Dr. MFO – FFS Surgeon in Turkey

Fox Eye Surgery Costs Comparison Country by Country

Fox Eye Surgery Costs Comparison Country by Country

Fox eye surgery is a cosmetic procedure that aims to create a more lifted and elongated eye shape, similar to that of a fox. It is also known as foxy eyes procedure or fox eye thread lift. This surgery can enhance the appearance of the eyes and make them look more alert and attractive. However, fox eye surgery is not a cheap or simple operation. It involves risks, complications, and variations in quality and price depending on the country and the surgeon.

In this article, we will compare the fox eye surgery costs in different countries, and explore the factors that affect the price. We will also discuss the benefits and drawbacks of getting fox eye surgery abroad, and provide some tips on how to choose the best surgeon and clinic for your needs.

fox eye surgery in turkey

What is Fox Eye Surgery and How Does It Work?

Fox eye surgery is a type of facial feminization surgery that modifies the shape and position of the eyebrows and the eyelids. It can be done in two ways: surgical or non-surgical.

The surgical method involves making incisions along the hairline and the temples, and lifting the skin and the muscles to create a more slanted and arched brow. The excess skin and fat are removed, and the incisions are closed with sutures. The surgical method can also include blepharoplasty, which is the removal of excess skin and fat from the upper and lower eyelids, to create a more almond-shaped eye.

The non-surgical method involves inserting thin threads under the skin, and pulling them to lift the eyebrows and the eyelids. The threads are made of absorbable material, and they dissolve over time. The non-surgical method is less invasive and has a shorter recovery time, but it also has less lasting results and may require repeated treatments.

Both methods of fox eye surgery can achieve a similar effect, but they have different advantages and disadvantages. The surgical method can provide more dramatic and permanent results, but it also has more risks, such as scarring, infection, bleeding, nerve damage, asymmetry, and loss of sensation. The non-surgical method can provide more natural and subtle results, but it also has less durability and may cause complications, such as inflammation, infection, migration, or breakage of the threads.

How Much Does Fox Eye Surgery Cost in Different Countries?

The cost of fox eye surgery can vary widely depending on the country and the surgeon. The price can range from $1,000 to $10,000 or more, depending on the method, the complexity, the location, the reputation, and the experience of the surgeon.

Here are some examples of the average fox eye surgery costs in different countries, based on the data from various online sources:

  • Turkey: Turkey is one of the most popular destinations for medical tourism, especially for cosmetic surgery. Turkey offers high-quality and affordable fox eye surgery, with an average cost of $2,000 for the surgical method, and $1,000 for the non-surgical method. Turkey also has a rich culture and history, and a beautiful landscape, making it an attractive place to visit and recover. However, Turkey also has some drawbacks, such as language barriers, safety issues, and lack of regulation and accreditation of some clinics and surgeons. Therefore, it is important to do thorough research and choose a reputable and certified surgeon and clinic in Turkey.
  • South Korea: South Korea is another popular destination for medical tourism, especially for eye surgery. South Korea has a high standard and expertise in cosmetic surgery, and offers a variety of options and techniques for fox eye surgery. The average cost of fox eye surgery in South Korea is $3,000 for the surgical method, and $1,500 for the non-surgical method. South Korea also has a modern and vibrant culture, and a diverse and delicious cuisine, making it an enjoyable place to visit and recover. However, South Korea also has some drawbacks, such as language barriers, cultural differences, and potential risks of overcorrection or unnatural results. Therefore, it is important to communicate clearly and choose a qualified and experienced surgeon and clinic in South Korea.
  • USA: The USA is one of the most expensive countries for cosmetic surgery, but it also has some of the best surgeons and facilities in the world. The average cost of fox eye surgery in the USA is $6,000 for the surgical method, and $3,000 for the non-surgical method. The USA also has a diverse and multicultural society, and a wide range of attractions and activities, making it an exciting place to visit and recover. However, the USA also has some drawbacks, such as high travel and accommodation costs, long waiting times, and strict visa requirements. Therefore, it is important to plan ahead and choose a board-certified and reputable surgeon and clinic in the USA.
  • UK: The UK is another expensive country for cosmetic surgery, but it also has some of the most skilled and experienced surgeons and facilities in Europe. The average cost of fox eye surgery in the UK is $7,000 for the surgical method, and $3,500 for the non-surgical method. The UK also has a rich and diverse culture and history, and a scenic and charming landscape, making it a lovely place to visit and recover. However, the UK also has some drawbacks, such as high travel and accommodation costs, long waiting times, and potential risks of Brexit-related complications. Therefore, it is important to book early and choose a registered and reputable surgeon and clinic in the UK.

What are the Benefits and Drawbacks of Getting Fox Eye Surgery Abroad?

Getting fox eye surgery abroad can have some benefits and drawbacks, depending on the country and the surgeon. Here are some of the pros and cons of getting fox eye surgery abroad:


  • Lower cost: Getting fox eye surgery abroad can save you a lot of money, as the price can be significantly lower than in your home country. This can make fox eye surgery more affordable and accessible for many people who want to enhance their appearance and confidence.
  • Higher quality: Getting fox eye surgery abroad can also provide you with higher quality and expertise, as some countries and surgeons have more experience and specialization in this procedure. This can ensure that you get the best results and satisfaction from your fox eye surgery.
  • Travel opportunity: Getting fox eye surgery abroad can also give you a chance to travel and explore a new country and culture. You can combine your fox eye surgery with a vacation and enjoy the sights, sounds, and tastes of a different place. This can make your fox eye surgery more fun and memorable.


  • Higher risk: Getting fox eye surgery abroad can also involve higher risk and uncertainty, as you may not be familiar with the standards and regulations of the country and the surgeon. You may also face some challenges and complications, such as language barriers, cultural differences, travel issues, infection, or dissatisfaction. Therefore, you need to be careful and cautious when choosing a country and a surgeon for your fox eye surgery abroad.
  • Longer recovery: Getting fox eye surgery abroad can also require longer recovery and follow-up, as you may need to stay in the country for a few days or weeks after the procedure. You may also need to travel back to the country for any revisions or corrections, which can be costly and inconvenient. Therefore, you need to be prepared and patient when getting fox eye surgery abroad.
  • Less support: Getting fox eye surgery abroad can also mean less support and comfort, as you may not have your family and friends around you during and after the procedure. You may also feel lonely and isolated in a foreign country, and have difficulty finding reliable and trustworthy information and assistance. Therefore, you need to be independent and resourceful when getting fox eye surgery abroad.

How to Choose the Best Surgeon and Clinic for Fox Eye Surgery?

Choosing the best surgeon and clinic for fox eye surgery is crucial, as it can affect the outcome and satisfaction of your procedure. Here are some tips on how to choose the best surgeon and clinic for fox eye surgery:

  • Do your research: Before you decide on a country and a surgeon for your fox eye surgery, you should do your research and compare the options and prices. You should look for reliable and credible sources, such as online reviews, testimonials, ratings, portfolios, and certifications. You should also contact the surgeons and clinics directly, and ask them questions about their qualifications, experience, methods, results, and risks.
  • Check the credentials: When you choose a surgeon and a clinic for your fox eye surgery, you should check their credentials and verify their legitimacy and reputation. You should look for evidence of their education, training, certification, accreditation, and membership in professional associations. You should also look for evidence of their safety, hygiene, and quality standards, such as licenses, inspections, and audits.
  • Consult the surgeon: Before you book your fox eye surgery, you should consult the surgeon and have a face-to-face or online consultation. You should discuss your expectations, goals, preferences, and concerns with the surgeon, and listen to their recommendations and advice. You should also ask them to show you some before and after photos of their previous fox eye surgery patients, and explain the procedure, the recovery, and the potential complications to you. You should also ask them about the cost, the payment methods, and the warranty of the procedure.
  • Trust your instincts: Finally, when you choose a surgeon and a clinic for your fox eye surgery, you should trust your instincts and follow your gut feeling. You should choose a surgeon and a clinic that make you feel comfortable, confident, and respected. You should also avoid any surgeon and clinic that make you feel pressured, rushed, or doubtful. You should remember that fox eye surgery is a personal and important decision, and you should only do it if you are fully satisfied and ready.
Mehmet Fatih Okyay, MD, FEBOPRAS in Türkiye.

Why Choose Dr. MFO for Fox Eye Surgery?

When it comes to Fox Eye Surgery, the choice of surgeon is crucial. Dr. MFO, with his extensive experience and expertise, is a leading choice for those seeking to enhance their natural beauty.

Expertise in Fox Eye Surgery

Dr. MFO specializes in Fox Eye Surgery, a procedure that aims to make the eyes more raised and upwards. This surgical technique involves the repositioning of the eyelid skin and eyebrow structure to achieve a more lifted look.

Comprehensive and Personalized Approach

Dr. MFO’s approach to Fox Eye Surgery is comprehensive and personalized. The surgery typically consists of a specific number of procedures, varying according to the patient’s wishes. It can include different procedure combinations, such as brow lift, forehead shaping, rhinoplasty, cheekbone reduction, chin reduction, tracheal shave, and more.

Welcoming All Individuals

Fox Eye Surgery can be performed on both men and women who wish to enhance the natural beauty of their eyes. Dr. MFO welcomes all individuals and takes pride in performing gender-affirming surgeries.

Patient-Centric Care

Dr. MFO and his plastic surgery team use a highly personalized approach to create the most suitable plan for the patient’s needs and preferences. They discuss with the patient what they want and how they want it, eventually planning a procedure or a series of procedures.

Trust and Transparency

With Dr. MFO, there are no hidden costs or agents involved. The price is direct, and the clinic is an authorized international health tourism center.

Choosing Dr. MFO for your Fox Eye Surgery means choosing expertise, personalized care, and a commitment to helping you achieve the appearance that aligns with your identity. Book your consultation now and take the first step towards your transformation.

Fox Eye Surgery Costs Comparison Country by Country

Conclusion: Fox Eye Surgery Costs Comparison

Fox eye surgery is a cosmetic procedure that can create a more lifted and elongated eye shape, similar to that of a fox. It can improve the appearance and the confidence of the people who undergo it, but it also involves some challenges and costs. Therefore, it is important to compare the fox eye surgery costs in different countries, and weigh the pros and cons of getting fox eye surgery abroad. It is also important to choose the best surgeon and clinic for fox eye surgery, and follow some tips on how to do so. By doing these steps, you can ensure that you get the best results and satisfaction from your fox eye surgery.

Visit the Dr.MFO Instagram profile for examples of successful Surgeries. Contact for free consultation.

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