Dr. MFO – FFS Surgeon in Turkey

FFS Surgery Abroad: A Guide to Choosing the Best International Clinic

ffs surgery

Are you considering FFS surgery abroad? If so, you are not alone. Many people who want to feminize their facial features choose to travel to another country for their procedure. There are many reasons why someone might opt for FFS surgery overseas, such as lower costs, higher quality, more options, and greater privacy. However, there are also some challenges and risks involved in traveling for FFS surgery, such as language barriers, cultural differences, legal issues, and medical complications. Therefore, it is important to do your research and plan ahead before you book your flight and pack your bags.

In this article, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide to choosing the best international FFS clinic for your needs. We will cover the following topics:

  • FFS Surgery Abroad: Pros and Cons
  • Choosing the Best International FFS Clinic
  • Traveling for FFS: Preparing for the Journey
  • International FFS Surgeons: Credentials and Experience
  • Cost Considerations for FFS Surgery Overseas

By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of what to expect from FFS surgery abroad and how to make an informed decision that suits your goals, budget, and preferences. You will also learn about one of the best FFS clinics in the world, located in Antalya, Turkey: Dr.MFO Clinic.

FFS Surgery Abroad: Pros and Cons

FFS surgery abroad is a popular option for many transgender women and non-binary people who want to achieve a more feminine appearance. FFS surgery, or facial feminization surgery, is a set of surgical procedures that modify the shape and size of the facial bones and soft tissues to create a more feminine look. Some of the most common FFS procedures include forehead contouring, brow lift, hairline lowering, rhinoplasty, cheek augmentation, chin reshaping, jaw reduction, lip lift, and tracheal shave.

There are many advantages of getting FFS surgery abroad, such as:

  • Lower costs: FFS surgery can be very expensive in some countries, especially in the US and UK. By traveling to another country, you can save up to 70% on the cost of your surgery. For example, the average cost of FFS surgery in the US is around $40,000, while in Turkey it is around $12,000.
  • Higher quality: Some countries have more advanced medical technology and facilities than others. By traveling to a country that has a high standard of health care and medical tourism, you can benefit from state-of-the-art equipment and techniques that ensure optimal results and safety. For example, Turkey is one of the leading destinations for cosmetic surgery in the world, with over 1 million medical tourists visiting every year.
  • More options: Some countries have more experienced and qualified surgeons than others. By traveling to a country that has a large pool of FFS surgeons, you can choose from a wider range of options that suit your needs and preferences. For example, Turkey has over 300 board-certified plastic surgeons, many of whom specialize in FFS surgery.
  • Greater privacy: Some people may feel uncomfortable or discriminated against in their own country when seeking FFS surgery. By traveling to another country, you can enjoy more privacy and anonymity during your recovery period. You can also combine your surgery with a vacation and explore a new culture and environment.

However, there are also some disadvantages of getting FFS surgery abroad, such as:

  • Language barriers: Communication is key when it comes to any medical procedure. If you travel to a country where you do not speak the local language, you may face difficulties in understanding your surgeon and medical staff. This can lead to misunderstandings, confusion, or dissatisfaction with your results. Therefore, it is important to choose a clinic that has English-speaking staff or provides translation services.
  • Cultural differences: Every country has its own culture and norms that may differ from yours. This can affect your expectations and experience of FFS surgery abroad. For example, some countries may have different views on gender identity and expression than yours. You may also encounter different social customs, religious beliefs, or dietary restrictions that may affect your comfort level. Therefore, it is important to do some research on the country you are visiting and respect its culture and values.
  • Legal issues: Every country has its own laws and regulations that govern medical tourism and cosmetic surgery. These may differ from yours in terms of quality standards, safety protocols, malpractice policies, or insurance coverage. You may also need to obtain a visa or other documents to enter the country legally. Therefore, it is important to check the legal requirements and implications of getting FFS surgery abroad before you travel.
  • Medical complications: Any surgery carries some risks of complications or side effects. However, these risks may increase when you travel abroad for your surgery. For example, you may be exposed to different bacteria or viruses that may cause infections or illnesses. You may also experience travel-related issues such as jet lag, altitude sickness, or dehydration that may affect your healing process. Therefore, it is important to follow your surgeon’s instructions and take proper care of yourself before and after your surgery.

Choosing the Best International FFS Clinic

As you can see, there are many factors to consider when deciding to get FFS surgery abroad. One of the most important factors is choosing the best international FFS clinic for your needs. A good FFS clinic should meet the following criteria:

  • Reputation: A good FFS clinic should have a good reputation among its past and current patients. You can check the reviews, testimonials, and ratings of the clinic online or on social media platforms. You can also ask for referrals from your friends, family, or other transgender people who have had FFS surgery abroad. A good FFS clinic should have positive feedback and high satisfaction rates from its clients.
  • Experience: A good FFS clinic should have a lot of experience in performing FFS surgery. You can check the credentials, qualifications, and portfolio of the clinic and its surgeons online or in person. You can also ask for before and after photos or videos of their previous FFS patients. A good FFS clinic should have a proven track record of delivering excellent results and outcomes for its patients.
  • Services: A good FFS clinic should offer a wide range of services and procedures that suit your needs and preferences. You can check the website or brochure of the clinic to see what kind of FFS procedures they offer and how they perform them. You can also ask for a consultation or assessment with the clinic to discuss your goals, expectations, and options. A good FFS clinic should provide you with personalized and customized solutions that match your facial features and desired look.
  • Facilities: A good FFS clinic should have modern and comfortable facilities that ensure your safety and comfort during your surgery and recovery. You can check the location, accessibility, and amenities of the clinic online or in person. You can also ask for a tour or visit of the clinic to see how it looks and feels. A good FFS clinic should have clean, spacious, and well-equipped rooms and operating theaters that meet international standards of hygiene and quality.
  • Staff: A good FFS clinic should have friendly and professional staff that make you feel welcome and supported during your surgery and recovery. You can check the communication, attitude, and behavior of the staff online or in person. You can also ask for an introduction or meeting with the staff to see how they interact with you. A good FFS clinic should have English-speaking staff or translators who are courteous, respectful, and helpful.

One of the best international FFS clinics that meets all these criteria is Dr.MFO Clinic in Antalya, Turkey. Dr.MFO Clinic is a world-class cosmetic surgery center that specializes in FFS surgery. Dr.MFO Clinic is led by Dr. Mehmet Fatih Okyay, a board-certified plastic surgeon with over 10 years of experience in performing FFS surgery. Dr.MFO Clinic offers a variety of FFS procedures that can transform your face into a more feminine shape and size. Dr.MFO Clinic has state-of-the-art facilities that provide you with a safe and comfortable environment for your surgery and recovery. Dr.MFO Clinic has a team of English-speaking staff who are friendly, professional, and attentive to your needs.

Dr.MFO Clinic is not only a great choice for FFS surgery abroad, but also a great destination for medical tourism. Antalya is a beautiful city on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey that offers a rich history, culture, and nature. Antalya has many attractions to explore, such as ancient ruins, museums, beaches, parks, markets, restaurants, and nightlife. Antalya has a warm and sunny climate all year round that is ideal for healing and relaxing after your surgery.

If you are interested in getting FFS surgery abroad at Dr.MFO Clinic, you can contact them through their website dr-mfo.com or by phone +905528003322. They will provide you with all the information you need to plan your trip and book your surgery.

Traveling for FFS: Preparing for the Journey

Traveling for FFS surgery abroad can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it also requires some preparation and planning ahead. Here are some tips on how to prepare for your journey:

  • Do your research: Before you travel, make sure you do some research on the country you are visiting, the clinic you are choosing, and the procedure you are getting. Learn about the culture, language, laws, regulations, currency, weather, transportation, accommodation, food, health care system, and emergency services of the country you are visiting. Learn about the reputation, experience, services, facilities, staff, prices, policies, guarantees, risks, and complications of the clinic you are choosing. Learn about the steps, techniques, results, recovery, and aftercare of the procedure you are getting. You can find reliable sources of information online, such as official websites, blogs, forums, videos, or articles. You can also contact the clinic directly and ask them any questions you may have.
  • Plan your budget: Traveling for FFS surgery abroad can be a significant investment, so you need to plan your budget carefully. You need to consider the cost of the surgery, the travel expenses, the accommodation expenses, the food expenses, the medical expenses, and any other expenses you may incur during your trip. You also need to factor in the exchange rate and the currency conversion fees. You can use online tools or apps to compare prices and find the best deals. You can also ask the clinic if they offer any discounts, packages, or financing options.
  • Pack your bags: Packing for FFS surgery abroad can be a challenge, as you need to balance between bringing what you need and what you want. You need to pack your essentials, such as your passport, visa, travel documents, medical records, medications, toiletries, clothes, shoes, accessories, phone, charger, adapter, and money. You also need to pack some items that will make your recovery more comfortable and enjoyable, such as books, magazines, music, headphones, games, snacks, pillows, blankets, and ice packs. You also need to check the luggage allowance and restrictions of your airline and the customs regulations of your destination country.
  • Prepare yourself: Preparing yourself for FFS surgery abroad is not only about packing your bags but also about preparing your mind and body. You need to follow your surgeon’s pre-operative instructions carefully and avoid any activities or substances that may affect your surgery or recovery. For example, you may need to stop smoking, drinking alcohol, taking certain medications or supplements, or eating certain foods before your surgery. You also need to take care of your health and hygiene and get enough rest and sleep before your trip. You also need to mentally prepare yourself for the surgery and the recovery process and set realistic expectations and goals for yourself.

International FFS Surgeons: Credentials and Experience

One of the most important factors that determine the success of your FFS surgery abroad is the skill and expertise of your surgeon. A good FFS surgeon should have the following credentials and experience:

  • Education: A good FFS surgeon should have a medical degree from a reputable university and a specialization in plastic surgery or maxillofacial surgery. A good FFS surgeon should also have additional training or education in FFS surgery or related fields.
  • Certification: A good FFS surgeon should be board-certified by a recognized organization or association that sets high standards of quality and ethics for plastic surgery or maxillofacial surgery. A good FFS surgeon should also be a member of professional societies or groups that promote excellence and innovation in FFS surgery or related fields.
  • Experience: A good FFS surgeon should have a lot of experience in performing FFS surgery on different types of patients with different facial features and goals. A good FFS surgeon should also have experience in using various techniques and methods that suit different cases and preferences. A good FFS surgeon should also have experience in dealing with potential complications or challenges that may arise during or after FFS surgery.
  • Portfolio: A good FFS surgeon should have a portfolio of their previous work that showcases their results and outcomes. A good FFS surgeon should be able to provide you with before and after photos or videos of their past FFS patients that demonstrate their skills and abilities. A good FFS surgeon should also be able to provide you with testimonials or references from their past FFS patients that attest to their satisfaction and happiness.

One of the best international FFS surgeons that meets all these criteria is Dr. Mehmet Fatih Okyay from Dr.MFO Clinic in Antalya, Turkey. Dr.MFO is a board-certified plastic surgeon with over 10 years of experience in performing FFS surgery on hundreds of patients from all over the world. Dr.MFO is a member of several professional societies and groups such as the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), the Turkish Society of Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (TPRECD), the Turkish Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (EPCD). Dr.MFO has a lot of experience in performing FFS surgery on different types of patients with different facial features and goals. Dr.MFO uses various techniques and methods that suit different cases and preferences, such as bone contouring, soft tissue augmentation, skin resurfacing, hair transplantation, and non-surgical treatments. Dr.MFO also has experience in dealing with potential complications or challenges that may arise during or after FFS surgery, such as infections, bleeding, swelling, bruising, scarring, nerve damage, asymmetry, or dissatisfaction. Dr.MFO has a portfolio of his previous work that showcases his results and outcomes. Dr.MFO can provide you with before and after photos or videos of his past FFS patients that demonstrate his skills and abilities. Dr.MFO can also provide you with testimonials or references from his past FFS patients that attest to their satisfaction and happiness.

If you are looking for a qualified, experienced, and talented FFS surgeon abroad, you can trust Dr.MFO to deliver the best results possible. You can contact him through his website dr-mfo.com or by phone +905528003322 to schedule a consultation or appointment.

Cost Considerations for FFS Surgery Overseas

Another important factor that influences your decision to get FFS surgery abroad is the cost of the surgery. FFS surgery can be a costly procedure, depending on the type, number, and complexity of the procedures you need, the location and reputation of the clinic you choose, and the qualifications and experience of the surgeon you select. Therefore, you need to consider the following aspects when comparing the cost of FFS surgery overseas:

  • The price of the surgery: The price of the surgery is the amount of money that the clinic charges you for performing the FFS procedures you need. The price of the surgery may vary depending on the country, region, city, or clinic you choose, as well as the surgeon’s fees, the anesthesia fees, the hospital fees, and the taxes. The price of the surgery may also vary depending on the exchange rate and the currency conversion fees. You can find out the price of the surgery by contacting the clinic directly or by checking their website or brochure. You can also use online tools or apps to compare prices and find the best deals.
  • The quality of the surgery: The quality of the surgery is the degree of excellence and satisfaction that you get from your FFS results and outcomes. The quality of the surgery may depend on the skill and expertise of your surgeon, the technique and method they use, the equipment and technology they have, and the safety and hygiene standards they follow. The quality of the surgery may also depend on your individual factors, such as your facial features, your goals, your expectations, and your healing process. You can assess the quality of the surgery by checking the portfolio, reviews, ratings, testimonials, or references of your surgeon or clinic. You can also ask for a consultation or assessment with your surgeon or clinic to discuss your goals, expectations, and options.
  • The value of the surgery: The value of the surgery is the benefit and worth that you get from your FFS results and outcomes in relation to the price you pay. The value of the surgery may vary depending on your personal preferences, priorities, and needs. For some people, getting FFS surgery abroad may be a valuable investment that improves their self-esteem, confidence, happiness, and quality of life. For others, getting FFS surgery abroad may be a risky expense that does not meet their expectations or causes complications or dissatisfaction. You can determine the value of the surgery by weighing the pros and cons of getting FFS surgery abroad and comparing the cost and quality of different options.

One of the best international FFS clinics that offers a high-quality and high-value FFS surgery at an affordable price is Dr.MFO Clinic in Antalya, Turkey. Dr.MFO Clinic charges an average price of $12,000 for FFS surgery, which is much lower than the average price of $40,000 in the US or $30,000 in the UK. Dr.MFO Clinic provides a high-quality FFS surgery that delivers excellent results and outcomes for its patients, as evidenced by their portfolio, reviews, ratings, testimonials, and references. Dr.MFO Clinic also offers a high-value FFS surgery that benefits its patients in terms of improving their appearance, self-esteem, confidence, happiness, and quality of life.

If you are looking for a cost-effective option for FFS surgery abroad that does not compromise on quality or value, you can choose Dr.MFO Clinic as your destination. You can contact them through their website dr-mfo.com or by phone +905528003322 to get a quote and book your surgery.


In conclusion, getting FFS surgery abroad can be a great option for many transgender women and non-binary people who want to feminize their facial features and improve their appearance, self-esteem, confidence, happiness, and quality of life. However, getting FFS surgery abroad also requires careful research, planning, preparation, and budgeting. Therefore, it is important to consider the pros and cons of getting FFS surgery abroad and compare the cost, quality, and value of different options.

One of the best options for FFS surgery abroad is Dr.MFO Clinic in Antalya, Turkey. Dr.MFO Clinic is a world-class cosmetic surgery center that specializes in FFS surgery. Dr.MFO Clinic is led by Dr. Mehmet Fatih Okyay, a board-certified plastic surgeon with over 10 years of experience in performing FFS surgery. Dr.MFO Clinic offers a variety of FFS procedures that can transform your face into a more feminine shape and size. Dr.MFO Clinic has state-of-the-art facilities that provide you with a safe and comfortable environment for your surgery and recovery. Dr.MFO Clinic has a team of English-speaking staff who are friendly, professional, and attentive to your needs.

Dr.MFO Clinic is not only a great choice for FFS surgery abroad but also a great destination for medical tourism. Antalya is a beautiful city on the Mediterranean coast of Turkey that offers a rich history, culture, and nature. Antalya has many attractions to explore, such as ancient ruins, museums, beaches, parks, markets, restaurants, and nightlife. Antalya has a warm and sunny climate all year round that is ideal for healing and relaxing after your surgery.

If you are interested in getting FFS surgery abroad at Dr.MFO Clinic, you can contact them through their website dr-mfo.com or by phone +905528003322 They will provide you with all the information you need to plan your trip and book your surgery.


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