Dr. MFO – FFS Surgeon in Turkey

How to Find the Best Hair Transplant Surgeon in Antalya

Two happy Men, Best Hair Transplant Surgeon

Hair transplant is a surgical procedure that can restore your hair and improve your appearance. However, not all hair transplant surgeons are the same. The quality and outcome of your hair transplant depend largely on the skill and expertise of your hair transplant surgeon. Therefore, it is very important to choose the best hair transplant surgeon for your surgery.

But how can you find the best hair transplant surgeon in Antalya? Antalya is one of the most popular destinations for hair transplant in the world, as it offers affordable, high-quality, and safe services. However, there are also many hair transplant clinics and surgeons in Antalya, and not all of them are reliable and trustworthy. You need to do some research and comparison before you make your decision.

In this post, we will help you find the best hair transplant surgeon in Antalya, based on criteria such as qualifications, experience, reputation, reviews, and results.

Mehmet Fatih Okyay, MD, FEBOPRAS in Türkiye.


The first thing you need to check when looking for a hair transplant surgeon in Antalya is their qualifications. You want to make sure that your hair transplant surgeon has the proper education, training, certification, and license to perform hair transplant surgery. You can ask for their credentials or look for them on their website or social media profiles.

Some of the qualifications you should look for are:

  • A medical degree from a recognized university or institution
  • A specialization or fellowship in plastic surgery or dermatology
  • A certification or membership from a reputable national or international organization such as the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS) or the European Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ESHRS)
  • A license or authorization from the Turkish Ministry of Health or the Turkish Medical Association
man in white dress shirt sitting on white chair in front of computer, Best Hair Transplant Surgeon


The second thing you need to check when looking for a hair transplant surgeon in Antalya is their experience. You want to make sure that your hair transplant surgeon has enough experience and expertise in performing hair transplant surgery. You can ask for their portfolio or look for it on their website or social media profiles.

Some of the experience indicators you should look for are:

  • The number of years they have been practicing hair transplant surgery
  • The number of hair transplant surgeries they have performed
  • The types and techniques of hair transplant surgeries they offer
  • The types and characteristics of patients they have treated
  • The before and after photos and videos of their previous patients
Black and White Dentist Chair and Equipment, Best Hair Transplant Surgeon


The third thing you need to check when looking for a hair transplant surgeon in Antalya is their reputation. You want to make sure that your hair transplant surgeon has a good reputation and track record in the industry and among their peers and patients. You can ask for their references or look for them on their website or social media profiles.

Some of the reputation sources you should look for are:

  • Awards or recognition from national or international organizations or media outlets
  • Testimonials or feedback from their previous patients
  • Ratings or reviews from online platforms such as Google, Facebook, Trustpilot, or RealSelf
  • Recommendations or referrals from your friends, family, or acquaintances who have had hair transplant surgery in Antalya
doctor holding red stethoscope, Best Hair Transplant Surgeon


The fourth thing you need to check when looking for a hair transplant surgeon in Antalya is their results. You want to make sure that your hair transplant surgeon can deliver natural-looking and long-lasting results that meet your expectations and goals. You can ask for their guarantees or look for them on their website or social media profiles.

Some of the results factors you should look for are:

  • The survival rate and growth rate of the transplanted hair follicles
  • The density and coverage of the transplanted hair
  • The harmony and symmetry of the transplanted hair with the rest of the scalp and face
  • The satisfaction and happiness of their previous patients with their results
  • The warranty or assurance they offer for their results


Finding the best hair transplant surgeon in Antalya is not an easy task, but it is worth it. By choosing the best hair transplant surgeon for your surgery, you can ensure that you will get the best quality and outcome for your hair restoration. You can use the criteria we have discussed above to narrow down your options and compare them based on qualifications, experience, reputation, reviews, and results.

If you are interested in finding the best hair transplant surgeon in Antalya, you can visit our website or contact us via email or phone to book your free online consultation and get your quote and treatment plan.

FAQ About Best Hair Transplant Surgeon

  • What is hair transplant?
    • Hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves moving hair follicles from one part of the scalp to another part of the scalp where the hair is thinning or missing.
  • How much does hair transplant cost in Antalya?
    • The cost of hair transplant in Antalya varies depending on the number and type of procedures you need, but it is much lower than in other countries. The average cost is around $1,800 per session at Antalya Hair Transplant Clinic.
  • How can I find the best hair transplant surgeon in Antalya?
    • You can find the best hair transplant surgeon in Antalya by using the criteria we have discussed above, such as qualifications, experience, reputation, reviews, and results. You can also visit our website or contact us to get more information and assistance.
  • Is hair transplant safe in Antalya?
    • Hair transplant is safe in Antalya if you choose a qualified and experienced hair transplant surgeon who performs the surgery at an accredited clinic. You should also follow the pre-operative and post-operative instructions carefully and avoid any complications or infections.
  • How long do I need to stay in Antalya for hair transplant?
    • The length of your stay in Antalya for hair transplant depends on the number and type of procedures you need, but it is usually around 3-5 days. You will need to stay at the clinic for 1 day after your surgery and then at a hotel near the clinic for the rest of your recovery period.
  • What are the benefits of hair transplant?
    • The benefits of hair transplant are psychological, social, and physical. Hair transplant can help you restore your hair and improve your appearance. It can also improve your self-esteem, confidence, and happiness. It can also enhance your attractiveness and youthfulness.

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