Dr. MFO – FFS Surgeon in Turkey

Is Plastic Surgery Cheaper In Turkey Than The US? Why Is Antalya The Best Choice In Turkey?

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Is Plastic Surgery Cheaper In Turkey Than The US? Plastic surgery is a popular and growing field of medicine that aims to improve the appearance and function of various parts of the body. Many people seek plastic surgery for cosmetic reasons, such as enhancing their facial features, correcting congenital defects, or restoring their body shape after weight loss or pregnancy. However, plastic surgery can also be performed for reconstructive purposes, such as repairing injuries, burns, scars, or deformities caused by diseases or accidents.

Plastic surgery can be a life-changing and rewarding experience for many people, but it can also be very expensive and risky. Depending on the type and extent of the procedure, plastic surgery can cost thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars in the US, and may not be covered by health insurance. Moreover, plastic surgery can involve potential complications and side effects, such as infections, bleeding, nerve damage, scarring, or dissatisfaction with the results.

Therefore, many people who want to have plastic surgery look for alternative options abroad, where they can find more affordable and quality services. One of the most popular destinations for plastic surgery tourism is Turkey, a country that offers a combination of low prices, high standards, and cultural attractions. In this article, we will explore why plastic surgery is cheaper in Turkey than in the US, and why Antalya is the best choice for plastic surgery in Turkey.

Is Plastic Surgery Cheaper In Turkey Than The US?

There are several factors that make plastic surgery cheaper in Turkey than in the US, such as:

  • Currency exchange rate: The Turkish lira is much weaker than the US dollar, which means that the same amount of money can buy more goods and services in Turkey than in the US.
  • Lower cost of living: The cost of living in Turkey is also much lower than in the US, which means that the expenses related to plastic surgery, such as accommodation, transportation, food, and medication, are also cheaper.
  • Lower labor costs: The labor costs in Turkey are also lower than in the US, which means that the salaries of the doctors, nurses, and staff involved in plastic surgery are also lower. This reduces the overhead costs of the clinics and hospitals that offer plastic surgery, and allows them to charge lower fees to their patients.
  • Lower taxes and regulations: The taxes and regulations in Turkey are also lower than in the US, which means that the plastic surgery industry is less burdened by bureaucracy and red tape, and can operate more efficiently and competitively.
  • Higher competition and demand: The plastic surgery industry in Turkey is also very competitive and in high demand, which means that there are many clinics and hospitals that offer plastic surgery, and many patients who seek plastic surgery. This creates a market force that drives down the prices and drives up the quality of plastic surgery in Turkey, as the providers have to compete for customers and reputation, and the customers have more choices and bargaining power.
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Why is Antalya the best choice for plastic surgery in Turkey?

Antalya is a city located on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey, and is the capital of the Antalya Province. It is the fifth-most populous city in Turkey, with a population of about 2.6 million people. Antalya is also the largest and most popular tourist destination in Turkey, attracting about 13.6 million visitors in 2019. Antalya is known for its beautiful beaches, historical sites, cultural events, and natural wonders.

Antalya is the best choice for plastic surgery in Turkey for several reasons, such as:

  • High-quality and accredited facilities: Antalya has many high-quality and accredited facilities that offer plastic surgery, such as hospitals, clinics, and medical centers. These facilities are equipped with the latest technology, equipment, and instruments, and follow the international standards and protocols for safety, hygiene, and quality. Moreover, many of these facilities are accredited by reputable organizations, such as the Joint Commission International (JCI), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), or the Turkish Medical Association (TMA), which certify that they meet the highest criteria for excellence and professionalism.
  • Experienced and qualified doctors: Antalya has many experienced and qualified doctors who specialize in plastic surgery, such as plastic surgeons, dermatologists, and cosmetic dentists. These doctors have received extensive training and education, both in Turkey and abroad, and have obtained the necessary licenses and certifications to practice plastic surgery. Moreover, many of these doctors are members of prestigious associations, such as the Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (TPRECD), the European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (EBOPRAS), or the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), which attest to their skills and expertise.
  • Wide range and affordable prices of procedures: Antalya offers a wide range and affordable prices of procedures for plastic surgery, such as rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, liposuction, tummy tuck, facelift, hair transplant, dental implants, and more. These procedures can be customized and tailored to the needs and preferences of each patient, and can be combined with other treatments or services, such as laser therapy, botox, fillers, or spa. Moreover, these procedures are much cheaper in Antalya than in the US, as we have explained in the previous section. For example, according to Medigo, a website that compares the prices of medical procedures in different countries, the average price of rhinoplasty in Antalya is about $2,500, while the same procedure in the US would cost about $6,000.
  • Attractive and convenient location: Antalya is an attractive and convenient location for plastic surgery, as it offers a pleasant and relaxing environment, a rich and diverse culture, and a convenient and accessible transportation system. Antalya has a Mediterranean climate, with hot and dry summers and mild and rainy winters, which is ideal for recovering from plastic surgery. Antalya also has a long and fascinating history, dating back to the ancient times, and has many cultural and historical attractions, such as the Hadrian’s Gate, the Hidirlik Tower, the Antalya Museum, and the Kaleici Old Town. Antalya also has a modern and efficient transportation system, with an international airport, a bus terminal, a tram line, and a public bus network, which makes it easy to travel to and from Antalya, as well as within Antalya.


Plastic surgery is a great way to improve your appearance and confidence, but it can also be very expensive and risky. Therefore, many people choose to have plastic surgery abroad, where they can find more affordable and quality services. One of the best destinations for plastic surgery tourism is Turkey, a country that offers a combination of low prices, high standards, and cultural attractions. And one of the best cities for plastic surgery in Turkey is Antalya, a city that offers high-quality and accredited facilities, experienced and qualified doctors, wide range and affordable prices of procedures, and attractive and convenient location.

If you are interested in having plastic surgery in Antalya, you can contact us for more information and assistance. We are a professional and reliable medical tourism agency that can help you plan and arrange your plastic surgery trip to Antalya. We can provide you with the following services:

  • Free consultation and quotation: We can provide you with a free consultation and quotation for your plastic surgery procedure, based on your needs and preferences. We can also answer any questions or concerns you may have about plastic surgery in Antalya, such as the types and prices of procedures, the qualifications and experience of the doctors, the facilities and the accreditation, the recovery and the aftercare, the risks and the complications, and the testimonials and the reviews.
  • Booking and coordination: We can help you book and coordinate your plastic surgery procedure, including the dates, the times, the locations, the doctors, and the payments. We can also help you arrange your travel and accommodation, such as your flights, your transfers, your hotels, and your tours. We can also provide you with a personal assistant who can accompany you during your stay in Antalya, and help you with any issues or needs you may have.
  • Recovery and aftercare: We can help you with your recovery and aftercare after your plastic surgery procedure, such as providing you with the necessary medication, dressing, bandages, and instructions. We can also help you with any follow-up appointments or check-ups you may need, and monitor your progress and results. We can also help you with any complications or problems you may encounter, and provide you with the appropriate solutions and referrals.
  • Satisfaction and guarantee: We can help you with your satisfaction and guarantee after your plastic surgery procedure, such as providing you with the before and after photos, the certificates, and the receipts. We can also help you with any feedback or complaints you may have, and ensure that you are happy and satisfied with your plastic surgery experience. We can also offer you a guarantee that covers any revisions or corrections you may need, in case you are not satisfied with the results.

We are confident that we can provide you with the best plastic surgery service in Antalya, and make your plastic surgery trip a memorable and enjoyable one. We have helped thousands of patients from all over the world to achieve their plastic surgery goals, and we have received many positive testimonials and reviews from our satisfied customers. You can read some of them here.

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If you are ready to take the next step and have your plastic surgery in Antalya, please contact us today and we will be happy to assist you. We look forward to hearing from you soon. Thank you for choosing us as your plastic surgery partner in Antalya.


Get to know Dr. MFO

Dr. MFO is a plastic surgeon and aesthetic specialist located in Antalya, Turkey. Dr. MFO has many years of experience in facelift, rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, liposuction and many more procedures. Dr. MFO uses the latest technology and techniques to offer his patients the best results. Dr. MFO offers a great opportunity to people who want to have plastic surgery in America but give up due to high costs. With Dr. MFO, you can have both vacation and surgery in Antalya. Antalya is one of the most beautiful and touristic cities in Turkey. While enjoying the sea, sand, sun, history and culture in Antalya, you can also benefit from Dr. MFO’s expertise. Dr. MFO offers both a vacation and surgery package at a much more affordable price compared to the prices in America. This package includes everything from airfare, accommodation, transfer, surgery and aftercare. If you would like to take advantage of this unique opportunity, please fill out the form below and we will send you an all-inclusive quote.

Visit the Dr.MFO Instagram profile for examples of successful Surgeries. Contact for free consultation.


1. What is the average cost of plastic surgery in Turkey compared to the US?

The average cost of plastic surgery in Turkey is generally lower than in the US. The exact difference can vary depending on the specific procedure.

2. Why is plastic surgery cheaper in Turkey than in the US?

Plastic surgery is often cheaper in Turkey due to lower operational and labor costs. Additionally, the cost of living in Turkey is generally lower than in the US, which can also contribute to lower prices.

3. What types of plastic surgery procedures are cheaper in Turkey than in the US?

Most types of plastic surgery procedures, including rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, and liposuction, tend to be cheaper in Turkey than in the US.

4. Is the quality of plastic surgery in Turkey comparable to that in the US?

The quality of plastic surgery in Turkey can be comparable to that in the US, provided that the surgeon is well-qualified and the clinic is accredited. However, standards can vary, so it’s important to do thorough research.

5. Are there any risks associated with getting cheaper plastic surgery in Turkey?

As with any surgery, there are risks involved. These can include complications related to the procedure itself, as well as potential issues with aftercare. It’s important to consider these risks and discuss them with a healthcare provider.

6. How much can one save by choosing to have plastic surgery in Turkey instead of the US?

The amount one can save by choosing to have plastic surgery in Turkey instead of the US can vary widely depending on the specific procedure. However, it’s not uncommon for the cost to be significantly lower in Turkey.

7. What are the most popular plastic surgery procedures performed in Turkey?

Some of the most popular plastic surgery procedures performed in Turkey include rhinoplasty, breast augmentation, liposuction, and hair transplants.

8. Are there any additional costs to consider when getting plastic surgery in Turkey, such as travel and accommodation?

Yes, when considering plastic surgery in Turkey, it’s important to factor in additional costs such as travel, accommodation, and potentially aftercare.

9. How does the medical infrastructure for plastic surgery in Turkey compare to the US?

Turkey has a robust medical infrastructure and is known for its high-quality healthcare facilities, many of which cater specifically to medical tourists. However, as with any country, the quality can vary between clinics.

10. What should one consider before deciding to get plastic surgery in Turkey instead of the US?

Before deciding to get plastic surgery in Turkey, one should consider factors such as the qualifications of the surgeon, the accreditation of the clinic, the potential risks and benefits of the procedure, and the total cost including travel and accommodation.

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