Dr. MFO – FFS Surgeon in Turkey

How Much Does Hairline Lowering Surgery Cost in United Kingdom and Turkey?


Hairline lowering surgery, also known as forehead reduction surgery, scalp advancement flap, coronal flap surgery, or trichofrontale advancement, is a type of cosmetic surgery that aims to reduce the size of the forehead and create a more natural-looking hairline. It is a procedure that can benefit people who have a high or receding hairline, either due to genetics, aging, or hair loss. It can also improve the proportion and harmony of the face, creating a more balanced and youthful appearance.

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What is Hairline Lowering Surgery?

Hairline lowering surgery is a procedure that involves moving the hairline forward by removing a strip of skin from the forehead and advancing the scalp. The procedure can be performed in two ways:

  • Hairline advancement: This is the most common method, which involves making an incision along the hairline, removing a strip of skin from the forehead, and pulling the scalp forward to close the gap. The incision is then sutured or stapled, leaving a thin scar that is hidden by the hair. This method can lower the hairline by about 2 to 5 cm, depending on the elasticity and flexibility of the scalp. The procedure can be done under local or general anesthesia, and takes about 1 to 2 hours to complete.
  • Hairline transplant: This is an alternative method, which involves harvesting hair follicles from the back or sides of the head, and transplanting them to the front of the scalp, creating a new hairline. This method can lower the hairline by about 1 to 2 cm, depending on the number and quality of the grafts. The procedure can be done under local anesthesia, and takes about 3 to 6 hours to complete.
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Benefits of Hairline Lowering Surgery

Hairline lowering surgery can offer several benefits for people who want to improve the look of their forehead and hairline, such as:

  • Reducing the size of the forehead, which can make the face look more proportionate and feminine
  • Creating a more natural-looking hairline, which can enhance the facial features and frame the face
  • Improving the self-confidence and satisfaction with one’s appearance
  • Correcting the effects of aging, hair loss, or trauma on the hairline
  • Concealing any scars or irregularities on the forehead or hairline

How is Hairline Lowering Surgery Performed?

Hairline lowering surgery is performed as an outpatient procedure, meaning that the patient can go home the same day. The procedure usually involves the following steps:

  • The surgeon marks the desired position of the new hairline on the forehead, and draws the incision line along the existing hairline
  • The surgeon administers local or general anesthesia to the patient, depending on the method and the preference of the patient
  • The surgeon makes the incision along the hairline, and removes a strip of skin from the forehead, measuring about 1 to 3 cm in width and 10 to 15 cm in length
  • The surgeon pulls the scalp forward to cover the gap, and secures it with sutures or staples
  • The surgeon may also perform a forehead lift or a brow lift at the same time, to elevate the brows and smooth the wrinkles on the forehead
  • The surgeon applies a dressing and a bandage to the incision site, and monitors the patient for any complications

Recovery and Results of Hairline Lowering Surgery

The recovery from hairline lowering surgery is relatively quick and easy, compared to other types of cosmetic surgery. The patient may experience some pain, swelling, bruising, numbness, or itching of the scalp, which can be managed with painkillers, ice packs, and antibiotics. The patient should avoid washing, brushing, or styling the hair for at least a week, and avoid any activities that can cause tension or pressure on the scalp, such as wearing hats, helmets, or headbands, for at least a month. The patient should also avoid direct sunlight, heat, and smoking, for at least two months. The patient should follow the surgeon’s instructions and attend the follow-up appointments, to monitor the healing process and prevent any infections or complications.

The results of hairline lowering surgery are usually visible within a few weeks, and improve over time, as the swelling subsides and the hair grows. The results are expected to be permanent, unless the patient experiences further hair loss or aging. The patient may need to repeat the procedure in the future, if they wish to lower the hairline further or enhance the results. The patient may also need to undergo a hairline transplant to fill in any gaps or thin areas on the hairline, or to improve the density and scar concealment.

Risks and Complications of Hairline Lowering Surgery

Hairline lowering surgery is considered a safe and effective procedure, with minimal risks and complications. However, as with any surgery, there are some potential side effects and complications that the patient should be aware of, such as:

  • Infection, bleeding, or scarring of the scalp
  • Nerve damage, which can cause numbness, tingling, or loss of sensation on the forehead or scalp
  • Hair loss, which can occur along the incision line or in the donor area, due to trauma or shock
  • Asymmetry, overcorrection, or undercorrection of the hairline
  • Tension, tightness, or discomfort of the scalp
  • Recurrence of the high or receding hairline, due to further hair loss or aging
  • Dissatisfaction with the results or the appearance of the hairline

These risks and complications are rare, and can be prevented or treated by choosing a qualified and experienced surgeon, following the preoperative and postoperative instructions, and reporting any problems or concerns to the surgeon as soon as possible.

Costs and Medical Tourism of Hairline Lowering Surgery

The costs of hairline lowering surgery can vary depending on several factors, such as the location, the surgeon, the method, and the extent of the correction. The average cost of hairline lowering surgery in the United Kingdom is about £4,000 to £6,000, which may or may not include the fees for the anesthesia, the facility, and the follow-up care. The procedure is usually not covered by the NHS, unless it is medically necessary to treat a congenital or acquired deformity of the scalp.

However, many people choose to travel abroad to have hairline lowering surgery, as they can find more affordable and quality options in other countries. One of the most popular destinations for medical tourism is Turkey, which offers high standards of care, modern facilities, and experienced surgeons, at a fraction of the cost in the United Kingdom. For example, the average cost of hairline lowering surgery in Turkey is about £1,000 to £2,000, which includes the fees for the anesthesia, the facility, the follow-up care, and the accommodation and transportation. The procedure is performed in accredited hospitals and clinics, using the latest technology and equipment. The surgeons are board-certified and have extensive training and experience in performing hairline lowering surgery and other types of cosmetic surgery.

One of the most popular cities for medical tourism in Turkey is Antalya, which is located on the Mediterranean coast. Antalya is known for its beautiful beaches, historical sites, and cultural attractions, as well as its medical facilities and services. Antalya offers a variety of options for hairline lowering surgery, including hairline advancement, hairline transplant, forehead lift, and brow lift. Antalya also offers other types of cosmetic surgery, such as rhinoplasty, facelift, liposuction, and breast augmentation. Antalya is a great place to combine hairline lowering surgery with a relaxing and enjoyable vacation, as the patient can recover in a comfortable and scenic environment, and explore the city and its surroundings.


Hairline lowering surgery is a type of cosmetic surgery that can reduce the size of the forehead and create a more natural-looking hairline. It is a procedure that can benefit people who have a high or receding hairline, either due to genetics, aging, or hair loss. It can also improve the proportion and harmony of the face, creating a more balanced and youthful appearance. The procedure involves moving the hairline forward by removing a strip of skin from the forehead and advancing the scalp. The procedure can be performed in two ways: hairline advancement or hairline transplant. The procedure is performed as an outpatient procedure, and the recovery is relatively quick and easy. The results are usually visible within a few weeks, and last for several years. The procedure is considered safe and effective, with minimal risks and complications. The costs of hairline lowering surgery can vary depending on the location, the surgeon, and the extent of the correction. However, many people choose to travel abroad to have hairline lowering surgery, as they can find more affordable and quality options in other countries. One of the most popular destinations for medical tourism is Turkey, which offers high standards of care, modern facilities, and experienced surgeons, at a fraction of the cost in the United Kingdom. One of the most popular cities for medical tourism in Turkey is Antalya, which offers a variety of options for hairline lowering surgery and other types of cosmetic surgery, as well as a beautiful and cultural environment to recover and enjoy.

Visit the Dr.MFO Instagram profile for examples of successful Surgeries. Contact for free consultation.

Why Dr. MFO is Your Best Choice for Hairline Lowering Surgery in Antalya

When it comes to achieving a more proportionate facial appearance with Hairline Lowering Surgery, Dr. MFO is the best choice in Antalya. His expertise, dedication, and artistic vision make him a trusted name in the field of plastic surgery.

Unmatched Expertise

Dr. MFO has over 10 years of experience in plastic surgery and has performed thousands of successful surgeries. He is a European & Turkish Board Certified Plastic Surgeon and an Authorized International Health Tourism Center. His vast experience and deep understanding of the human anatomy enable him to provide top-notch surgical solutions that cater to the unique needs of each patient.

Specialization in Hairline Lowering Surgery

Dr. MFO specializes in Hairline Lowering Surgery, also known as Forehead Reduction. This procedure is designed to correct a wide, large, or long forehead, misshapen forehead hairline, baldness on the forehead, forehead hairline asymmetry, or a high forehead hairline. It can also be part of Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS) to obtain a rounded feminine hairline. The surgery can provide an ideal solution to correct the length and width of the forehead area and give satisfactory results in people whose forehead area is longer and wider than normal.

Comprehensive Care

Dr. MFO offers all-inclusive packages that cover everything from flight and hotel bookings to medication and ground services. He also provides a private personal nurse to ensure that patients receive the best care possible.

No Hidden Costs

With Dr. MFO, what you see is what you get. He maintains transparency in his pricing, ensuring that there are no hidden costs.

World-Renowned Plastic Surgeon and Artist

Dr. MFO is not just a surgeon; he is also an artist. He combines his surgical skills with his artistic vision to create results that are not only medically sound but also aesthetically pleasing.

Choosing Dr. MFO for your Hairline Lowering Surgery means choosing expertise, comprehensive care, and a commitment to your personal journey. Make an appointment now and take the first step towards your transformation.

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