Dr. MFO – FFS Surgeon in Turkey

Facial Feminization Surgery: A Guide for Transgender Women


If you are a transgender woman who wants to change your appearance to match your gender identity, you may consider facial feminization surgery (FFS). FFS is a set of surgical procedures that alter typically male facial features to bring them closer in shape and size to typical female facial features. FFS can include various bony and soft tissue procedures such as brow lift, rhinoplasty, cheek implantation, and lip augmentation

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FFS can help transgender women feel more comfortable and confident in their own skin, as well as reduce the distress caused by gender dysphoria. Gender dysphoria is the feeling of discomfort or distress that some transgender people experience when their assigned sex at birth does not match their gender identity

However, FFS is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Different people may have different goals and expectations for their facial feminization. Therefore, it is important to consult with a qualified and experienced surgeon who can assess your individual needs and preferences, and recommend the best surgical plan for you.

In this article, we will provide an overview of some of the most common types of FFS procedures, as well as some tips on how to prepare for them and what to expect after them.

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Table of Contents

Types of FFS Procedures

There are many types of FFS procedures that can be performed on different parts of the face. The most frequently discussed operations include upper face procedures, particularly of the forehead (17 studies, 77%) When discussing upper face procedures, some of the most common ones are:

  • Hairline correction: This procedure involves moving the hairline forward and giving it a more rounded shape. It can be done with scalp advancement or hair transplantation techniques.
  • Forehead recontouring: This procedure involves removing or reshaping the brow ridge (the horizontal ridge of bone above the eyebrows) that gives men a prominent forehead. It can be done with burring (removing bone), osteotomy (cutting bone), or hydroxyapatite grafting (using bone-like material).
  • Eye socket recontouring: This procedure involves reducing or reshaping the eye sockets that give men a deep-set look. It can be done with burring or osteotomy techniques.
  • Brow lift: This procedure involves lifting and tightening the skin around the eyes and forehead to create a more youthful appearance. It can be done with incisions along the hairline or inside the eyebrows.
  • Rhinoplasty: This procedure involves changing the shape or size of the nose to make it more feminine. It can involve altering the tip, bridge, nostrils, or cartilage of the nose.
  • Cheek implantation: This procedure involves inserting silicone implants under or over the cheekbones to create fuller cheeks.
  • Lip augmentation: This procedure involves injecting fat or silicone into the lips to make them larger and more defined.

Other types of FFS procedures that may be performed on other parts of the face include chin augmentation, jaw reduction or reshaping, neck contouring, ear reshaping, etc.

Preparing for FFS Procedures

Before undergoing any type of FFS procedure, you will need to undergo a thorough evaluation by your surgeon. You will need to provide information about your medical history, medications, allergies, smoking status, etc. You will also need to undergo physical examination by your surgeon who will measure your facial dimensions using standard photography in 19 studies (86%), advanced imaging such as cephalometry or computed tomography in 12 studies (55%), and virtual simulation using software in four studies (18%)

Your surgeon will also discuss with you your goals and expectations for your facial feminization surgery. You should have realistic expectations about what FFS can achieve for you and what limitations it may have. For example:

  • FFS cannot change your voice pitch or tone.
  • FFS cannot change your body hair distribution or growth pattern.
  • FFS cannot change your genitalia or chromosomes.
  • FFS may not completely eliminate all traces of male characteristics from your face.

You should also discuss with your surgeon about any potential risks or complications that may arise from FFS procedures such as bleeding, infection, damage to nearby structures, imbalance in facial features, an adverse reaction to anesthesia, hardware palpability, delayed wound healing, etc.

You should follow all instructions given by your surgeon regarding how to prepare for your surgery such as eating and drinking, adjusting current medications, quitting smoking, etc.

You should also follow up regularly with your surgeon after your surgery to monitor your healing process and address any issues that may arise.

Recovering from FFS Procedures

The recovery time from FFS procedures varies depending on the type and number of procedures performed, the individual healing process, and the post-operative care. In general, most patients can expect to experience some degree of swelling, bruising, pain, and numbness in the first few weeks after surgery. These symptoms usually subside gradually over time, but some may persist for months or even years.

To speed up the recovery and minimize the complications, patients should follow the instructions given by their surgeon regarding how to care for their wounds, how to manage their pain, how to prevent infection, how to reduce swelling, etc. Some of the common tips include:

  • Applying cold compresses or ice packs to the face to reduce swelling and inflammation.
  • Elevating the head while sleeping or resting to improve blood circulation and drainage.
  • Taking prescribed painkillers and antibiotics as directed by the surgeon.
  • Avoiding strenuous activities, smoking, alcohol, and sun exposure for several weeks or months after surgery.
  • Wearing a compression garment or bandage around the face to support the tissues and prevent fluid accumulation.
  • Keeping the incisions clean and dry and changing the dressings regularly.
  • Avoiding touching, scratching, or picking at the incisions or sutures.
  • Reporting any signs of infection, bleeding, or abnormal healing to the surgeon immediately.

The final results of FFS procedures may not be visible until several months or even years after surgery, as the swelling subsides and the tissues settle into their new positions. Patients should be patient and realistic about their expectations, and understand that FFS is not a magic bullet that can transform their appearance overnight. FFS is a complex and individualized process that requires careful planning, execution, and follow-up.


Facial feminization surgery is a set of surgical procedures that can help transgender women achieve a more feminine and harmonious facial appearance. FFS can have positive effects on the psychological and social well-being of transgender women, as well as reduce the distress caused by gender dysphoria. However, FFS is not a simple or easy procedure. It involves multiple risks, complications, and challenges that require careful consideration and preparation. Therefore, it is essential to consult with a qualified and experienced surgeon who can provide the best guidance and care for each patient.

Why You Should Choose Dr. MFO for Facial Feminization Surgery

If you are looking for a facial feminization surgery (FFS) that can give you a more feminine appearance, you should consider Dr. MFO, a world-renowned plastic surgeon and artist. Dr. MFO has over 10 years of experience in performing FFS and other cosmetic procedures, and he is certified by the European and Turkish Board of Plastic Surgery. He is also an authorized international health tourism center, which means he can offer you high-quality care at an affordable price.

Dr. MFO’s FFS is not just about changing your facial features, but also enhancing your natural beauty and personality. He will work with you to create a personalized plan that suits your needs and preferences, and he will use his artistic skills to achieve the best possible results. He will also provide you with aftercare instructions and follow-up consultations to ensure your satisfaction.

Some of the benefits of choosing Dr. MFO for FFS are:

  • He welcomes patients from all over the world, including trans people, cisgender women who want to look more feminine, and non-binary people who want to express their gender identity.
  • He offers all-inclusive packages that include flight, hotel, private nurse, medication, ground services, insurance, and more.
  • He performs FFS with advanced techniques and equipment that ensure safety and quality.
  • He welcomes revision or secondary cases if needed.
  • He has no hidden costs or extra fees.
  • He welcomes pride with gender-affirming surgeries including FFS, top surgery (mastectomy), breast augmentation or reduction, liposuction, tummy tuck, body-shaping in body aesthetics, facelift, nose aesthetics (rhinoplasty), facial feminization surgeries in facial aesthetics (eyelid surgery), cheek augmentation or reduction (buccal fat removal), chin reduction or implantation (chin augmentation), jawline contouring (mandibular advancement), neck contouring (tracheal shave), nipple implants or reduction (nipple reconstruction), brow lift or reshaping (eyebrow lift), eyelash extensions or removal (eyelash transplant), lip fillers or injections (lip augmentation or plumping).
  • He has thousands of successful surgeries under his belt and hundreds of happy patients who can attest to his professionalism and expertise.

If you are interested in learning more about Dr. MFO’s FFS or booking an appointment with him, please visit his website dr-mfo.com or contact him directly here. You can also read some testimonials from his previous patients here. Don’t miss this opportunity to transform your appearance and boost your confidence with Dr. MFO’s FFS!

Visit the Dr.MFO Instagram profile for examples of successful Surgeries. Contact for free consultation.


1. What is facial feminization surgery?

Facial feminization surgery (FFS) is a set of cosmetic surgical procedures designed to alter typically male facial features to bring them closer in shape and size to typical female facial features.

2. Who is a good candidate for facial feminization surgery?

A good candidate for FFS is someone who is in good health, has realistic expectations, and feels that their facial features do not match their gender identity.

3. What procedures are typically included in facial feminization surgery?

Typical procedures in FFS include forehead contouring, hairline lowering, eyebrow lift, rhinoplasty, cheek augmentation, lip lift, chin and jaw contouring, and tracheal shave.

4. How is the recovery process after facial feminization surgery?

Recovery from FFS varies depending on the procedures performed. Generally, patients can expect to return to non-strenuous activities within 2-3 weeks.

5. What are the risks and complications associated with facial feminization surgery?

As with any surgery, FFS carries risks such as infection, bleeding, scarring, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. Specific procedures have their own risks, which should be discussed with the surgeon.

6. How long does it take to see the final results of facial feminization surgery?

Final results of FFS can take up to a year to fully manifest, as swelling and healing can affect the appearance of the surgical area.

7. Can facial feminization surgery change the voice?

No, FFS does not change the voice. Voice feminization is a separate process that involves voice therapy or surgery on the vocal cords.

8. How does facial feminization surgery affect one’s ability to express emotions?

FFS does not typically affect emotional expression. However, changes to the forehead or eyebrows can subtly alter the way emotions are perceived by others.

9. What is the cost of facial feminization surgery?

The cost of FFS varies widely depending on the procedures performed, the surgeon’s experience, and the geographical location. It can range from several thousand to over twenty thousand dollars.

10. Is facial feminization surgery covered by insurance?

Some insurance companies cover FFS as part of their transgender healthcare coverage. However, coverage varies widely and patients should check with their insurance provider.

11. How to choose a surgeon for facial feminization surgery?

Choosing a surgeon for FFS should involve research into the surgeon’s experience, before-and-after photos, patient testimonials, and consultation to discuss goals and expectations.

12. What is the psychological impact of facial feminization surgery?

FFS can have a significant positive impact on self-esteem and body image, and can help alleviate gender dysphoria for many transgender women.

13. Can facial feminization surgery be reversed?

While some procedures can be reversed or modified, FFS is generally considered permanent. Therefore, it’s important to have clear goals and expectations before undergoing surgery.

14. What is the difference between facial feminization surgery and cosmetic surgery?

While both FFS and cosmetic surgery aim to alter physical appearance, FFS specifically aims to make facial features more typically feminine to help transgender women feel more aligned with their gender identity.

15. How does facial feminization surgery affect aging?

FFS does not stop the aging process, but certain procedures may alter how aging affects the face. For example, a facelift as part of FFS may reduce the appearance of future wrinkles.

16. What is the success rate of facial feminization surgery?

Success rates for FFS are generally high, with most patients reporting satisfaction with their results. However, success is subjective and depends on the individual’s goals and expectations.

17. Are there non-surgical alternatives to facial feminization surgery?

Yes, non-surgical alternatives such as facial fillers, Botox, and skincare treatments can help enhance feminine facial features, but they offer more subtle results than surgery.

18. How to prepare for facial feminization surgery?

Preparation for FFS may involve quitting smoking, avoiding certain medications, arranging for post-surgery care, and following any pre-surgery instructions provided by the surgeon.

19. What is the impact of facial feminization surgery on one’s professional life?

The impact of FFS on professional life varies. Some people find increased confidence and comfort in their professional interactions, while others may need to navigate changes in how they are perceived by colleagues.

20. Can facial feminization surgery change the size of the eyes?

While FFS does not directly change the size of the eyes, procedures such as a brow lift or eyelid surgery can create the appearance of larger, more open eyes.

21. How does facial feminization surgery affect the skin?

FFS can result in temporary changes to the skin, such as swelling, bruising, or changes in sensation. Long-term effects on the skin are generally related to the natural aging process rather than the surgery itself.

22. What is the impact of facial feminization surgery on personal relationships?

The impact of FFS on personal relationships can vary. Some people find that their relationships are strengthened, while others may face challenges as friends and family adjust to their new appearance.

23. Can facial feminization surgery change the shape of the nose?

Yes, rhinoplasty (nose reshaping) is often a part of FFS. It can make the nose smaller, reshape the nostrils, or change the angle between the nose and the upper lip.

24. How does facial feminization surgery affect the hairline?

Hairline lowering or reshaping can be part of FFS. This can help create a more typically feminine hairline by reducing the forehead size and rounding out the hairline.

25. What is the role of hormone therapy in facial feminization surgery?

Hormone therapy can help soften masculine features and promote feminine fat distribution, but its effects are limited. FFS can provide more dramatic changes that hormone therapy cannot achieve alone.

26. Can facial feminization surgery change the shape of the lips?

Yes, lip lift or lip filling procedures can be part of FFS. These can make the lips appear fuller or more prominent, which is often associated with a more feminine appearance.

27. How does facial feminization surgery affect the jawline?

FFS can involve jaw contouring to create a softer, more feminine jawline. This can involve shaving down the bone to reduce the angular appearance of the jaw.

28. What is the role of mental health professionals in facial feminization surgery?

Mental health professionals play a key role in FFS, providing psychological evaluations, ongoing support, and helping individuals navigate their feelings about their identity and the changes they are undergoing.

29. Can facial feminization surgery change the shape of the ears?

While FFS typically does not involve ear surgery, individuals who wish to alter the size or shape of their ears can discuss this with their surgeon.

30. How does facial feminization surgery affect the eyebrows?

FFS can involve an eyebrow lift to raise the position of the eyebrows, creating a more typically feminine appearance. This can also make the eyes appear larger and more open.

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