Dr. MFO – FFS Surgeon in Turkey

Cat Eye Surgery Prices in Turkey: Why Should You Choose Turkey?

Cat Eye Surgery Prices in Turkey: Why Should You Choose Turkey?

Cat eye surgery, also known as lateral canthoplasty, is a cosmetic procedure that aims to create a more attractive and youthful appearance of the eyes by lifting the outer corners and reducing the sagging of the eyelids. This surgery can enhance the shape and size of the eyes, making them look more alert, expressive, and exotic. Cat eye surgery can also correct some functional problems, such as dry eyes, excessive tearing, or impaired vision caused by droopy eyelids.

Cat eye surgery is a popular choice among many celebrities and influencers, who want to achieve a more glamorous and distinctive look. However, this surgery can be quite expensive and risky in some countries, especially if it is not performed by a qualified and experienced surgeon. That is why many people are looking for alternative destinations that offer high-quality and affordable cat eye surgery.

One of the best options for cat eye surgery is Turkey, a country that has become a global leader in medical tourism and cosmetic surgery. Turkey offers many advantages for those who want to undergo cat eye surgery, such as:

  • Low cat eye surgery prices: Turkey has a competitive and dynamic healthcare system, which allows it to offer cat eye surgery at much lower prices than other countries. According to a report by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), the average cat eye surgery price in Turkey is around $1,500, while in the US it can cost up to $6,000, and in the UK up to $4,000. This means that you can save up to 75% by choosing Turkey for your cat eye surgery.
  • High-quality cat eye surgery: Turkey has a large number of accredited and modern hospitals and clinics, which are equipped with the latest technology and adhere to the highest standards of safety and hygiene. Turkey also has a pool of talented and skilled surgeons, who have extensive training and experience in performing cat eye surgery. Many of them are members of prestigious international associations, such as ISAPS, the European Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (ESPRAS), or the Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons (TPRCD). They use advanced techniques and methods to ensure optimal results and minimal complications for their patients.
  • Excellent customer service and aftercare: Turkey is known for its hospitality and friendly culture, which makes it a welcoming and comfortable destination for medical tourists. The staff at the hospitals and clinics are fluent in English and other languages, and they provide personalized and attentive care for their patients. They also offer comprehensive aftercare and follow-up services, such as dressing changes, medication, wound care, and post-operative check-ups. They can also arrange transportation, accommodation, and sightseeing for their patients, who can enjoy the beauty and diversity of Turkey during their recovery period.
  • Stunning location and attractions: Turkey is a country that combines the best of both worlds: the rich history and culture of the East, and the modernity and sophistication of the West. Turkey has a lot to offer for its visitors, from the majestic mosques and palaces of Istanbul, to the breathtaking beaches and resorts of Antalya, to the ancient ruins and natural wonders of Cappadocia. Turkey is a perfect place to relax and rejuvenate after your cat eye surgery, as you can explore its amazing scenery, cuisine, art, and entertainment.

How to Prepare for Cat Eye Surgery in Turkey?

If you are interested in having cat eye surgery in Turkey, you need to do some research and planning before you book your trip. Here are some steps that you should follow to prepare for your cat eye surgery in Turkey:

  • Find a reputable and reliable medical tourism agency: A medical tourism agency can help you find the best hospital and surgeon for your cat eye surgery in Turkey, as well as arrange all the details of your travel and stay. They can also provide you with useful information and advice on how to prepare for your surgery, what to expect during and after your surgery, and how to deal with any potential issues or complications. You should look for a medical tourism agency that has experience and expertise in cat eye surgery, and that has positive reviews and testimonials from previous customers.
  • Consult with your surgeon: Once you have chosen your hospital and surgeon, you should have an online or phone consultation with them, where they will evaluate your medical history, eye condition, and expectations. They will also explain the procedure, the risks, the benefits, and the recovery process of cat eye surgery. They will also answer any questions or concerns that you may have, and give you some instructions on how to prepare for your surgery, such as avoiding smoking, alcohol, blood thinners, and certain medications before your surgery.
  • Get ready for your trip: You should pack your essentials, such as your passport, visa, medical records, prescriptions, and personal items. You should also bring some comfortable and loose clothing, sunglasses, eye drops, and painkillers for your post-operative care. You should also arrange your flight, accommodation, and transportation in advance, and confirm your appointment with your surgeon and your medical tourism agency. You should also inform your family and friends about your trip, and have someone to accompany you or to contact in case of emergency.
  • Arrive in Turkey and have your surgery: You should arrive in Turkey at least one day before your surgery, and check in at your hotel or hospital. You should meet your surgeon and your medical tourism agency representative, who will guide you through the process and assist you with any needs. You should have your cat eye surgery on the scheduled date, which usually takes about one hour and is performed under local anesthesia. You will stay at the hospital or clinic for a few hours after your surgery, and then you will be transferred to your hotel or recovery center, where you will rest and recover.

What to Expect After Cat Eye Surgery in Turkey?

After your cat eye surgery in Turkey, you should follow some tips and recommendations to ensure a smooth and successful recovery. Here are some things that you should expect and do after your cat eye surgery in Turkey:

  • Expect some swelling, bruising, and discomfort: It is normal to experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort around your eyes for the first few days after your surgery. This will gradually subside and improve over time, as your eyes heal and adjust to their new shape. You can apply cold compresses, elevate your head, and take painkillers to reduce the inflammation and pain. You should also avoid rubbing, scratching, or touching your eyes, as this can cause infection or damage to the sutures.
  • Follow your surgeon’s instructions: Your surgeon will give you some specific instructions on how to care for your eyes after your surgery, such as how to clean, moisturize, and protect them. You should follow these instructions carefully and diligently, as they will help you prevent any complications and speed up your healing process. You should also attend your post-operative check-ups, where your surgeon will monitor your progress and remove your sutures if necessary. You should also report any signs of infection, bleeding, or abnormality to your surgeon immediately.
  • Limit your activities and exposure: You should limit your physical activities and exposure to sunlight, dust, wind, and water for the first few weeks after your surgery, as these can irritate or harm your eyes. You should avoid strenuous exercise, swimming, driving, reading, watching TV, or using computers or phones for the first few days after your surgery. You should also wear sunglasses, sunscreen, and a hat when you go outside, and avoid wearing makeup, contact lenses, or eye accessories until your surgeon advises you otherwise.
  • Enjoy your results and your stay: You should start to see the results of your cat eye surgery after about two weeks, when the swelling and bruising subside and your eyes settle into their new position. You will notice a significant improvement in the appearance and function of your eyes, as they will look more lifted, open, and attractive. You will also feel more confident and happy with your new look. You can also enjoy your stay in Turkey, as you can visit some of its amazing attractions and experience its culture and hospitality.
Mehmet Fatih Okyay, MD, FEBOPRAS in Türkiye.

Why Choose Dr. MFO for Cat Eye Surgery?

Cat eye surgery, also known as canthoplasty, is a procedure that modifies the shape and size of the eyes, giving them a more attractive, cat-like appearance. This surgery can be a great option for those looking for a long-lasting natural solution.

Choosing the right surgeon for this procedure is crucial, and here’s why Dr. MFO could be the right choice for you:

  1. Experience and Expertise: Dr. MFO has over 10 years of experience in plastic surgery and has performed thousands of successful surgeries. He is a European & Turkish Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and is intensely interested in body aesthetics, facial aesthetics, and breast aesthetic surgeries.
  2. Highly Rated: Dr. MFO has received excellent reviews from his patients, who commend his professionalism, sincerity, and the quality of his work.
  3. Comprehensive Care: Dr. MFO’s clinic offers all-inclusive packages that cover flight, hotel, private personal nurse, medication, ground services, insurance, and more.
  4. Welcoming Environment: Dr. MFO’s clinic welcomes Pride with gender-affirming surgeries including Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS), Top Surgery, and more.
  5. No Hidden Costs: With Dr. MFO, there are no agents involved, and there are no hidden costs. You get a direct price.
  6. Artistic Approach: Dr. MFO is not only a surgeon but also an artist. This unique combination allows him to bring an artistic perspective to his surgical procedures, enhancing the results.

Remember, choosing a surgeon is a personal decision, and it’s important to do your research and choose a surgeon who you feel comfortable with and who meets your specific needs. Visit Dr. MFO’s website for more information.

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Cat eye surgery is a cosmetic procedure that can enhance the beauty and youthfulness of your eyes, by lifting the outer corners and reducing the sagging of the eyelids. Cat eye surgery can also improve some functional issues, such as dry eyes, excessive tearing, or impaired vision caused by droopy eyelids.

Cat eye surgery can be quite expensive and risky in some countries, but Turkey offers a great alternative for those who want to have this surgery. Turkey has low cat eye surgery prices, high-quality cat eye surgery, excellent customer service and aftercare, and stunning location and attractions. Turkey is a perfect destination for cat eye surgery, as you can achieve your desired results and enjoy your recovery in a beautiful and friendly country.

If you are interested in having cat eye surgery in Turkey, you should contact a reputable and reliable medical tourism agency, who can help you find the best hospital and surgeon for your surgery, and arrange all the details of your travel and stay. You should also consult with your surgeon, who will evaluate your suitability and expectations for the surgery, and explain the procedure, the risks, the benefits, and the recovery process. You should also prepare for your trip, and follow the tips and recommendations for your post-operative care.

Cat eye surgery in Turkey can transform your eyes and your life, by giving you a more attractive and youthful look, and a more positive and confident attitude. Cat eye surgery in Turkey can make you feel like a star, and help you shine like one.

Visit the Dr.MFO Instagram profile for examples of successful Surgeries. Contact for free consultation.

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