Dr. MFO – FFS Surgeon in Turkey

How Much Does Top Surgery Cost UK?


How Much Does Top Surgery Cost UK? Top surgery is a term that refers to the surgical procedures that transgender or non-binary people undergo to align their chest with their gender identity. Top surgery can involve breast augmentation, breast reduction, or chest reconstruction, depending on the individual’s goals and preferences. Top surgery is often a vital step in the transition process, as it can improve one’s self-esteem, mental health, and quality of life.

However, top surgery is not always easy to access or afford, especially in the UK. In this article, we will explore the different options, costs, and factors that affect the availability and affordability of top surgery in the UK. We will also compare the UK with other countries, such as Turkey, Korea, New Zealand, and Australia, where top surgery is more popular or cheaper. We hope that this article will help you understand the challenges and opportunities of getting top surgery in the UK and abroad.

How Much Does Top Surgery Cost UK?

How to Get Top Surgery in the UK?

There are two main ways to get top surgery in the UK: through the National Health Service (NHS) or privately. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, which we will discuss below.


The NHS is the public health system that provides free or low-cost health care to UK residents. The NHS covers the cost of top surgery for transgender or non-binary people who meet certain criteria and have a diagnosis of gender dysphoria from a Gender Identity Clinic (GIC). However, getting top surgery through the NHS can be very difficult and time-consuming, for several reasons:

  • There is a long waiting list for GIC appointments, which can take up to several years. According to a 2020 report by Stonewall, the average waiting time for a first GIC appointment was 18 months, and some people waited up to four years.
  • There is a shortage of GICs and surgeons who perform top surgery in the UK. There are only seven GICs in England, one in Scotland, and none in Wales or Northern Ireland. There are also only a handful of surgeons who are qualified and experienced in top surgery, and they often have limited availability and high demand.
  • There are strict eligibility criteria and requirements for top surgery on the NHS. These include having a diagnosis of gender dysphoria, living in the preferred gender role for at least one year, having regular hormone therapy for at least one year, and having two referrals from GIC clinicians. Some people may not meet these criteria or may not want to follow these steps, which can limit their access to top surgery on the NHS.
  • There is a lack of standardisation and consistency in the quality and outcomes of top surgery on the NHS. Different GICs and surgeons may have different protocols, techniques, and results, which can affect the satisfaction and safety of the patients. Some people may not be happy with the results of their top surgery on the NHS, and may need revisions or corrections, which can incur additional costs and risks.


The alternative to getting top surgery on the NHS is to go privately, which means paying for the surgery out of pocket or with the help of insurance or crowdfunding. Going privately can offer more flexibility, choice, and control over the top surgery process, but it also comes with higher costs and challenges, such as:

  • The cost of top surgery in the UK can vary depending on the type of surgery, the surgeon, the clinic, and the location. According to a 2020 survey by Transgender Surgery Support, the average cost of top surgery in the UK was £6,900, ranging from £4,000 to £10,000. This does not include the costs of consultations, travel, accommodation, aftercare, and potential complications or revisions.
  • The availability and quality of private top surgery in the UK can also vary depending on the surgeon and the clinic. Some surgeons and clinics may have longer waiting lists, higher prices, or lower standards than others. It is important to do thorough research and compare different options before choosing a private top surgery provider in the UK.
  • The accessibility and affordability of private top surgery in the UK can be limited by the lack of insurance coverage or financial support. Most insurance companies in the UK do not cover the cost of top surgery, as they consider it a cosmetic or elective procedure. Some people may resort to crowdfunding platforms, such as GoFundMe, to raise money for their top surgery, but this can be challenging and stressful, as it depends on the generosity and awareness of the donors.
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How to Get Top Surgery Abroad?

Another option for getting top surgery is to travel abroad, where top surgery may be more accessible, affordable, or desirable, depending on the country and the individual. Some of the most popular destinations for top surgery abroad are Turkey, Korea, New Zealand, and Australia, which we will compare with the UK in terms of the cost, quality, and availability of top surgery.



Turkey is one of the most popular and affordable destinations for top surgery abroad, especially for people from Europe and the Middle East. Turkey has a booming medical tourism industry, which offers high-quality and low-cost health care services to international patients. According to a 2019 report by the Turkish Healthcare Travel Council, Turkey hosted more than one million medical tourists, generating more than $1.5 billion in revenue.

One of the main attractions of Turkey for top surgery is the cost, which is significantly lower than in the UK or other European countries. According to a 2020 survey by Transgender Surgery Support, the average cost of top surgery in Turkey was £2,600, ranging from £1,500 to £4,000. This is less than half of the average cost of top surgery in the UK, and it often includes the costs of travel, accommodation, and aftercare.

Another attraction of Turkey for top surgery is the quality, which is comparable or superior to that of the UK or other European countries. Turkey has a large number of qualified and experienced surgeons who specialise in top surgery, as well as modern and accredited clinics and hospitals that adhere to international standards and regulations. Turkey also offers a variety of top surgery techniques and options, such as periareolar, double incision, keyhole, and buttonhole, which can suit different preferences and needs.

However, getting top surgery in Turkey also has some drawbacks and risks, such as:

  • The language barrier, which can make communication and understanding difficult or confusing. Although many surgeons and clinics in Turkey speak English or offer translation services, some may not, which can affect the quality and safety of the top surgery process.
  • The cultural and legal differences, which can make travelling and staying in Turkey uncomfortable or dangerous. Turkey is a predominantly Muslim country, which has conservative and traditional views on gender and sexuality. Transgender or non-binary people may face discrimination, harassment, or violence in Turkey, especially if they do not pass or blend in with the local population. Turkey also has restrictive and ambiguous laws on transgender rights, which can affect the access and protection of transgender or non-binary people in Turkey.
  • The potential complications or revisions, which can be costly and inconvenient to deal with abroad. Although top surgery in Turkey is generally safe and effective, some people may experience complications or dissatisfaction with their results, which may require further treatment or correction. However, travelling back to Turkey for revisions or follow-ups can be expensive and impractical, and finding a local surgeon who can fix the problem can be difficult and risky.
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Korea is another popular and affordable destination for top surgery abroad, especially for people from Asia and America. Korea has a reputation for being a global leader in cosmetic and plastic surgery, which attracts millions of medical tourists every year. According to a 2019 report by the Korea Health Industry Development Institute, Korea hosted more than 380,000 medical tourists, generating more than $1 billion in revenue.

One of the main attractions of Korea for top surgery is the cost, which is also lower than in the UK or other Western countries. According to a 2020 survey by Transgender Surgery Support, the average cost of top surgery in Korea was £3,300, ranging from £2,000 to £5,000. This is still cheaper than the average cost of top surgery in the UK, and it often includes the costs of travel, accommodation, and aftercare.

Another attraction of Korea for top surgery is the quality, which is also comparable or superior to that of the UK or other Western countries. Korea has a large number of qualified and experienced surgeons who specialise in top surgery, as well as modern and accredited clinics and hospitals that adhere to international standards and regulations. Korea also offers a variety of top surgery techniques and options, such as periareolar, double incision, keyhole, and buttonhole, which can suit different preferences and needs.

However, getting top surgery in Korea also has some drawbacks and risks, such as:

  • The language barrier, which can make communication and understanding difficult or confusing. Although many surgeons and clinics in Korea speak English or offer translation services, some may not, which can affect the quality and safety of the top surgery process.
  • The cultural and legal differences, which can make travelling and staying in Korea uncomfortable or dangerous. Korea is a predominantly Confucian country, which has conservative and traditional views on gender and sexuality. Transgender or non-binary people may face discrimination, harassment, or violence in Korea, especially if they do not pass or blend in with the local population.
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New Zealand

New Zealand is another popular and affordable destination for top surgery abroad, especially for people from Australia and Oceania. New Zealand has a progressive and inclusive culture, which supports and respects transgender and non-binary people. According to a 2018 report by ILGA, New Zealand ranked sixth in the world for LGBT rights and equality.

One of the main attractions of New Zealand for top surgery is the cost, which is also lower than in the UK or other Western countries. According to a 2020 survey by Transgender Surgery Support, the average cost of top surgery in New Zealand was £4,000, ranging from £3,000 to £5,000. This is still cheaper than the average cost of top surgery in the UK, and it often includes the costs of travel, accommodation, and aftercare.

Another attraction of New Zealand for top surgery is the quality, which is also comparable or superior to that of the UK or other Western countries. New Zealand has a number of qualified and experienced surgeons who specialise in top surgery, as well as modern and accredited clinics and hospitals that adhere to international standards and regulations. New Zealand also offers a variety of top surgery techniques and options, such as periareolar, double incision, keyhole, and buttonhole, which can suit different preferences and needs.

However, getting top surgery in New Zealand also has some drawbacks and risks, such as:

  • The distance and travel time, which can make travelling and staying in New Zealand expensive and exhausting. New Zealand is located in the South Pacific, which is far away from most parts of the world. The flight time from the UK to New Zealand is about 24 hours, and the time difference is about 12 hours. This can affect the health and comfort of the travellers, as well as the cost and availability of the flights and accommodation.
  • The availability and accessibility of top surgery in New Zealand, which can be limited by the demand and supply of the service. New Zealand has a relatively small population and market for top surgery, which means that there are fewer surgeons and clinics that offer top surgery, and they may have longer waiting lists, higher prices, or lower standards than other countries. It is important to do thorough research and compare different options before choosing a top surgery provider in New Zealand.
  • The potential complications or revisions, which can be costly and inconvenient to deal with abroad. Although top surgery in New Zealand is generally safe and effective, some people may experience complications or dissatisfaction with their results, which may require further treatment or correction. However, travelling back to New Zealand for revisions or follow-ups can be expensive and impractical, and finding a local surgeon who can fix the problem can be difficult and risky.
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Australia is another popular and affordable destination for top surgery abroad, especially for people from Oceania and Asia. Australia has a diverse and multicultural society, which welcomes and celebrates transgender and non-binary people. According to a 2018 report by ILGA, Australia ranked eighth in the world for LGBT rights and equality.

One of the main attractions of Australia for top surgery is the cost, which is also lower than in the UK or other Western countries. According to a 2020 survey by Transgender Surgery Support, the average cost of top surgery in Australia was £4,500, ranging from £3,500 to £6,000. This is still cheaper than the average cost of top surgery in the UK, and it often includes the costs of travel, accommodation, and aftercare.

Another attraction of Australia for top surgery is the quality, which is also comparable or superior to that of the UK or other Western countries. Australia has a large number of qualified and experienced surgeons who specialise in top surgery, as well as modern and accredited clinics and hospitals that adhere to international standards and regulations. Australia also offers a variety of top surgery techniques and options, such as periareolar, double incision, keyhole, and buttonhole, which can suit different preferences and needs.

However, getting top surgery in Australia also has some drawbacks and risks, such as:

  • The distance and travel time, which can make travelling and staying in Australia expensive and exhausting. Australia is located in the Southern Hemisphere, which is far away from most parts of the world. The flight time from the UK to Australia is about 22 hours, and the time difference is about 10 hours. This can affect the health and comfort of the travellers, as well as the cost and availability of the flights and accommodation.
  • The availability and accessibility of top surgery in Australia, which can be limited by the demand and supply of the service. Australia has a relatively large population and market for top surgery, which means that there are more surgeons and clinics that offer top surgery, but they may also have longer waiting lists, higher prices, or lower standards than other countries. It is important to do thorough research and compare different options before choosing a top surgery provider in Australia.
  • The potential complications or revisions, which can be costly and inconvenient to deal with abroad. Although top surgery in Australia is generally safe and effective, some people may experience complications or dissatisfaction with their results, which may require further treatment or correction. However, travelling back to Australia for revisions or follow-ups can be expensive and impractical, and finding a local surgeon who can fix the problem can be difficult and risky.
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Conclusion: How Much Does Top Surgery Cost UK?

In conclusion, top surgery is a life-changing and affirming procedure for many transgender and non-binary people, but it can also be challenging and costly to access and afford, especially in the UK. There are different options and factors to consider when choosing where and how to get top surgery, such as the cost, quality, availability, and accessibility of the service, as well as the personal preferences and needs of the individual.

Some people may opt to get top surgery in the UK, either through the NHS or privately, but they may face long waiting lists, high prices, strict criteria, or inconsistent outcomes. Some people may opt to get top surgery abroad, in countries such as Turkey, Korea, New Zealand, or Australia, where top surgery may be more accessible, affordable, or desirable, but they may face language barriers, cultural differences, travel difficulties, or potential complications.

Ultimately, the decision of where and how to get top surgery is a personal and complex one, which requires careful research, planning, and consultation. We hope that this article has provided some useful and interesting information and insights on the topic of top surgery in the UK and abroad. We also hope that you have enjoyed reading this article, and that you have learned something new and valuable. Thank you for your attention and interest.

Visit the Dr.MFO Instagram profile for examples of successful Surgeries. Contact for free consultation.

Mehmet Fatih Okyay, MD, FEBOPRAS in Türkiye.

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