery

Bottom surgery, also known as genital reconstruction, is a procedure that creates male genitalia from existing female genitalia. This can help improve sexual function, sensation, and satisfaction, as well as reduce gender dysphoria and urinary discomfort.

There are two main types of bottom surgery: phalloplasty and metoidioplasty. Both procedures require multiple stages, and may involve additional surgeries, such as hysterectomy (removal of the uterus and ovaries), oophorectomy (removal of the ovaries), vaginectomy (removal of the vagina), urethroplasty (extension of the urethra), scrotoplasty (creation of a scrotum), and testicular implants (insertion of silicone prostheses into the scrotum).

  • Phalloplasty: This is a procedure that creates a penis from a skin graft taken from another part of the body, such as the arm, leg, or abdomen. The skin graft is rolled into a tube and attached to the pubic area, where it is connected to the blood vessels and nerves. The clitoris is preserved and buried under the skin graft, where it can provide sensation and stimulation. The surgery usually takes 6 to 10 hours, and is performed under general anesthesia. The recovery time varies from 3 to 6 months, depending on the number and complexity of the stages. Phalloplasty can result in a realistic-looking and functional penis, but also carries a high risk of complications, such as infection, bleeding, graft failure, urethral stricture, fistula, and erectile dysfunction.
  • Metoidioplasty: This is a procedure that enhances the size and shape of the clitoris, which has been enlarged by testosterone therapy, to create a small penis. The clitoris is released from its ligaments and repositioned to a more forward location, where it can be used for urination and sexual intercourse. The labia minora are used to create a scrotum, and the labia majora are reduced or removed. The surgery usually takes 2 to 4 hours, and is performed under general or local anesthesia. The recovery time varies from 2 to 4 weeks, depending on the number and complexity of the stages. Metoidioplasty can preserve the sensation and function of the clitoris, but may not achieve a satisfactory size or appearance of the penis, or allow for penetration.

The choice of procedure depends on several factors, such as the individual’s goals and expectations, the availability and quality of the skin graft, the cost and insurance coverage, and the surgeon’s expertise.

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Facial Feminization Surgery

Facial feminization surgery, also known as FFS, is a procedure that modifies the facial features to create a more feminine appearance. This can help reduce gender dysphoria, improve self-confidence, and make it easier to pass as a woman in social situations.

There are many techniques for performing facial feminization surgery, such as:

  • Forehead contouring: This is a technique that reduces the prominence of the brow ridge, smooths the forehead, and raises the hairline. It involves making an incision along the hairline, lifting the skin, and shaving or reshaping the underlying bone. The skin is then redraped and sutured. This technique can create a softer and more feminine forehead, but may also result in visible scars, hair loss, nerve damage, and infection.
  • Brow lift: This is a technique that elevates the eyebrows to a higher and more arched position. It involves making small incisions along the hairline, temples, or eyelids, and tightening the muscles and tissues that support the eyebrows. The excess skin is then trimmed and sutured. This technique can create a more alert and expressive look, but may also result in asymmetry, numbness, bruising, and swelling.
  • Rhinoplasty: This is a technique that reshapes the nose to create a more feminine profile. It involves making incisions inside or outside the nostrils, and altering the cartilage and bone that form the nasal structure. The skin is then redraped and sutured. This technique can create a smaller and more refined nose, but may also result in breathing difficulties, bleeding, infection, and dissatisfaction with the outcome.
  • Cheek augmentation: This is a technique that enhances the volume and projection of the cheekbones. It involves inserting implants or fat grafts into the cheeks through small incisions inside the mouth or lower eyelids. The implants or fat grafts are then positioned and secured. This technique can create a fuller and more youthful face, but may also result in infection, implant displacement, asymmetry, and scarring.
  • Lip lift: This is a technique that shortens the distance between the nose and the upper lip, and increases the visibility of the upper teeth. It involves making an incision along the base of the nose, removing a strip of skin, and lifting the upper lip. The skin is then sutured. This technique can create a more feminine and sensual mouth, but may also result in visible scars, numbness, stiffness, and asymmetry.
  • Chin contouring: This is a technique that reduces the size and prominence of the chin. It involves making an incision inside the mouth or under the chin, and shaving or reshaping the underlying bone. The skin is then redraped and sutured. This technique can create a more delicate and balanced chin, but may also result in nerve damage, infection, bleeding, and dissatisfaction with the outcome.
  • Jaw contouring: This is a technique that narrows and softens the jawline. It involves making an incision inside the mouth or under the chin, and shaving or reshaping the underlying bone. The skin is then redraped and sutured. This technique can create a more feminine and oval-shaped face, but may also result in nerve damage, infection, bleeding, and dissatisfaction with the outcome.
  • Adam’s apple reduction: This is a technique that reduces the prominence of the thyroid cartilage, also known as the Adam’s apple. It involves making a small incision along a natural crease in the neck, and shaving or removing the excess cart. The skin is then redraped and sutured. This technique can create a more feminine and smooth neck, but may also result in visible scars, voice changes, infection, and bleeding.

What are the Recovery Process, Risks, and Complications of Female to Male Surgery?

The recovery process, risks, and complications of female to male surgery vary depending on the type, technique, and extent of the surgery, as well as the individual’s health condition, healing ability, and adherence to post-operative care. In general, some common aspects of the recovery process are:

  • Taking prescribed painkillers, antibiotics, and anti-inflammatory drugs to manage pain, prevent infection, and reduce swelling.
  • Wearing compression garments, bandages, drains, and splints to support the surgical site and prevent fluid accumulation.
  • Avoiding strenuous activities, smoking, alcohol, and blood-thinning medications to promote healing and prevent bleeding.
  • Following the surgeon’s instructions on wound care, hygiene, diet, and exercise.
  • Attending regular follow-up appointments to monitor the healing progress, remove stitches, and address any concerns or complications.

Some common risks and complications of female to male surgery are:

  • Infection: This is a condition where bacteria or other microorganisms enter the surgical site and cause inflammation, pain, redness, pus, fever, and malaise. Infection can be prevented by taking antibiotics, keeping the surgical site clean and dry, and avoiding contact with contaminated objects or people. Infection can be treated by increasing the dose of antibiotics, draining the pus, and in severe cases, performing a revision surgery.
  • Bleeding: This is a condition where blood leaks from the blood vessels and accumulates under the skin or in the tissues. Bleeding can be prevented by avoiding blood-thinning medications, smoking, alcohol, and strenuous activities. Bleeding can be treated by applying pressure, elevating the affected area, and in severe cases, performing a revision surgery or a blood transfusion.
  • Scarring: This is a condition where the body produces excess collagen to repair the damaged skin, resulting in raised, thick, or discolored marks on the skin. Scarring can be prevented by minimizing the tension on the skin, using silicone sheets or gels, and avoiding sun exposure. Scarring can be treated by using steroid injections, laser therapy, or surgical revision.
  • Nerve damage: This is a condition where the nerves that supply sensation or movement to the skin or muscles are injured or severed, resulting in numbness, tingling, pain, or weakness. Nerve damage can be prevented by using a skilled and experienced surgeon, avoiding excessive traction or compression on the nerves, and protecting the nerves during the surgery. Nerve damage can be treated by using nerve grafts, nerve transfers, or electrical stimulation.
  • Graft failure: This is a condition where the skin graft or fat graft that is used to create the penis or the cheeks does not survive, resulting in necrosis, infection, or deformation. Graft failure can be prevented by using a healthy and well-vascularized donor site, ensuring adequate blood supply and oxygenation to the graft, and avoiding infection or trauma to the graft. Graft failure can be treated by removing the dead or infected tissue, applying topical or systemic antibiotics, and performing a revision surgery.
  • Urethral stricture: This is a condition where the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the outside, becomes narrowed or blocked, resulting in difficulty or pain in urinating, urinary tract infections, or urinary retention. Urethral stricture can be prevented by using a gentle and precise technique to extend the urethra, avoiding infection or trauma to the urethra, and dilating the urethra regularly. Urethral stricture can be treated by using a catheter, a balloon, or a stent to widen the urethra, or performing a revision surgery.
  • Fistula: This is a condition where an abnormal connection forms between two organs or tissues, such as the urethra and the skin, the bladder and the vagina, or the rectum and the vagina, resulting in leakage of urine, feces, or gas. Fistula can be prevented by using a meticulous and sterile technique to create the genitalia, avoiding infection or trauma to the genitalia, and maintaining good hygiene and nutrition. Fistula can be treated by using antibiotics, drainage, or surgical closure.
  • Erectile dysfunction: This is a condition where the penis does not become hard or stay hard enough for sexual intercourse, resulting in reduced sexual satisfaction and performance. Erectile dysfunction can be prevented by using a reliable and functional technique to create the penis, preserving the sensation and blood supply to the penis, and avoiding psychological or physical factors that may impair sexual function. Erectile dysfunction can be treated by using oral medications, injections, vacuum devices, or penile implants.

What are the Mental Health Considerations of Female to Male Surgery?

Female to male surgery can have a significant impact on the mental health of the individual, as well as their partner, family, and friends. Some of the mental health considerations of female to male surgery are:

  • Psychological evaluation: This is a process where a qualified mental health professional assesses the individual’s readiness, motivation, expectations, and potential outcomes of female to male surgery. Psychological evaluation can help the individual to explore their gender identity, understand the benefits and risks of female to male surgery, and address any underlying mental health issues, such as depression, anxiety, or trauma. Psychological evaluation can also help the surgeon to determine the best surgical plan for the individual, and provide them with informed consent and support.
  • Gender dysphoria: This is a condition where the individual feels a mismatch between their assigned sex at birth and their gender identity, resulting in distress, discomfort, or dissatisfaction with their body or social role. Gender dysphoria can be alleviated by female to male surgery, as it can help the individual to align their physical appearance with their gender identity, and improve their self-esteem, confidence, and quality of life. However, gender dysphoria may not be completely resolved by female to male surgery, as the individual may still face social stigma, discrimination, or violence, or have unrealistic or unmet expectations of the surgery. Therefore, the individual should continue to receive psychological counseling, hormone therapy, and social support after the surgery, to cope with any remaining or emerging challenges.
  • Body image: This is a term that refers to how the individual perceives, feels, and thinks about their own body. Body image can be improved by female to male surgery, as it can help the individual to achieve a more masculine and attractive appearance, and feel more comfortable and authentic in their body. However, body image may also be affected by female to male surgery, as the individual may experience scarring, swelling, bruising, or asymmetry, or have complications or dissatisfaction with the surgery. Therefore, the individual should have realistic and flexible expectations of the surgery, and focus on the positive aspects of their body, rather than the negative ones.
  • Sexual function and satisfaction: This is a term that refers to how the individual performs, feels, and enjoys sexual activities. Sexual function and satisfaction can be enhanced by female to male surgery, as it can help the individual to have a more functional and sensitive penis, and engage in sexual intercourse and orgasm. However, sexual function and satisfaction may also be impaired by female to male surgery, as the individual may experience pain, bleeding, infection, or erectile dysfunction, or have difficulty or discomfort with penetration or ejaculation. Therefore, the individual should communicate openly and honestly with their partner, use lubricants and condoms, and explore different ways of expressing intimacy and pleasure.
  • Social and relational adjustment: This is a term that refers to how the individual interacts and relates with other people, such as their partner, family, friends, co-workers, or strangers. Social and relational adjustment can be facilitated by female to male surgery, as it can help the individual to pass as a man in public, and feel more accepted and respected by others. However, social and relational adjustment may also be hindered by female to male surgery, as the individual may face rejection, hostility, or violence from others, or have conflicts or misunderstandings with their partner, family, or friends. Therefore, the individual should seek and maintain supportive and affirming relationships, educate and inform others about their gender identity and transition, and avoid or confront discrimination and harassment.

What are the Cost and Insurance Coverage of Female to Male Surgery?

The cost and insurance coverage of female to male surgery vary depending on the type, technique, and extent of the surgery, as well as the location, reputation, and experience of the surgeon and the hospital. In general, some common aspects of the cost and insurance coverage are:

  • Cost: The cost of female to male surgery can range from $5,000 to $150,000, depending on the number and complexity of the procedures, the anesthesia and hospital fees, the post-operative care and medications, and the travel and accommodation expenses. The cost of female to male surgery can be a significant financial burden for many individuals, as it may not be covered by their insurance or health care system, or may require a long waiting time or a strict eligibility criteria. Therefore, the individual should research and compare different surgeons and hospitals, and plan and save for their surgery accordingly.

Sure, I will continue writing the section on insurance coverage.

  • Insurance coverage: The insurance coverage of female to male surgery can vary from full to partial to none, depending on the policy and provider of the insurance, the diagnosis and documentation of the individual, and the medical necessity and efficacy of the surgery. The insurance coverage of female to male surgery can be a significant challenge for many individuals, as they may face denial, delay, or limitation of their claims, or have to pay high deductibles, co-payments, or out-of-pocket expenses. Therefore, the individual should review and understand their insurance policy, consult with their insurance company and surgeon, and appeal or negotiate their claims if needed.

What are the Medical Tourism Options for Female to Male Surgery?

Medical tourism is a term that refers to traveling to another country or region for medical care, usually to seek lower costs, higher quality, or faster access. Medical tourism can be an attractive option for many individuals who are interested in female to male surgery, as they may find more affordable, experienced, or available surgeons and hospitals in other countries or regions.

Some of the most popular destinations for female to male surgery are:

  • Turkey: Turkey is a country that offers high-quality and low-cost female to male surgery, as well as a rich and diverse culture and history. Turkey has many qualified and reputable surgeons and hospitals that specialize in female to male surgery, especially in the cities of Istanbul and Antalya. Turkey also has a favorable exchange rate, a convenient location, and a friendly and hospitable people. However, Turkey also has some drawbacks, such as language barriers, cultural differences, political instability, and security risks.
  • India: India is a country that offers low-cost and experienced female to male surgery, as well as a vibrant and colorful culture and heritage. India has many skilled and renowned surgeons and hospitals that perform female to male surgery, especially in the cities of Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore. India also has a large and supportive transgender community, a diverse and exotic cuisine, and a spiritual and mystical atmosphere. However, India also has some drawbacks, such as poor sanitation, pollution, traffic, and corruption.
  • Thailand: Thailand is a country that offers high-quality and affordable female to male surgery, as well as a beautiful and tropical scenery and climate. Thailand has many proficient and respected surgeons and hospitals that offer female to male surgery, especially in the cities of Bangkok, Chiang Mai, and Phuket. Thailand also has a tolerant and accepting attitude towards transgender people, a lively and fun nightlife, and a delicious and spicy food. However, Thailand also has some drawbacks, such as long waiting times, visa requirements, and political unrest.
  • Poland: Poland is a country that offers low-cost and reliable female to male surgery, as well as a rich and diverse culture and history. Poland has many competent and trustworthy surgeons and hospitals that provide female to male surgery, especially in the cities of Warsaw, Krakow, and Gdansk. Poland also has a favorable exchange rate, a convenient location, and a friendly and hospitable people. However, Poland also has some drawbacks, such as language barriers, cultural differences, and cold weather.
  • Hungary: Hungary is a country that offers low-cost and high-quality female to male surgery, as well as a beautiful and historic scenery and architecture. Hungary has many skilled and reputable surgeons and hospitals that perform female to male surgery, especially in the city of Budapest. Hungary also has a favorable exchange rate, a convenient location, and a friendly and hospitable people. However, Hungary also has some drawbacks, such as language barriers, cultural differences, and political instability.
  • Mexico: Mexico is a country that offers low-cost and experienced female to male surgery, as well as a vibrant and colorful culture and heritage. Mexico has many qualified and renowned surgeons and hospitals that offer female to male surgery, especially in the cities of Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Monterrey. Mexico also has a large and supportive transgender community, a diverse and exotic cuisine, and a warm and sunny weather. However, Mexico also has some drawbacks, such as poor sanitation, pollution, crime, and violence.
  • Spain: Spain is a country that offers high-quality and affordable female to male surgery, as well as a beautiful and diverse scenery and climate. Spain has many proficient and respected surgeons and hospitals that provide female to male surgery, especially in the cities of Madrid, Barcelona, and Valencia. Spain also has a tolerant and accepting attitude towards transgender people, a lively and fun nightlife, and a delicious and varied food. However, Spain also has some drawbacks, such as long waiting times, visa requirements, and political unrest.
  • Belgium: Belgium is a country that offers high-quality and reliable female to male surgery, as well as a rich and diverse culture and history. Belgium has many competent and trustworthy surgeons and hospitals that perform female to male surgery, especially in the cities of Brussels, Antwerp, and Ghent. Belgium also has a favorable exchange rate, a convenient location, and a friendly and hospitable people. However, Belgium also has some drawbacks, such as language barriers, cultural differences, and cold weather.
  • Germany: Germany is a country that offers high-quality and experienced female to male surgery, as well as a beautiful and historic scenery and architecture. Germany has many skilled and reputable surgeons and hospitals that offer female to male surgery, especially in the cities of Berlin, Munich, and Hamburg. Germany also has a large and supportive transgender community, a diverse and modern cuisine, and a stable and efficient system. However, Germany also has some drawbacks, such as high costs, visa requirements, and strict regulations.
  • USA: USA is a country that offers high-quality and experienced female to male surgery, as well as a diverse and dynamic culture and society. USA has many qualified and renowned surgeons and hospitals that perform female to male surgery, especially in the cities of New York, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. USA also has a large and supportive transgender community, a diverse and innovative cuisine, and a vibrant and creative atmosphere. However, USA also has some drawbacks, such as high costs, insurance issues, and social stigma.
  • United Kingdom: United Kingdom is a country that offers high-quality and reliable female to male surgery, as well as a rich and diverse culture and history. United Kingdom has many competent and trustworthy surgeons and hospitals that provide female to male surgery, especially in the cities of London, Manchester, and Edinburgh. United Kingdom also has a tolerant and accepting attitude towards transgender people, a lively and fun nightlife, and a delicious and varied food. However, United Kingdom also has some drawbacks, such as long waiting times, visa requirements, and cold weather.
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Female to male surgery is a complex and life-changing process that involves various surgical procedures to create a more masculine appearance. Female to male surgery can have many benefits, such as improving the physical, psychological, and social well-being of the individual, but also many challenges, such as facing the risks, complications, and costs of the surgery. Therefore, the individual should carefully weigh the pros and cons of female to male surgery, and seek professional guidance and support before, during, and after the surgery. Female to male surgery can be a rewarding and fulfilling experience for many individuals, as it can help them to achieve their desired gender identity and expression.

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