Dr. MFO – FFS Surgeon in Turkey

FTM Top Surgery: A Comprehensive Guide for Trans & Non-Binary Individuals



Gender identity is a complex and personal aspect of one’s identity, and for some people, it does not match their assigned sex at birth. This can cause a lot of distress and discomfort, especially when it comes to one’s physical appearance and body image. For transgender men, or those who identify as male but were assigned female at birth, one of the most common ways to align their body with their gender identity is to undergo female to male top surgery.

Female to male top surgery, also known as FTM top surgery, chest masculinization surgery, or chest reconstruction surgery, is a surgical procedure that removes breast tissue and reshapes the chest to create a more masculine appearance. It can also involve nipple and areola reduction, relocation, or grafting, depending on the patient’s preferences and goals. FTM top surgery can have a significant impact on one’s self-esteem, confidence, and quality of life, as well as reduce gender dysphoria and improve mental health.

However, FTM top surgery is not a simple or easy decision to make. It involves a lot of preparation, research, consultation, and recovery, as well as potential risks and complications. It also requires a lot of financial, emotional, and social support, as well as legal and medical documentation. Therefore, it is important to understand the journey of FTM top surgery, from the initial steps to the final results, and what to expect along the way.

In this article, we will explore the journey of FTM top surgery, including the following topics:

  • The benefits and challenges of FTM top surgery
  • The different types and techniques of FTM top surgery
  • The eligibility and requirements for FTM top surgery
  • The cost and financing options for FTM top surgery
  • The pre-operative and post-operative care for FTM top surgery
  • The results and satisfaction rates of FTM top surgery
  • The role of Turkey as a popular destination for FTM top surgery

By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of what FTM top surgery entails, and whether it is right for you or someone you know. You will also learn about the advantages and disadvantages of choosing Turkey as your FTM top surgery destination, and how to find the best surgeon and clinic for your needs.

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The Benefits and Challenges of FTM Top Surgery

FTM top surgery can have many benefits for transgender men, both physically and psychologically. Some of the benefits include:

  • Achieving a more masculine and natural-looking chest that matches one’s gender identity and expression
  • Eliminating the need to bind, which can be uncomfortable, painful, and harmful to one’s health
  • Increasing one’s comfort and confidence in wearing different types of clothing, such as shirts, swimwear, and formal wear
  • Enhancing one’s social and sexual relationships, as well as one’s intimacy and pleasure
  • Reducing or eliminating gender dysphoria, which is the distress and discomfort caused by the incongruence between one’s gender identity and assigned sex
  • Improving one’s mental health and well-being, such as reducing depression, anxiety, stress, and suicidal thoughts
  • Affirming one’s identity and validating one’s transition

However, FTM top surgery also comes with some challenges and drawbacks, such as:

  • The possibility of surgical complications, such as infection, bleeding, hematoma, seroma, scarring, nerve damage, loss of sensation, asymmetry, contour irregularities, and unsatisfactory aesthetic results
  • The need for revision surgery, either to correct complications or to improve the appearance of the chest
  • The risk of regret or dissatisfaction, especially if one’s expectations are unrealistic or not met by the surgeon
  • The cost and availability of FTM top surgery, which can vary depending on the country, the surgeon, the technique, and the insurance coverage
  • The legal and medical hurdles, such as obtaining a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, a letter of recommendation from a mental health professional, and a consent form from a parent or guardian (if under 18)
  • The social and emotional challenges, such as facing stigma, discrimination, harassment, or violence from others, or losing support from family, friends, or partners
  • The recovery process, which can be long, painful, and inconvenient, and require a lot of care and assistance

Therefore, FTM top surgery is not a decision to be taken lightly, and one should weigh the pros and cons carefully before proceeding. It is also advisable to seek professional guidance and support from qualified and experienced medical and mental health providers, as well as from other transgender men who have undergone FTM top surgery or are planning to do so.

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The Different Types and Techniques of FTM Top Surgery

FTM top surgery can be performed using different types and techniques, depending on the size, shape, and elasticity of the breasts, as well as the patient’s preferences and goals. The main types of FTM top surgery are:

  • Subcutaneous mastectomy, which involves removing the breast tissue through a small incision along the lower edge of the areola. This technique preserves the nipple and areola, and results in minimal scarring and natural-looking nipples. However, it is only suitable for patients with small and firm breasts, and may not achieve enough chest flattening or contouring.
  • Double incision mastectomy, which involves removing the breast tissue through two horizontal incisions along the upper and lower edges of the chest. This technique allows for maximum chest flattening and contouring, and can accommodate any breast size and shape. However, it also removes the nipple and areola, which are then grafted back onto the chest in a smaller and higher position. This results in more visible scarring and possible loss of sensation or viability of the nipples.
  • Keyhole mastectomy, which involves removing the breast tissue through a circular incision around the areola. This technique preserves the nipple and areola, and results in minimal scarring and natural-looking nipples. However, it is only suitable for patients with small and elastic breasts, and may not achieve enough chest flattening or contouring.
  • Periareolar mastectomy, which involves removing the breast tissue through two concentric circular incisions around the areola. This technique preserves the nipple and areola, and allows for some chest flattening and contouring. It also reduces the size of the areola, and results in less visible scarring than the double incision technique. However, it may not be suitable for patients with large or sagging breasts, and may require more than one surgery to achieve the desired results.

The choice of the type and technique of FTM top surgery depends on several factors, such as the patient’s anatomy, expectations, and budget, as well as the surgeon’s expertise and recommendations. Therefore, it is important to consult with a qualified and experienced surgeon who can assess the patient’s suitability and offer the best option for their needs.

The Eligibility and Requirements for FTM Top Surgery

FTM top surgery is not a procedure that anyone can undergo without meeting certain eligibility and requirements. These are usually based on the standards of care and guidelines established by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH), which is an international organization that promotes the health and well-being of transgender people. According to the WPATH standards of care, the eligibility and requirements for FTM top surgery are:

  • The patient must be at least 18 years old, or have the consent of a parent or guardian if under 18
  • The patient must have a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, which is confirmed by a qualified mental health professional
  • The patient must have a letter of recommendation from a qualified mental health professional, which states that the patient is ready and able to undergo FTM top surgery
  • The patient must have lived in their desired gender role for at least 12 months, and have received hormone therapy for at least 12 months, unless there are medical contraindications or personal reasons
  • The patient must be in good physical and mental health, and have no medical conditions or medications that could interfere with the surgery or the recovery
  • The patient must be aware of the benefits and risks of FTM top surgery, and have realistic expectations and goals
  • The patient must be able to afford the cost of FTM top surgery, and have access to a qualified and experienced surgeon and clinic

These eligibility and requirements are not absolute, and may vary depending on the country, the surgeon, the clinic, and the patient. Therefore, it is advisable to check with the specific surgeon and clinic that one is considering for FTM top surgery, and to follow their instructions and recommendations.

The Cost and Financing Options for FTM Top Surgery

FTM top surgery is not a cheap or easy procedure to afford, as it can cost anywhere from $3,000 to $10,000 USD, depending on the country, the surgeon, the technique, and the clinic. The cost of FTM top surgery usually includes the following expenses:

  • The surgeon’s fee, which covers the consultation, the surgery, and the follow-up visits
  • The anesthesia fee, which covers the administration of general or local anesthesia during the surgery
  • The hospital or clinic fee, which covers the use of the operating room, the equipment, and the staff
  • The medication fee, which covers the prescription of antibiotics, painkillers, and anti-inflammatory drugs after the surgery
  • The garment fee, which covers the purchase of a compression vest or binder to wear after the surgery
  • The travel and accommodation fee, which covers the transportation and lodging costs for the patient and their companion, if they choose to have FTM top surgery abroad
  • The miscellaneous fee, which covers any additional expenses, such as taxes, tips, food, or entertainment

The total cost of FTM top surgery can vary widely depending on the location and quality of the service, and it may not include all of the expenses mentioned above. Therefore, it is advisable to ask for a detailed and transparent breakdown of the cost from the surgeon and clinic before booking the surgery.

Unfortunately, FTM top surgery is not always covered by insurance, as some insurance companies may consider it a cosmetic or elective procedure, rather than a medically necessary one. However, this is changing as more and more countries and states are recognizing the importance and legitimacy of FTM top surgery for transgender men, and are requiring insurance companies to cover it. Therefore, it is advisable to check with one’s insurance provider and policy before seeking FTM top surgery, and to obtain a pre-authorization letter if possible.

If FTM top surgery is not covered by insurance, or if the insurance coverage is insufficient, there are other financing options available for transgender men who wish to undergo FTM top surgery, such as:

  • Personal savings, which involves setting aside a portion of one’s income or assets for FTM top surgery. This is the most straightforward and reliable way to finance FTM top surgery, but it may take a long time and require a lot of discipline and sacrifice.
  • Personal loans, which involve borrowing money from a bank, a credit union, or a private lender for FTM top surgery. This can be a quick and convenient way to finance FTM top surgery, but it may also incur high interest rates, fees, and penalties, and affect one’s credit score and debt-to-income ratio.
  • Crowdfunding, which involves raising money from online platforms, such as GoFundMe, Kickstarter, or Indiegogo, for FTM top surgery. This can be a creative and effective way to finance FTM top surgery, but it may also require a lot of marketing, promotion, and transparency, and depend on the generosity and support of strangers.
  • Grants and scholarships, which involve applying for and receiving financial aid from organizations, foundations, or individuals that support transgender health and well-being, such as the Jim Collins Foundation, the Transgender Foundation of America, or the Point of Pride Annual Transgender Surgery Fund. This can be a rewarding and empowering way to finance FTM top surgery, but it may also be very competitive, selective, and limited, and require a lot of documentation and eligibility criteria.

The choice of the financing option for FTM top surgery depends on several factors, such as the patient’s financial situation, credit history, and urgency, as well as the availability and accessibility of the option. Therefore, it is important to research and compare the different financing options for FTM top surgery, and to choose the one that best suits one’s needs and goals.

The Pre-Operative and Post-Operative Care for FTM Top Surgery

FTM top surgery is not a one-time procedure that ends after the surgery is done. It requires a lot of care and attention before and after the surgery, to ensure a smooth and successful recovery and outcome. The pre-operative and post-operative care for FTM top surgery usually involves the following steps:

  • The pre-operative consultation, which involves meeting with the surgeon and the anesthesiologist before the surgery, to discuss the details, expectations, and risks of the surgery, and to answer any questions or concerns that the patient may have. The surgeon may also take some measurements, photographs, and blood tests, and prescribe some medications to prepare the patient for the surgery.
  • The pre-operative preparation, which involves following the surgeon’s instructions and recommendations before the surgery, such as stopping smoking, drinking, and taking certain medications or supplements, avoiding certain foods and drinks, and arranging for transportation and accommodation. The patient may also need to wash their chest and hair with a special soap, and shave their chest if needed.
  • The surgery day, which involves arriving at the hospital or clinic at the scheduled time, and checking in with the staff. The patient may need to sign some consent forms, and change into a gown and a cap. The anesthesiologist will administer general or local anesthesia, and the surgeon will perform the surgery using the chosen technique. The surgery may take anywhere from one to four hours, depending on the complexity and extent of the procedure.
  • The post-operative recovery, which involves staying at the hospital or clinic for a few hours or days, depending on the surgeon’s advice and the patient’s condition. The patient may experience some pain, swelling, bruising, bleeding, and numbness in their chest, and may have some drains, bandages, and stitches. The patient may also need to wear a compression vest or binder to support and protect their chest, and to take some medications to prevent infection, inflammation, and pain.
  • The post-operative follow-up, which involves visiting the surgeon and the clinic for regular check-ups and evaluations, to monitor the healing and progress of the chest, and to remove the drains, bandages, and stitches. The surgeon may also provide some instructions and tips on how to care for the chest at home, such as how to clean, dress, and massage the chest, and what activities to avoid or limit, such as lifting, stretching, exercising, and sleeping. The patient may also need to continue wearing the compression vest or binder for a few weeks or months, depending on the surgeon’s advice and the patient’s comfort.
  • The post-operative results, which involve seeing and enjoying the final outcome of the chest, which may take several months or even years to fully settle and mature. The patient may notice some changes and improvements in their chest, such as reduced size, improved shape, and relocated nipples. The patient may also notice some scars and loss of sensation in their chest, which may fade and improve over time, but may not completely disappear. The patient may also feel some emotions and reactions, such as happiness, relief, gratitude, or regret, which are normal and valid, and may require some support and counseling.

The pre-operative and post-operative care for FTM top surgery is an essential and integral part of the journey, and it can affect the quality and satisfaction of the surgery. Therefore, it is important to follow the surgeon’s and the clinic’s instructions and recommendations, and to seek help and support from qualified and experienced medical and mental health providers, as well as from other transgender men who have undergone FTM top surgery or are planning to do so.

The Results and Satisfaction Rates of FTM Top Surgery

FTM top surgery is a life-changing procedure that can have a profound impact on one’s appearance, identity, and well-being. The results and satisfaction rates of FTM top surgery are generally high and positive, as most transgender men report improved self-esteem, confidence, and quality of life after the surgery. However, the results and satisfaction rates of FTM top surgery can also vary depending on several factors, such as the patient’s expectations, goals, and preferences, as well as the surgeon’s skill, experience, and technique.

The results of FTM top surgery can be evaluated using different criteria, such as:

  • The aesthetic outcome, which refers to how the chest looks after the surgery, in terms of size, shape, symmetry, contour, and nipple position. The aesthetic outcome can be influenced by the patient’s anatomy, the type and technique of the surgery, and the healing process. The aesthetic outcome can be measured using objective tools, such as photographs, scales, and ratings, or subjective tools, such as surveys, interviews, and feedback.
  • The functional outcome, which refers to how the chest feels and performs after the surgery, in terms of sensation, mobility, and comfort. The functional outcome can be influenced by the patient’s physiology, the type and technique of the surgery, and the recovery process. The functional outcome can be measured using objective tools, such as tests, exams, and assessments, or subjective tools, such as surveys, interviews, and feedback.
  • The psychological outcome, which refers to how the chest affects one’s mental and emotional health and well-being after the surgery, in terms of gender dysphoria, depression, anxiety, stress, and satisfaction. The psychological outcome can be influenced by the patient’s psychology, the type and technique of the surgery, and the support system. The psychological outcome can be measured using objective tools, such as scales, questionnaires, and inventories, or subjective tools, such as surveys, interviews, and feedback.

The satisfaction rates of FTM top surgery can be calculated using different methods, such as:

  • The percentage of patients who report being satisfied or very satisfied with their chest after the surgery, based on the criteria mentioned above
  • The percentage of patients who report being dissatisfied or very dissatisfied with their chest after the surgery, based on the criteria mentioned above
  • The percentage of patients who report having no regrets or minimal regrets about undergoing the surgery, based on the criteria mentioned above
  • The percentage of patients who report having revision surgery or requesting revision surgery after the surgery, based on the criteria mentioned above

According to the existing literature and studies, the results and satisfaction rates of FTM top surgery are generally high and positive, ranging from 80% to 95%, depending on the source and the method. However, these numbers may not reflect the diversity and complexity of the transgender population and their experiences, and may not account for the individual and contextual factors that affect the results and satisfaction rates of FTM top surgery. Therefore, it is important to acknowledge and respect the variability and subjectivity of the results and satisfaction rates of FTM top surgery, and to seek professional guidance and support from qualified and experienced medical and mental health providers, as well as from other transgender men who have undergone FTM top surgery or are planning to do so.

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The Role of Turkey as a Popular Destination for FTM Top Surgery

Turkey is a country that is located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, and has a rich and diverse culture, history, and geography. Turkey is also a country that is emerging as a popular destination for FTM top surgery, as it offers several advantages and opportunities for transgender men who wish to undergo FTM top surgery, such as:

  • The quality and affordability of FTM top surgery, which can be comparable or even superior to other countries, such as the US, the UK, or Thailand. Turkey has a large and growing number of qualified, experienced, and trans-friendly plastic surgeons who use the latest techniques and technologies to perform FTM top surgery. Turkey also has a low cost of living and a favorable exchange rate, which makes FTM top surgery more accessible and budget-friendly for transgender men from different countries and backgrounds.
  • The availability and accessibility of FTM top surgery, which can be easier and faster than other countries, such as the US, the UK, or Thailand. Turkey has a relaxed and flexible legal and medical system, which does not require a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, a letter of recommendation, or a period of hormone therapy or living in the desired gender role for FTM top surgery. Turkey also has a convenient and frequent transportation network, which connects Turkey to many countries and regions, and makes FTM top surgery more convenient and hassle-free for transgender men from different countries and backgrounds.
  • The attractiveness and diversity of Turkey, which can be enjoyable and rewarding for transgender men who wish to undergo FTM top surgery. Turkey has a lot to offer in terms of tourism, culture, cuisine, and entertainment, which can make FTM top surgery more enjoyable and memorable for transgender men and their companions. Turkey also has a lot to offer in terms of diversity, tolerance, and acceptance, which can make FTM top surgery more comfortable and safe for transgender men and their companions.

However, Turkey is not a perfect or ideal destination for FTM top surgery, as it also has some disadvantages and challenges for transgender men who wish to undergo FTM top surgery, such as:

  • The possibility and probability of complications, which can be higher or lower than other countries, depending on the surgeon, the clinic, and the patient. FTM top surgery is a major and invasive procedure, which carries some inherent risks and complications, such as infection, bleeding, hematoma, seroma, scarring, nerve damage, loss of sensation, asymmetry, contour irregularities, and unsatisfactory aesthetic results. These risks and complications can be minimized or avoided by choosing a qualified and experienced surgeon and clinic, and by following the pre-operative and post-operative care instructions. However, they can also be exacerbated or aggravated by choosing a unqualified or inexperienced surgeon and clinic, or by neglecting the pre-operative and post-operative care instructions.
  • The need and cost of revision surgery, which can be higher or lower than other countries, depending on the surgeon, the clinic, and the patient. FTM top surgery is a complex and subjective procedure, which may not always achieve the desired or expected results, or may cause some complications that require correction or improvement. Revision surgery is a secondary or additional procedure that aims to correct or improve the results or complications of the primary procedure. Revision surgery can be necessary or optional, depending on the severity and impact of the results or complications. Revision surgery can also be costly and inconvenient, depending on the availability and accessibility of the surgeon and clinic, and the patient’s financial and physical situation.
  • The social and cultural barriers, which can be higher or lower than other countries, depending on the location, the time, and the people. Turkey is a country that has a diverse and dynamic society and culture, which can be welcoming and supportive, or hostile and oppressive, depending on the location, the time, and the people. Turkey is a country that has a secular and democratic government, but also a conservative and religious population, which can create some conflicts and tensions, especially regarding gender and sexuality issues. Turkey is a country that has a progressive and modern outlook, but also a traditional and patriarchal structure, which can create some challenges and difficulties, especially for transgender and non-binary individuals.

Therefore, Turkey is a country that has a lot of potential and promise, but also a lot of pitfalls and problems, for transgender men who wish to undergo FTM top surgery. It is important to do a lot of research and consultation, and to weigh the pros and cons carefully, before choosing Turkey as one’s FTM top surgery destination. It is also advisable to seek professional guidance and support from qualified and experienced medical and mental health providers, as well as from other transgender men who have undergone FTM top surgery or are planning to do so in Turkey.


FTM top surgery is a surgical procedure that removes breast tissue and reshapes the chest to create a more masculine appearance. It can have a significant impact on one’s self-esteem, confidence, and quality of life, as well as reduce gender dysphoria and improve mental health. However, FTM top surgery is not a simple or easy decision to make, as it involves a lot of preparation, research, consultation, and recovery, as well as potential risks and complications. Therefore, it is important to understand the journey of FTM top surgery, from the initial steps to the final results, and what to expect along the way.

In this article, we have explored the journey of FTM top surgery, including the benefits and challenges, the different types and techniques, the eligibility and requirements, the cost and financing options, the pre-operative and post-operative care, the results and satisfaction rates, and the role of Turkey as a popular destination. By the end of this article, you should have a better understanding of what FTM top surgery entails, and whether it is right for you or someone you know. You should also have learned about the advantages and disadvantages of choosing Turkey as your FTM top surgery destination, and how to find the best surgeon and clinic for your needs.

We hope that this article has been informative and helpful for you, and that it has inspired you to pursue your empowering transformation. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us or leave a comment below. We would love to hear from you and support you in your journey. Thank you for reading, and we wish you all the best.

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What are the different types of FTM top surgery available?

There are various types, including double incision, periareolar, and keyhole/top surgery, each catering to different chest sizes and preferences.

What are the risks and benefits of each type of FTM top surgery?

Risks and benefits depend on the chosen procedure. Double incision offers more comprehensive results but involves longer scarring, while periareolar and keyhole have less scarring but may not be suitable for larger chests.

How do I know if I’m a good candidate for FTM top surgery?

A consultation with a qualified surgeon is essential. Generally, good candidates are in good health, have realistic expectations, and are emotionally prepared for the process.

What is the recovery process like after FTM top surgery?

Recovery varies but typically involves wearing a compression binder, limiting physical activity, and gradually resuming normal activities over a few weeks. Full recovery may take several months.

How much does FTM top surgery cost?

Cost varies based on factors like location, surgeon’s experience, and the type of procedure. On average, it can range from several thousand to tens of thousands of dollars.

How do I find a qualified surgeon for FTM top surgery?

Research surgeons with experience in transgender healthcare, read reviews, and ask for recommendations from LGBTQ+ communities. Ensure the surgeon is board-certified and has a positive track record.

What are some resources available to support me through the FTM top surgery process?

Seek support from local LGBTQ+ organizations, online forums, and mental health professionals. Many organizations provide information, counseling, and assistance throughout the FTM top surgery journey.

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