Dr. MFO – FFS Surgeon in Turkey

Does Facial Feminization Leave Scars?

Does facial feminization leave scars?

Does facial feminization leave scars? Facial feminization is a term that refers to a set of surgical procedures that aim to modify the facial features of transgender women or nonbinary people who want to achieve a more feminine appearance. Facial feminization can include various interventions, such as forehead contouring, brow lift, rhinoplasty, cheek augmentation, lip lift, jaw reduction, chin reshaping, and tracheal shave. Facial feminization can help improve the self-esteem, confidence, and quality of life of those who seek it.

Does facial feminization leave scars?

However, facial feminization is not without risks and challenges. One of the most common concerns that people have before undergoing facial feminization is whether it will leave visible scars on their face. Scars are the result of the body’s natural healing process after an injury or a surgery. Scars can vary in size, shape, color, and texture, depending on the type, location, and extent of the wound, as well as the individual’s skin type, age, genetics, and health.

The answer to the question of whether facial feminization leaves scars is not simple. The truth is that any surgery that involves making incisions on the skin will leave some degree of scarring. However, the visibility and severity of the scars depend on many factors, such as the skill and technique of the surgeon, the type and location of the incisions, the care and treatment of the wounds, and the prevention and management of the complications.

In this article, we will discuss some of the factors that affect the scarring after facial feminization, and some of the tips and strategies that can help minimize and improve the appearance of the scars.

The skill and technique of the surgeon

One of the most important factors that influence the scarring after facial feminization is the skill and technique of the surgeon. A qualified and experienced surgeon will be able to perform the procedures with precision and accuracy, using advanced tools and equipment, and following strict safety and hygiene protocols. A skilled surgeon will also be able to choose the best type and location of the incisions, depending on the patient’s facial anatomy, goals, and preferences.

There are different types of incisions that can be used for facial feminization, such as:

  • Visible incisions: These are incisions that are easily noticeable from the outside and cannot be easily hidden. For example, some surgeons may use a hairline incision to perform forehead contouring or hairline lowering, which can result in a visible scar along the hairline. Visible incisions are usually avoided or used as a last resort, as they can compromise the aesthetic outcome of the surgery.
  • Hidden incisions: These are incisions that are not easily visible, as they are hidden in a natural manner. For example, some surgeons may use a coronal incision, which is made behind the hairline, to perform forehead contouring or brow lift, which can result in a hidden scar that is obscured by the hair. Hidden incisions are usually preferred, as they can preserve the natural appearance of the face.
  • Invisible incisions: These are incisions that are not visible from the exterior, as they are made from the inside of the mouth or the nose. For example, some surgeons may use an intraoral incision, which is made under the gum line, to perform jaw reduction or chin reshaping, which can result in an invisible scar that is not seen from the outside. Invisible incisions are ideal, as they can eliminate the risk of external scarring.

A skilled surgeon will be able to use the most appropriate type of incision for each procedure, and make the incisions as small, discreet, and symmetrical as possible, to reduce the scarring and improve the healing.

The type and location of the incisions

Another factor that affects the scarring after facial feminization is the type and location of the incisions. Different procedures require different incisions, and different incisions have different healing rates and outcomes. Some of the most common procedures and incisions for facial feminization are:

  • Forehead contouring and brow lift: These procedures involve reshaping the forehead and the brow bone to create a smoother and more feminine appearance. The most common incision for these procedures is the coronal incision, which is made behind the hairline, and can result in a hidden scar that is covered by the hair. However, some patients may have a high or receding hairline, which can make the coronal incision less feasible or desirable. In these cases, the surgeon may use a hairline incision, which is made along the hairline, and can result in a visible scar that may be noticeable after healing. Alternatively, the surgeon may use an endoscopic technique, which involves making several small incisions in the scalp, and using a camera and instruments to perform the procedures, and can result in minimal scarring and faster recovery.
  • Rhinoplasty: This procedure involves reshaping the nose to create a more harmonious and feminine profile. The most common incision for this procedure is the open rhinoplasty incision, which is made across the columella, the strip of skin between the nostrils, and can result in a small and discreet scar that is usually not noticeable after healing. However, some patients may have a thick or wide columella, which can make the open rhinoplasty incision less suitable or attractive. In these cases, the surgeon may use a closed rhinoplasty incision, which is made inside the nostrils, and can result in an invisible scar that is not seen from the outside. However, the closed rhinoplasty incision may limit the access and visibility of the surgeon, and may not be suitable for complex or extensive procedures.
  • Cheek augmentation: This procedure involves enhancing the volume and projection of the cheeks to create a more prominent and feminine contour. The most common incision for this procedure is the intraoral incision, which is made under the gum line, and can result in an invisible scar that is not seen from the outside. However, some patients may have a history of oral infections, inflammation, or allergies, which can make the intraoral incision less safe or comfortable. In these cases, the surgeon may use a transconjunctival incision, which is made inside the lower eyelid, and can result in a hidden scar that is concealed by the eyelashes. Alternatively, the surgeon may use a submalar incision, which is made under the cheekbone, and can result in a hidden scar that is blended with the natural crease of the face.
  • Lip lift and augmentation: These procedures involve lifting and enhancing the upper lip to create a more plump and feminine appearance. The most common incision for these procedures is the subnasal incision, which is made under the nose and curves under the nostrils, and can result in a small and discreet scar that is usually not noticeable after healing. However, some patients may have a short or thin upper lip, which can make the subnasal incision less effective or appealing. In these cases, the surgeon may use a corner lip lift incision, which is made at the corners of the mouth, and can result in a hidden scar that is camouflaged by the natural lines of the lips. Alternatively, the surgeon may use a vermilion border incision, which is made along the edge of the upper lip, and can result in a hidden scar that is blended with the natural color of the lips.
  • Jaw reduction and chin reshaping: These procedures involve reducing and refining the jaw and the chin to create a more slender and feminine appearance. The most common incision for these procedures is the intraoral incision, which is made under the gum line, and can result in an invisible scar that is not seen from the outside. However, some patients may have a large or prominent chin, which can make the intraoral incision less adequate or desirable. In these cases, the surgeon may use a submental incision, which is made under the chin, and can result in a small and discreet scar that is usually not noticeable after healing. Alternatively, the surgeon may use a sliding genioplasty technique, which involves cutting and moving the chin bone, and can result in no external scarring and more natural results.
  • Tracheal shave: This procedure involves reducing the size and prominence of the Adam’s apple to create a more smooth and feminine neck. The most common incision for this procedure is the submental incision, which is made under the chin, and can result in a small and discreet scar that is usually not noticeable after healing. However, some patients may have a low or recessed chin, which can make the submental incision less feasible or attractive. In these cases, the surgeon may use a cervical incision, which is made higher up the neck, and can result in a hidden scar that is concealed by the natural crease of the neck.

As you can see, the type and location of the incisions can vary depending on the procedure and the patient. The surgeon will be able to advise you on the best option for you, and explain the pros and cons of each incision.

The care and treatment of the wounds

Another factor that affects the scarring after facial feminization is the care and treatment of the wounds. Proper wound care and treatment can help prevent infections, reduce inflammation, and promote healing. Some of the tips and strategies for wound care and treatment are:

  • Follow the surgeon’s instructions: The surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to care for your wounds after the surgery, such as how to clean, dress, and protect them, how to apply ointments or creams, how to take painkillers or antibiotics, and how to monitor for signs of complications. You should follow these instructions carefully and diligently, and contact the surgeon if you have any questions or concerns.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking: Smoking and drinking can impair the blood flow and oxygen delivery to the wounds, which can delay the healing and increase the scarring. Therefore, you should avoid smoking and drinking for at least two weeks before and after the surgery, or as long as the surgeon advises you.
  • Avoid sun exposure and tanning: Sun exposure and tanning can damage the skin and cause hyperpigmentation, which can darken and worsen the appearance of the scars. Therefore, you should avoid sun exposure and tanning for at least six months after the surgery, or as long as the surgeon advises you. You should also use sunscreen and wear protective clothing, hats, and sunglasses when going outdoors.
  • Avoid stretching and rubbing: Stretching and rubbing can put tension and pressure on the wounds, which can cause them to widen and thicken, and increase the scarring. Therefore, you should avoid stretching and rubbing the wounds for at least six weeks after the surgery, or as long as the surgeon advises you. You should also avoid any activities that can cause excessive movement or friction on the face, such as sports, exercise, or massage.
  • Use silicone products: Silicone products, such as gels, sheets, or tapes, can help improve the appearance of the scars, by hydrating, softening, and flattening them. Silicone products can also reduce the itching, pain, and redness of the scars. Therefore, you may want to use silicone products on your scars, as recommended by your surgeon. You should apply the silicone products according to the instructions, and use them for at least three months, or as long as the surgeon advises you.

The prevention and management of the complications

Another factor that affects the scarring after facial feminization is the prevention and management of the complications. Complications are rare and usually minor, but they can occur after any surgery, and they can affect the healing and scarring of the wounds. Some of the possible complications after facial feminization are:

  • Infection: Infection is the invasion of bacteria or other microorganisms into the wounds, which can cause inflammation, pus, fever, and pain. Infection can delay the healing and increase the scarring of the wounds. Therefore, you should prevent infection by keeping the wounds clean and dry, using antiseptic solutions or creams, and taking antibiotics as prescribed by your surgeon. You should also monitor for signs of infection, such as redness, swelling, warmth, or foul odor, and contact your surgeon if you notice any of them.
  • Bleeding: Bleeding is the loss of blood from the wounds, which can cause bruising, swelling, and pain. Bleeding can also impair the healing and increase the scarring of the wounds. Therefore, you should prevent bleeding by avoiding blood thinners, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or alcohol, and applying pressure or ice on the wounds as instructed by your surgeon. You should also monitor for signs of bleeding, such as excessive drainage, hematoma, or anemia, and contact your surgeon if you notice any of them.
  • Nerve damage: Nerve damage is the injury or impairment of the nerves that supply the face, which can cause numbness, tingling, or weakness. Nerve damage can also affect the movement and expression of the face, and the sensation and function of the mouth, nose, or eyes. Nerve damage is usually temporary and reversible, but it can be permanent and irreversible in some cases. Therefore, you should prevent nerve damage by choosing a qualified and experienced surgeon, who can perform the procedures with care and precision, and avoid injuring the nerves. You should also monitor for signs of nerve damage, such as drooping, asymmetry, or difficulty in smiling, blinking, or chewing, and contact your surgeon if you notice any of them.
  • Scarring: Scarring is the formation of fibrous tissue on the wounds, which can cause discoloration, texture, or contour changes. Scarring is inevitable after any surgery, but it can be more or less visible and severe, depending on the factors we have discussed. Therefore, you should prevent and manage scarring by following the tips and strategies we have mentioned, such as choosing a skilled surgeon, caring for the wounds, and using silicone products. You should also monitor the appearance and evolution of the scars, and contact your surgeon if you notice any changes or problems.
Does facial feminization leave scars?

Conclusion: Does Facial Feminization Leave Scars?

Facial feminization is a set of surgical procedures that can help transgender women or nonbinary people achieve a more feminine appearance. However, facial feminization can also leave scars on the face, as any surgery that involves making incisions on the skin will leave some degree of scarring. However, the visibility and severity of the scars depend on many factors, such as the skill and technique of the surgeon, the type and location of the incisions, the care and treatment of the wounds, and the prevention and management of the complications.

In this article, we have discussed some of the factors that affect the scarring after facial feminization, and some of the tips and strategies that can help minimize and improve the appearance of the scars. We hope that this article has been informative and helpful for you, and that you have learned something new and useful. If you are interested in facial feminization, you can contact us for more information and assistance. We are a professional and reliable cosmetic surgery clinic that can help you plan and arrange your facial feminization surgery. We can provide you with the following services:

  • Free consultation and quotation: We can provide you with a free consultation and quotation for your facial feminization surgery, based on your needs and preferences. We can also answer any questions or concerns you may have about facial feminization surgery, such as the types and prices of procedures, the qualifications and experience of the surgeons, the facilities and the accreditation, the recovery and the aftercare, the risks and the complications, and the testimonials and the reviews.
  • Booking and coordination: We can help you book and coordinate your facial feminization surgery, including the dates, the times, the locations, the surgeons, and the payments. We can also help you arrange your travel and accommodation, such as your flights, your transfers, your hotels, and your tours. We can also provide you with a personal assistant who can accompany you during your stay, and help you with any issues or needs you may have.
  • Recovery and aftercare: We can help you with your recovery and aftercare after your facial feminization surgery, such as providing you with the necessary medication, dressing, bandages, and instructions. We can also help you with any follow-up appointments or check-ups you may need, and monitor your progress and results. We can also help you with any complications or problems you may encounter, and provide you with the appropriate solutions and referrals.
  • Satisfaction and guarantee: We can help you with your satisfaction and guarantee after your facial feminization surgery, such as providing you with the before and after photos, the certificates, and the receipts. We can also help you with any feedback or complaints you may have, and ensure that you are happy and satisfied with your facial feminization surgery. We can also offer you a guarantee that covers any revisions or corrections you may need, in case you are not satisfied with the results.

We are confident that we can provide you with the best facial feminization surgery service, and make your facial feminization surgery a memorable and enjoyable one. We have helped thousands of patients from all over the world to achieve their facial feminization surgery goals, and we have received many positive testimonials and reviews from our satisfied customers. You can read some of them here.


If you are ready to take the next step and have your facial feminization surgery, please contact us today and we will be happy to assist you. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for choosing us as your facial feminization surgery partner.

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1. What types of scars can facial feminization surgery leave?

Facial feminization surgery can leave various types of scars depending on the specific procedures performed. These can include fine line scars, hypertrophic scars, or in rare cases, keloid scars.

2. How visible are the scars from facial feminization surgery?

The visibility of scars from facial feminization surgery can vary. Surgeons aim to make incisions in discreet locations to minimize visible scarring, but some scarring may still be noticeable.

3. What techniques are used to minimize scarring in facial feminization surgery?

Surgeons use various techniques to minimize scarring in facial feminization surgery. These can include careful placement of incisions, meticulous surgical technique, and post-operative scar care.

4. How long does it take for scars from facial feminization surgery to heal?

The healing process for scars from facial feminization surgery can take several months to a year or more. This can depend on factors such as the individual’s health, the specific procedures performed, and how well the patient follows post-operative care instructions.

5. Can the scars from facial feminization surgery be treated or reduced?

Yes, there are treatments available that can help to reduce the appearance of scars from facial feminization surgery. These can include topical treatments, laser therapy, and in some cases, surgical revision.

6. Does the location of the surgery affect the visibility of scars in facial feminization surgery?

Yes, the location of the surgery can affect the visibility of scars in facial feminization surgery. Surgeons aim to make incisions in discreet locations to minimize visible scarring.

7. What factors can affect the severity of scarring after facial feminization surgery?

Factors that can affect the severity of scarring after facial feminization surgery include the individual’s skin type, the specific procedures performed, the skill of the surgeon, and how well the patient follows post-operative care instructions.

8. How does the surgeon’s skill impact the scarring from facial feminization surgery?

The skill of the surgeon can greatly impact the scarring from facial feminization surgery. A skilled surgeon can make precise incisions and use techniques that minimize scarring.

9. Are there any preventative measures that can be taken to reduce scarring from facial feminization surgery?

Yes, preventative measures can be taken to reduce scarring from facial feminization surgery. These can include following the surgeon’s post-operative care instructions, keeping the incision site clean, and using recommended scar care products.

10. What is the patient’s role in scar care after facial feminization surgery?

The patient’s role in scar care after facial feminization surgery is crucial. This can include keeping the incision site clean, avoiding sun exposure, and using recommended scar care products.

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