Dr. MFO – FFS Surgeon in Turkey

Where do Europeans go for plastic surgery? Is Turkey better than Thailand for plastic surgery?

man sitting on gang chair with feet on luggage looking at airplane

Where do Europeans go for plastic surgery? Plastic surgery is a branch of medicine that aims to improve the appearance and function of various parts of the body. Many people choose to have plastic surgery for cosmetic or reconstructive reasons, such as enhancing their facial features, correcting congenital defects, or restoring their body shape after weight loss or pregnancy. However, plastic surgery can also be very expensive and risky, depending on the type and extent of the procedure, the qualifications and experience of the surgeon, and the quality and safety of the facility.

Where do Europeans go for plastic surgery?

Therefore, many people who want to have plastic surgery look for alternative options abroad, where they can find more affordable and quality services. According to the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), the global leader in aesthetic plastic surgery statistics, the top 10 countries that performed the most cosmetic procedures in 2019 were:

  • United States
  • Brazil
  • Japan
  • Mexico
  • Italy
  • Germany
  • India
  • Turkey
  • France
  • Russia

Among these countries, Turkey and Thailand are two of the most popular destinations for plastic surgery tourism, especially for Europeans who want to combine their medical trip with a holiday. But which one is better for plastic surgery? In this article, we will compare the advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery in Turkey and Thailand, and help you decide which one is the best choice for you.

Plastic surgery in Turkey

Plastic surgery in Turkey

Turkey is a country that is located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, and has a rich and diverse culture, history, and nature. Turkey is also known for its advanced medical infrastructure, highly skilled doctors, and low prices for plastic surgery. According to ISAPS, Turkey performed about 1.1 million cosmetic procedures in 2019, ranking 8th in the world. Moreover, Turkey has the highest number of JCI-accredited hospitals in the world, which means that they meet the highest standards of quality and safety.

Some of the advantages of plastic surgery in Turkey are:

  • Low prices: The cost of plastic surgery in Turkey is much lower than in most European countries, due to the favorable exchange rate of the Turkish lira, the lower cost of living, the lower labor costs, and the lower taxes and regulations. For example, according to Medigo, a website that compares the prices of medical procedures in different countries, the average price of rhinoplasty in Turkey is about $2,500, while the same procedure in the UK would cost about $6,000.
  • High quality: The quality of plastic surgery in Turkey is very high, as the surgeons are well-trained and experienced, and the facilities are well-equipped and accredited. Many surgeons in Turkey have received international training and certification, and are members of prestigious associations, such as the Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (TPRECD), the European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (EBOPRAS), or the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS). Moreover, many facilities in Turkey are accredited by reputable organizations, such as the Joint Commission International (JCI), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), or the Turkish Medical Association (TMA).
  • Wide range of procedures: Turkey offers a wide range of procedures for plastic surgery, such as rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, liposuction, tummy tuck, facelift, hair transplant, dental implants, and more. These procedures can be customized and tailored to the needs and preferences of each patient, and can be combined with other treatments or services, such as laser therapy, botox, fillers, or spa.
  • Attractive and convenient location: Turkey is an attractive and convenient location for plastic surgery, as it offers a pleasant and relaxing environment, a rich and diverse culture, and a convenient and accessible transportation system. Turkey has a Mediterranean climate, with hot and dry summers and mild and rainy winters, which is ideal for recovering from plastic surgery. Turkey also has a long and fascinating history, dating back to the ancient times, and has many cultural and historical attractions, such as the Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, the Topkapi Palace, and the Grand Bazaar. Turkey also has a modern and efficient transportation system, with an international airport, a bus terminal, a metro line, and a public bus network, which makes it easy to travel to and from Turkey, as well as within Turkey.

Some of the disadvantages of plastic surgery in Turkey are:

  • Language barrier: The language barrier can be a challenge for some patients who want to have plastic surgery in Turkey, as not all doctors and staff speak fluent English, and some medical terms and concepts may be difficult to translate or understand. Therefore, it is important to find a reliable and professional translator or interpreter, who can help you communicate with your surgeon and your medical team, and explain to you the details and risks of your procedure, the pre-operative and post-operative instructions, and the consent forms. Alternatively, you can also look for a medical tourism agency or a hospital that provides English-speaking services and assistance for international patients.
  • Cultural differences: The cultural differences can also be an issue for some patients who want to have plastic surgery in Turkey, as there may be some differences in the expectations, preferences, and standards of beauty between the patients and the surgeons. For example, some patients may want a more natural and subtle result, while some surgeons may prefer a more dramatic and noticeable change. Therefore, it is important to have a clear and honest discussion with your surgeon before your procedure, and show them some photos or examples of the results you want to achieve, and the results you want to avoid. You should also ask your surgeon to show you some before and after photos of their previous patients, and see if you like their style and technique.
  • Potential complications: The potential complications are another factor that you should consider before having plastic surgery in Turkey, as there are some risks and side effects associated with any surgical procedure, such as infections, bleeding, nerve damage, scarring, or dissatisfaction with the results. Therefore, you should make sure that you are in good health and fit for surgery, and that you follow the pre-operative and post-operative instructions given by your surgeon and your medical team. You should also make sure that you have a valid travel insurance that covers medical expenses and complications, and that you have a contingency plan in case something goes wrong. You should also be prepared to stay in Turkey for at least a week or two after your procedure, and have some follow-up appointments or check-ups with your surgeon, and monitor your progress and results.

Plastic surgery in Thailand

Thailand is a country that is located in Southeast Asia, and has a tropical and diverse landscape, culture, and cuisine. Thailand is also known for its excellent medical infrastructure, experienced doctors, and low prices for plastic surgery. According to ISAPS, Thailand performed about 1.5 million cosmetic procedures in 2019, ranking 6th in the world. Moreover, Thailand has many JCI-accredited hospitals and clinics, which means that they meet the highest standards of quality and safety.

Some of the advantages of plastic surgery in Thailand are:

  • Low prices: The cost of plastic surgery in Thailand is much lower than in most European countries, due to the favorable exchange rate of the Thai baht, the lower cost of living, the lower labor costs, and the lower taxes and regulations. For example, according to Medigo, the average price of rhinoplasty in Thailand is about $1,500, while the same procedure in the UK would cost about $6,000.
  • High quality: The quality of plastic surgery in Thailand is very high, as the surgeons are well-trained and experienced, and the facilities are well-equipped and accredited. Many surgeons in Thailand have received international training and certification, and are members of prestigious associations, such as the Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons of Thailand (SPRST), the Royal College of Surgeons of Thailand (RCST), or the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS). Moreover, many facilities in Thailand are accredited by reputable organizations, such as the Joint Commission International (JCI), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), or the Medical Council of Thailand (MCT).
  • Wide range of procedures: Thailand offers a wide range of procedures for plastic surgery, such as rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, liposuction, tummy tuck, facelift, hair transplant, dental implants, and more. These procedures can be customized and tailored to the needs and preferences of each patient, and can be combined with other treatments or services, such as laser therapy, botox, fillers, or spa.
  • Attractive and convenient location: Thailand is an attractive and convenient location for plastic surgery, as it offers a beautiful and relaxing environment, a rich and diverse culture, and a convenient and accessible transportation system. Thailand has a tropical climate, with warm and humid weather all year round, which is ideal for recovering from plastic surgery. Thailand also has a long and fascinating history, dating back to the ancient times, and has many cultural and natural attractions, such as the Grand Palace, the Temple of the Emerald Buddha, the Floating Market, and the Phi Phi Islands. Thailand also has a modern and efficient transportation system, with an international airport, a bus terminal, a metro line, and a public bus network, which makes it easy to travel to and from Thailand, as well as within Thailand.

Some of the disadvantages of plastic surgery in Thailand are:

  • Language barrier: The language barrier can be a challenge for some patients who want to have plastic surgery in Thailand, as not all doctors and staff speak fluent English, and some medical terms and concepts may be difficult to translate or understand. Therefore, it is important to find a reliable and professional translator or interpreter, who can help you communicate with your surgeon and your medical team, and explain to you the details and risks of your procedure the pre-operative and post-operative instructions, and the consent forms. Alternatively, you can also look for a medical tourism agency or a hospital that provides English-speaking services and assistance for international patients.
  • Cultural differences: The cultural differences can also be an issue for some patients who want to have plastic surgery in Thailand, as there may be some differences in the expectations, preferences, and standards of beauty between the patients and the surgeons. For example, some patients may want a more natural and subtle result, while some surgeons may prefer a more dramatic and noticeable change. Therefore, it is important to have a clear and honest discussion with your surgeon before your procedure, and show them some photos or examples of the results you want to achieve, and the results you want to avoid. You should also ask your surgeon to show you some before and after photos of their previous patients, and see if you like their style and technique.
  • Potential complications: The potential complications are another factor that you should consider before having plastic surgery in Thailand, as there are some risks and side effects associated with any surgical procedure, such as infections, bleeding, nerve damage, scarring, or dissatisfaction with the results. Therefore, you should make sure that you are in good health and fit for surgery, and that you follow the pre-operative and post-operative instructions given by your surgeon and your medical team. You should also make sure that you have a valid travel insurance that covers medical expenses and complications, and that you have a contingency plan in case something goes wrong. You should also be prepared to stay in Thailand for at least a week or two after your procedure, and have some follow-up appointments or check-ups with your surgeon, and monitor your progress and results.

Comparison of plastic surgery in Turkey and Thailand

Based on the advantages and disadvantages of plastic surgery in Turkey and Thailand, we can make a comparison of the two countries, and see which one is better for plastic surgery. Here are some of the main points of comparison:

  • Price: Both Turkey and Thailand offer low prices for plastic surgery, compared to most European countries. However, Turkey has a slight edge over Thailand, as the Turkish lira is weaker than the Thai baht, and the cost of living and labor in Turkey is lower than in Thailand. Therefore, you can save more money by having plastic surgery in Turkey than in Thailand.
  • Quality: Both Turkey and Thailand offer high quality for plastic surgery, as the surgeons are well-trained and experienced, and the facilities are well-equipped and accredited. However, Turkey has a slight edge over Thailand, as Turkey has more JCI-accredited hospitals and clinics than Thailand, and the Turkish surgeons have more international training and certification than the Thai surgeons. Therefore, you can get better results by having plastic surgery in Turkey than in Thailand.
  • Range: Both Turkey and Thailand offer a wide range of procedures for plastic surgery, such as rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, liposuction, tummy tuck, facelift, hair transplant, dental implants, and more. However, Thailand has a slight edge over Turkey, as Thailand has more experience and expertise in some procedures, such as gender reassignment surgery, facial feminization surgery, or eyelid surgery. Therefore, you can have more options by having plastic surgery in Thailand than in Turkey.
  • Location: Both Turkey and Thailand offer an attractive and convenient location for plastic surgery, as they offer a beautiful and relaxing environment, a rich and diverse culture, and a convenient and accessible transportation system. However, Turkey has a slight edge over Thailand, as Turkey is closer and more accessible to Europe than Thailand, and Turkey has more cultural and historical attractions than Thailand. Therefore, you can have a more enjoyable and memorable trip by having plastic surgery in Turkey than in Thailand.


Plastic surgery is a great way to improve your appearance and confidence, but it can also be very expensive and risky. Therefore, many people choose to have plastic surgery abroad, where they can find more affordable and quality services. Two of the best destinations for plastic surgery tourism are Turkey and Thailand, especially for Europeans who want to combine their medical trip with a holiday. But which one is better for plastic surgery?

Based on our comparison, we can conclude that Turkey is better than Thailand for plastic surgery, as it offers lower prices, higher quality, and more attractive and convenient location than Thailand. However, this does not mean that Thailand is a bad choice for plastic surgery, as it also offers high quality, wide range, and beautiful and relaxing location for plastic surgery. Therefore, the final decision depends on your personal preferences, needs, and budget.

We are confident that we can provide you with the best plastic surgery service in Turkey, and make your plastic surgery trip a memorable and enjoyable one. We have helped thousands of patients from all over the world to achieve their plastic surgery goals, and we have received many positive testimonials and reviews from our satisfied customers. You can read some of them here.


If you are ready to take the next step and have your plastic surgery in Turkey, please contact us today and we will be happy to assist you. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for choosing us as your plastic surgery partner in Turkey.

Visit the Dr.MFO Instagram profile for examples of successful Surgeries. Contact for free consultation.


1. Which countries are most popular among Europeans for plastic surgery?

Countries such as Turkey, Poland, and the Czech Republic are often popular destinations for Europeans seeking plastic surgery due to their lower costs and high-quality medical facilities.

2. Why do Europeans choose to go abroad for plastic surgery?

Europeans may choose to go abroad for plastic surgery for a variety of reasons, including lower costs, access to specific procedures or specialists, or to combine the procedure with a vacation.

3. What types of plastic surgery procedures are most sought after by Europeans abroad?

The most sought-after procedures can vary, but often include breast augmentation, rhinoplasty (nose job), liposuction, and facelifts.

4. How does the cost of plastic surgery in popular European destinations compare to their home countries?

The cost of plastic surgery in popular European destinations is often significantly lower than in their home countries, even when factoring in the cost of travel and accommodation.

5. What are the top destinations for plastic surgery in Europe?

Top destinations for plastic surgery in Europe often include Turkey, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary, among others.

6. How do Europeans choose a country for plastic surgery?

Choosing a country for plastic surgery often involves researching the quality of medical facilities, the expertise of surgeons, the cost of procedures, and patient reviews.

7. What are the risks for Europeans going abroad for plastic surgery?

Risks can include complications from the surgery, issues with communication if the medical staff do not speak the patient’s language fluently, and difficulties with follow-up care once the patient returns home.

8. Are there any statistics on how many Europeans go abroad for plastic surgery each year?

Exact statistics can vary, but medical tourism, including for plastic surgery, is a growing trend among Europeans.

9. What are the most common countries in Europe for plastic surgery tourism?

The most common countries in Europe for plastic surgery tourism often include Turkey, Poland, the Czech Republic, and Hungary.

10. How does the quality of plastic surgery in popular European destinations compare to their home countries?

The quality of plastic surgery in popular European destinations can be comparable to that in their home countries, provided the clinic is accredited and the surgeons are well-qualified. However, standards can vary, so it’s important to do thorough research.

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