Dr. MFO – FFS Surgeon in Turkey

Tummy Tuck in Antalya: How to Get a Flat and Firm Belly with Minimal Scarring

Tummy Tuck in Antalya: How to Get a Flat and Firm Belly with Minimal Scarring

Do you have excess skin, fat, or stretch marks on your abdomen that make you feel self-conscious or uncomfortable? Have you tried diet and exercise but still can’t achieve the flat and firm belly you desire? If so, you might be a good candidate for a tummy tuck, also known as abdominoplasty.

A tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgical procedure that improves the shape and appearance of the abdomen by removing excess skin and fat and tightening the abdominal muscles. It can also help reduce or eliminate stretch marks in the lower abdomen. A tummy tuck can give you a more youthful, toned, and confident look.

However, not all tummy tucks are created equal. Depending on your goals, anatomy, and preferences, you may need a different type of tummy tuck to achieve the best results. Moreover, not all surgeons have the same level of skill, experience, and artistry to perform a tummy tuck with minimal scarring and optimal outcomes.

That’s why we recommend Dr. Mehmet Fatih Okyay, also known as Dr. MFO, as your trusted plastic surgeon for your tummy tuck in Antalya, Turkey. Dr. MFO is a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in aesthetic surgery of the face and body. He has extensive training and experience in performing various types of tummy tucks with excellent results. He is also an artist who combines his surgical skills with his artistic vision to create natural-looking and beautiful results.

In this blog post, we will explain everything you need to know about getting a tummy tuck in Antalya with Dr. MFO, including:

  • The benefits of getting a tummy tuck
  • The different types of tummy tucks and how to choose the best one for you
  • The preparation, procedure, recovery, and risks of a tummy tuck
  • The cost of a tummy tuck in Antalya and why it is worth it
  • The reasons why you should choose Dr. MFO as your plastic surgeon
  • The frequently asked questions about a tummy tuck

By the end of this post, you will have a clear understanding of what a tummy tuck can do for you and why Dr. MFO is the best choice for your surgery.

The Benefits of Getting a Tummy Tuck

The Benefits of Getting a Tummy Tuck

A tummy tuck can offer many benefits for your appearance, health, and well-being. Some of the benefits are:

  • Improved abdominal contour: A tummy tuck can remove excess skin and fat from your abdomen and tighten the underlying muscles to create a smoother, flatter, and firmer abdominal profile.
  • Reduced or eliminated stretch marks: A tummy tuck can remove or improve the appearance of stretch marks in the lower abdomen by excising the affected skin or repositioning it to a less visible area.
  • Enhanced waistline: A tummy tuck can narrow your waistline by repairing the separation of the abdominal muscles (diastasis recti) that often occurs after pregnancy or weight fluctuations. This can also improve your posture and core strength.
  • Increased confidence and self-esteem: A tummy tuck can boost your confidence and self-esteem by giving you a more attractive and youthful appearance. You will feel more comfortable in your clothes and in your own skin.
  • Better quality of life: A tummy tuck can improve your quality of life by reducing physical discomforts such as skin irritation, rashes, infections, or back pain caused by excess skin or fat on your abdomen. It can also motivate you to maintain a healthy lifestyle and weight.

The Different Types of Tummy Tucks and How to Choose the Best One for You

There are different types of tummy tucks that vary in the extent of correction, incision length, scar location, recovery time, and cost. The type of tummy tuck that is best for you depends on several factors such as:

  • The amount and location of excess skin and fat on your abdomen
  • The degree of muscle laxity or separation on your abdomen
  • Your desired aesthetic goals
  • Your personal preferences
  • Your medical history and general health

The main types of tummy tucks are:

Full Tummy Tuck

A full tummy tuck is the most common type of abdominoplasty that addresses the entire abdomen from the rib cage to the pubic area. It involves:

  • A horizontal incision that runs from hip to hip along the lower abdomen just above the pubic hairline
  • A second incision around the navel to free it from the surrounding skin
  • Removal of excess skin and fat from the upper and lower abdomen
  • Tightening of the abdominal muscles with sutures
  • Repositioning of the navel to a natural and aesthetically pleasing location
  • Closure of the incisions with sutures, staples, or adhesive
  • Placement of drains to prevent fluid accumulation

A full tummy tuck is suitable for patients who have significant excess skin and fat and muscle laxity on both the upper and lower abdomen. It can achieve a dramatic improvement in the abdominal contour, but it also requires a longer recovery time and leaves a longer scar.

Mini Tummy Tuck

A mini tummy tuck is a less invasive type of abdominoplasty that addresses only the lower abdomen below the navel. It involves:

  • A shorter horizontal incision that runs from one side of the hip bone to the other along the lower abdomen just above the pubic hairline
  • No incision around the navel
  • Removal of excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen
  • Tightening of the lower abdominal muscles with sutures
  • Closure of the incision with sutures, staples, or adhesive
  • No placement of drains

A mini tummy tuck is suitable for patients who have mild to moderate excess skin and fat and muscle laxity on the lower abdomen only. It can achieve a subtle improvement in the abdominal contour, but it also requires a shorter recovery time and leaves a shorter scar.

Extended Tummy Tuck

An extended tummy tuck is a more extensive type of abdominoplasty that addresses not only the entire abdomen but also the flanks and hips. It involves:

  • A longer horizontal incision that runs from one side of the lower back to the other along the lower abdomen just above the pubic hairline
  • A second incision around the navel to free it from the surrounding skin
  • Removal of excess skin and fat from the upper and lower abdomen, flanks, and hips
  • Tightening of the abdominal muscles with sutures
  • Repositioning of the navel to a natural and aesthetically pleasing location
  • Closure of the incisions with sutures, staples, or adhesive
  • Placement of drains to prevent fluid accumulation

An extended tummy tuck is suitable for patients who have significant excess skin and fat and muscle laxity on the entire abdomen, flanks, and hips. It can achieve a comprehensive improvement in the abdominal contour, but it also requires a longer recovery time and leaves a longer scar.

Fleur-de-lis Tummy Tuck

A fleur-de-lis tummy tuck is a special type of abdominoplasty that addresses excess skin and fat on both the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the abdomen. It involves:

  • A horizontal incision that runs from hip to hip along the lower abdomen just above the pubic hairline
  • A second incision around the navel to free it from the surrounding skin
  • A vertical incision that runs from the pubic area to the breastbone along the midline of the abdomen
  • Removal of excess skin and fat from both sides of the vertical incision
  • Tightening of the abdominal muscles with sutures
  • Repositioning of the navel to a natural and aesthetically pleasing location
  • Closure of the incisions with sutures, staples, or adhesive
  • Placement of drains to prevent fluid accumulation

A fleur-de-lis tummy tuck is suitable for patients who have massive weight loss or bariatric surgery and have severe excess skin and fat on both the horizontal and vertical dimensions of their abdomen. It can achieve a significant improvement in the abdominal contour, but it also requires a longer recovery time and leaves a T-shaped scar.

Circumferential Tummy Tuck

A circumferential tummy tuck is another special type of abdominoplasty that addresses excess skin and fat on both the front and back of the abdomen. It involves:

  • A circular incision that runs around the entire waistline just above or below the pubic hairline
  • Removal of excess skin and fat from both the front and back of the abdomen
  • Tightening of the abdominal muscles with sutures
  • Lifting of the buttocks and thighs with sutures
  • Closure of the incision with sutures, staples, or adhesive
  • Placement of drains to prevent fluid accumulation

A circumferential tummy tuck is suitable for patients who have massive weight loss or bariatric surgery and have severe excess skin and fat on both the front and back of their abdomen. It can achieve a dramatic improvement in the abdominal contour, but it also requires a longer recovery time and leaves a circular scar.

To choose the best type of tummy tuck for you, you should consult with Dr. MFO who will evaluate your condition, listen to your goals, explain your options, answer your questions, and recommend a personalized treatment plan for you.

The Preparation, Procedure, Recovery, and Risks of a Tummy Tuck

The Preparation, Procedure, Recovery, and Risks of a Tummy Tuck

Before you undergo a tummy tuck, you need to prepare yourself physically, mentally, and practically

Some of the steps you need to take to prepare for a tummy tuck are:

  • Stop smoking at least six weeks before the surgery to improve healing and reduce complications
  • Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, herbal supplements, and other medications that can increase bleeding or interfere with anesthesia
  • Arrange for someone to drive you to and from the surgery and stay with you for the first night
  • Follow Dr. MFO’s instructions regarding eating, drinking, and medications before the surgery
  • Pack a bag with comfortable clothes, personal items, and documents for your stay in Antalya

The procedure of a tummy tuck varies depending on the type of tummy tuck you choose, but in general, it involves:

  • Administration of general anesthesia or intravenous sedation to ensure your comfort and safety during the surgery
  • Making the incisions according to the type of tummy tuck
  • Removing excess skin and fat from the abdomen
  • Tightening the abdominal muscles with sutures
  • Repositioning the navel if necessary
  • Closing the incisions with sutures, staples, or adhesive
  • Applying dressings or bandages to the incisions
  • Placing drains if necessary to prevent fluid accumulation

The procedure of a tummy tuck usually takes two to four hours, depending on the extent of correction and the type of tummy tuck.

The recovery of a tummy tuck also varies depending on the type of tummy tuck you choose, but in general, it involves:

  • Staying in the hospital or clinic for one or two nights after the surgery
  • Taking prescribed painkillers and antibiotics to relieve discomfort and prevent infection
  • Wearing a compression garment or binder to support your abdomen and reduce swelling
  • Avoiding strenuous activities, lifting, bending, or twisting for six weeks after the surgery
  • Following Dr. MFO’s instructions regarding wound care, drain care, showering, and dressing changes
  • Returning to Dr. MFO’s office for follow-up visits and removal of sutures and drains
  • Waiting for three to six months for the final results to appear as the swelling subsides and the scars fade

The recovery of a tummy tuck usually takes six to eight weeks, depending on your healing process and the type of tummy tuck.

The risks of a tummy tuck are rare and minimal when performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. MFO, but they may include:

  • Bleeding or hematoma
  • Infection or wound healing problems
  • Fluid accumulation or seroma
  • Nerve damage or numbness
  • Muscle weakness or separation
  • Skin necrosis or loss
  • Unsightly or hypertrophic scars
  • Asymmetry or contour irregularities
  • Anesthesia complications or allergic reactions

To minimize the risks of a tummy tuck, you should follow Dr. MFO’s preoperative and postoperative instructions carefully and report any signs of complications immediately.

The Cost of a Tummy Tuck in Antalya and Why It is Worth It

The cost of a tummy tuck in Antalya varies depending on the type of tummy tuck, the surgeon’s fees, the hospital or clinic fees, the anesthesia fees, and other factors. However, in general, the cost of a tummy tuck in Antalya is much lower than the cost of a tummy tuck in other countries such as the UK, the US, or Germany.

According to [Medical Departures], a website that compares the prices of cosmetic procedures around the world, the average cost of a tummy tuck in Antalya is $3,500, while the average cost of a tummy tuck in the UK is $9,000, in the US is $10,000, and in Germany is $11,000. This means that you can save up to 70% by getting a tummy tuck in Antalya.

But why is the cost of a tummy tuck in Antalya so low? Does it mean that the quality of the surgery is compromised? The answer is no. The cost of a tummy tuck in Antalya is low because:

  • The cost of living and labor in Turkey is lower than in other countries
  • The exchange rate of the Turkish lira to other currencies is favorable
  • The government offers incentives and subsidies to promote medical tourism
  • The competition among plastic surgeons and clinics is high

The quality of the surgery, however, is not compromised. In fact, you can get a high-quality tummy tuck in Antalya with Dr. MFO, who is:

  • A board-certified plastic surgeon with more than 10 years of experience
  • A member of several prestigious associations such as the Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and the European Association of Plastic Surgeons
  • A lecturer and trainer at various national and international conferences and workshops
  • A pioneer and innovator in aesthetic surgery techniques such as endoscopic face lift, liposuction-assisted abdominoplasty, and scarless breast augmentation

By getting a tummy tuck in Antalya with Dr. MFO, you can enjoy not only a low cost but also a high quality surgery that will give you the best results possible.

The Reasons Why You Should Choose Dr. MFO as Your Plastic Surgeon

As we have mentioned before, Dr. MFO is not only a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon but also an artist who can create natural-looking and beautiful results for your tummy tuck. But there are more reasons why you should choose Dr. MFO as your plastic surgeon for your tummy tuck in Antalya. Some of these reasons are:

Opting for Mehmet Fatih Okyay may be driven by several compelling reasons:

1. Exceptional Expertise and Extensive Experience: Dr. Okyay boasts a wealth of knowledge and hands-on experience in the realm of plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgery. His career, spanning over a decade, has seen him adeptly perform a multitude of intricate surgical procedures, earning the trust of his patients.

2. Impressive Educational Background and Academic Distinctions: Dr. Okyay’s educational journey, culminating in his residency at Istanbul University, Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, yielded remarkable results. He secured an impressive 8th place in the Turkish Medical Specialization Examination. Furthermore, his affiliations with esteemed organizations like the European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive, and Aesthetic Surgeons (FEBOPRAS) and the Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association (Turkish Board) underscore his standing in the scientific community.

3. Tailored and Personalized Patient Care: Dr. Okyay is known for his patient-centric approach. He takes the time to understand the unique needs and expectations of each patient, meticulously crafting treatment plans that ensure the best possible outcomes.

4. Valuable Scientific Contributions: Dr. Okyay’s impactful contributions to the field of medicine are evident in his published articles. These studies delve into critical areas such as the effects of insulin, metoprolol, and deferoxamine on fat graft survival, enhancing the body of knowledge in plastic surgery.

5. Global Network and Expertise: With memberships in international bodies like the International Society of Aesthetic Surgeons (ISAPS), Dr. Okyay possesses the capability to deliver services at international standards. This attribute makes him an appealing choice for patients hailing from different parts of the world.

6. Multilingual Competence: Dr. Okyay’s proficiency in academic-level English, fluency in Spanish, and intermediate-level French facilitates effective communication, especially with international patients seeking his services.

7. Diverse Talents and Artistic Flair: Beyond his medical practice, Dr. Okyay is a polymath. He is a gifted songwriter, poet, and a skilled musician, proficient in various musical instruments. These talents infuse sensitivity and creativity into his patient interactions, making the healthcare experience more holistic.

In essence, Dr. Mehmet Fatih Okyay transcends the traditional role of a surgeon. He embodies the essence of a scientist, artist, and a healthcare professional deeply committed to prioritizing patient well-being. Hence, selecting Dr. Okyay is a logical choice for those in pursuit of top-tier service in the realm of plastic, reconstructive, and aesthetic surgery.

By choosing Dr. MFO as your plastic surgeon for your tummy tuck in Antalya, you can rest assured that you will receive the best care and service possible.

The Frequently Asked Questions About a Tummy Tuck

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about a tummy tuck that you may have:

Q: Am I a good candidate for a tummy tuck?

A: You may be a good candidate for a tummy tuck if you:

  • Have excess skin, fat, or stretch marks on your abdomen that do not respond to diet and exercise
  • Have muscle laxity or separation on your abdomen that causes a bulge or a weak core
  • Are at or near your ideal weight and have a stable weight for at least six months
  • Are in good physical and mental health and have realistic expectations
  • Do not smoke or are willing to quit smoking before and after the surgery
  • Are not pregnant or planning to become pregnant in the future

Q: How do I prepare for a tummy tuck?

A: To prepare for a tummy tuck, you should:

  • Stop smoking at least six weeks before the surgery to improve healing and reduce complications
  • Avoid taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, herbal supplements, and other medications that can increase bleeding or interfere with anesthesia
  • Arrange for someone to drive you to and from the surgery and stay with you for the first night
  • Follow Dr. MFO’s instructions regarding eating, drinking, and medications before the surgery
  • Pack a bag with comfortable clothes, personal items, and documents for your stay in Antalya

Q: What happens during a tummy tuck?

A: During a tummy tuck, Dr. MFO will:

  • Administer general anesthesia or intravenous sedation to ensure your comfort and safety during the surgery
  • Make the incisions according to the type of tummy tuck
  • Remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen
  • Tighten the abdominal muscles with sutures
  • Reposition the navel if necessary
  • Close the incisions with sutures, staples, or adhesive
  • Apply dressings or bandages to the incisions
  • Place drains if necessary to prevent fluid accumulation

Q: What happens after a tummy tuck?

A: After a tummy tuck, you will:

  • Stay in the hospital or clinic for one or two nights after the surgery
  • Take prescribed painkillers and antibiotics to relieve discomfort and prevent infection
  • Wear a compression garment or binder to support your abdomen and reduce swelling
  • Avoid strenuous activities, lifting, bending, or twisting for six weeks after the surgery
  • Follow Dr. MFO’s instructions regarding wound care, drain care, showering, and dressing changes
  • Return to Dr. MFO’s office for follow-up visits and removal of sutures and drains
  • Wait for three to six months for the final results to appear as the swelling subsides and the scars fade

Q: What are the risks of a tummy tuck?

A: The risks of a tummy tuck are rare and minimal when performed by a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon like Dr. MFO, but they may include:

  • Bleeding or hematoma
  • Infection or wound healing problems
  • Fluid accumulation or seroma
  • Nerve damage or numbness
  • Muscle weakness or separation
  • Skin necrosis or loss
  • Unsightly or hypertrophic scars
  • Asymmetry or contour irregularities
  • Anesthesia complications or allergic reactions

To minimize the risks of a tummy tuck, you should follow Dr. MFO’s preoperative and postoperative instructions carefully and report any signs of complications immediately.


A tummy tuck is a cosmetic surgical procedure that can improve the shape and appearance of your abdomen by removing excess skin and fat and tightening the abdominal muscles. It can also help reduce or eliminate stretch marks in the lower abdomen. A tummy tuck can give you a more youthful, toned, and confident look.

However, not all tummy tucks are created equal. Depending on your goals, anatomy, and preferences, you may need a different type of tummy tuck to achieve the best results. Moreover, not all surgeons have the same level of skill, experience, and artistry to perform a tummy tuck with minimal scarring and optimal outcomes.

That’s why we recommend Dr. Mehmet Fatih Okyay, also known as Dr. MFO, as your trusted plastic surgeon for your tummy tuck in Antalya, Turkey. Dr. MFO is a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in aesthetic surgery of the face and body. He has extensive training and experience in performing various types of tummy tucks with excellent results. He is also an artist who combines his surgical skills with his artistic vision to create natural-looking and beautiful results.

By getting a tummy tuck in Antalya with Dr. MFO, you can enjoy not only a low cost but also a high quality surgery that will give you the best results possible. You can also benefit from his personalized and comprehensive consultation, his advanced technology and equipment, his minimally invasive techniques and methods, his excellent aftercare and follow-up, and his complete package for your medical travel.

If you are interested in getting a tummy tuck in Antalya with Dr. MFO, please contact him through his website . He will be happy to answer your questions and schedule your appointment.

We hope this blog post has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any feedback or comments, please let us know in the comment section below. Thank you for reading and we wish you a happy and healthy tummy tuck journey with Dr. MFO!

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