Dr. MFO – FFS Surgeon in Turkey

Hair Transplant Turkey: Why You Should Choose Dr. MFO

Hair Transplant Turkey, Hair Restoration in Feminization Surgery:

Hair Transplant Turkey: Why You Should Choose Dr. MFO

Are you looking for a permanent solution to your hair loss problem? Do you want to restore your confidence and self-esteem with a natural-looking hairline? If you answered yes to these questions, then you might be interested in getting a hair transplant in Turkey.

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure that involves moving hair follicles from one part of the body (usually the back or sides of the scalp) to another part where the hair is thinning or balding. The goal is to create a fuller and denser appearance of the hair, as well as to improve the shape and symmetry of the hairline.

Hair transplant surgery has been around for decades, but it has become more popular and advanced in recent years, thanks to new techniques, technologies, and innovations. One of the countries that has been leading the way in this field is Turkey, which has become a global destination for hair transplant tourism.

In this article, we will explain why you should choose Turkey for your hair transplant procedure, and why you should trust Dr. MFO as your partner in this journey. We will also answer some of the most common questions and concerns that people have about hair transplant surgery in Turkey.

Sensual blonde in bikini chilling in pool, Hair Transplant Turkey

Why Turkey?

Turkey is a country that offers many advantages for people who want to get a hair transplant. Here are some of the main reasons why Turkey is a great choice for this procedure:

  • Affordable prices: One of the biggest benefits of getting a hair transplant in Turkey is the cost. Compared to other countries, such as the UK, the US, or Canada, Turkey offers much lower prices for hair transplant surgery, without compromising on quality or safety. You can save up to 80% on your hair transplant cost by choosing Turkey, which means you can get more grafts and better results for less money. The average price of a hair transplant in Turkey ranges from 1,500 to 3,000 Euros, depending on the clinic, the technique, and the number of grafts. In contrast, the average price of a hair transplant in the UK is around 10,000 Euros.
  • High-quality service: Another reason why Turkey is a preferred destination for hair transplant surgery is the high level of service and professionalism that you can expect from the clinics and surgeons. Turkey has a large number of qualified and experienced hair transplant specialists who have performed thousands of successful procedures over the years. They use the latest techniques and technologies, such as FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction), DHI (Direct Hair Implantation), Sapphire FUE, and Robotic FUE, to ensure optimal results and minimal scarring. They also follow strict hygiene and safety standards, as well as international protocols and regulations. Moreover, they provide excellent aftercare and support for their patients, including medications, dressings, follow-up visits, and online consultations.
  • Convenient travel: A third reason why Turkey is an attractive option for hair transplant surgery is the ease and convenience of travel. Turkey is well-connected to many countries around the world by air, land, and sea. You can find direct flights to Istanbul or Ankara from most major cities in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America. The flight duration is usually between 3 to 5 hours, depending on your location. You can also travel by bus, train, or ferry from neighboring countries. Once you arrive in Turkey, you can enjoy a hassle-free transportation service provided by your clinic or agency. They will arrange your airport transfers, hotel bookings, clinic appointments, and sightseeing tours for you.
  • Rich culture: A fourth reason why Turkey is a wonderful place for hair transplant surgery is the rich and diverse culture that you can experience during your stay. Turkey is a country that has a long and fascinating history, dating back to ancient times. It has been influenced by various civilizations and cultures, such as Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Ottoman, Persian, Arabic, and European. You can witness this cultural heritage in the architecture, art, cuisine, music, and literature of Turkey. You can also enjoy the natural beauty and diversity of Turkey, which ranges from mountains and lakes to beaches and forests. You can visit some of the most famous landmarks and attractions in Turkey, such as the Hagia Sophia, the Blue Mosque, the Grand Bazaar, the Topkapi Palace, the Cappadocia region, the Pamukkale thermal pools, and the Ephesus ancient city. You can also taste some of the most delicious and varied dishes in Turkish cuisine, such as kebabs, baklava, dolma, borek, kofte, and more. You can also experience the hospitality and friendliness of Turkish people, who are known for their warmth and generosity.
Mehmet Fatih Okyay, MD, FEBOPRAS in Türkiye.

Why Dr. MFO?

Now that you know why Turkey is a great destination for hair transplant surgery, you might be wondering which clinic or agency you should choose for your procedure. There are many options available in Turkey, but not all of them are reliable or trustworthy. You need to do your research and compare different factors before making your decision.

One of the best and most reputable clinics in Turkey for hair transplant surgery is Dr. MFO. Dr. MFO is a leading provider of hair transplant and cosmetic surgery services in Turkey, with more than 20 years of experience and expertise. Here are some of the reasons why you should choose Dr. MFO for your hair transplant procedure:

  • Expertise: Dr. MFO is one of the most renowned and respected hair transplant surgeons in Turkey and in the world. He has performed over 10,000 successful procedures over his career, using his own patented technique called MFO (Micro FUE Optimized). This technique involves extracting individual hair follicles with micro punches of 0.6 to 0.8 mm in diameter, which minimizes trauma and scarring to the donor area. He then implants them into tiny incisions made with sapphire blades on the recipient area, creating a natural and dense hairline. He also uses PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) therapy to enhance the healing and growth of the transplanted hair. Dr. MFO is also an expert in other cosmetic procedures, such as rhinoplasty, liposuction, breast augmentation, and more.
  • Quality: Dr. MFO is committed to providing the highest quality of service and results for his patients. He uses only the best equipment and materials available in the industry, such as German-made micro motors, Swiss-made sapphire blades, and American-made PRP kits. He also follows strict hygiene and safety standards, as well as international protocols and regulations. He performs all his procedures in a state-of-the-art clinic that is equipped with modern facilities and amenities. He also works with a team of skilled and trained technicians, nurses, and assistants who assist him during the surgery and provide care and support for the patients.
  • Satisfaction: Dr. MFO is dedicated to ensuring the satisfaction and happiness of his patients. He offers a free consultation and evaluation for his patients, where he listens to their needs and expectations, analyzes their hair condition and characteristics, and designs a customized treatment plan that suits their budget and schedule. He also provides a lifetime guarantee for his hair transplant procedure, which means that if the patient is not satisfied with the results or if they experience any complications or side effects after the surgery, he will provide them with free revisions or corrections until they are happy with the outcome. He also offers a 100% refund policy if the patient changes their mind before the surgery or if they are not eligible for the procedure due to medical reasons.
  • All-inclusive packages: Dr. MFO wants to make his patients’ hair transplant journey as easy and comfortable as possible. That is why he offers all-inclusive packages that cover everything they need for their procedure. His packages include:
    • Their flight tickets
    • Their airport transfers
    • Their hotel accommodation
    • Their clinic appointments
    • Their medications
    • Their dressings
    • Their follow-up visits
    • Their online consultations
    • Their sightseeing tours They don’t have to worry about anything else when they choose Dr. MFO for their hair transplant procedure.
Hair Transplant in Turkey

FAQs About Hair Transplant Turkey

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions that people have about hair transplant surgery in Turkey:

  • How long does the procedure take? The duration of the procedure depends on the technique used and the number of grafts transplanted. Generally speaking, a hair transplant procedure can take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours, depending on the complexity and extent of the surgery. You will be under local anesthesia during the procedure, so you will not feel any pain or discomfort. You will also be able to take breaks and rest in between sessions.
  • How long is the recovery time? The recovery time after a hair transplant procedure varies from person to person, depending on the technique used, the number of grafts transplanted, and the individual healing process. However, some general guidelines are as follows:
    • You will be able to leave the clinic on the same day of the surgery, but you will need to stay in Turkey for at least 3 to 5 days for your first follow-up visit and dressing change.
    • You will need to avoid any strenuous physical activity, such as sports, exercise, or lifting heavy objects, for at least 2 weeks after the surgery.
    • You will need to avoid washing your hair for at least 3 days after the surgery, and then use a special shampoo and gentle massage technique for another 10 days.
    • You will need to avoid direct sunlight, swimming, sauna, and steam for at least 1 month after the surgery.
    • You will need to take some medications, such as antibiotics, painkillers, anti-inflammatory drugs, and vitamins, for at least 10 days after the surgery.
    • You will experience some swelling, bruising, redness, itching, and scabbing on your scalp for the first few days or weeks after the surgery. These are normal and temporary side effects that will subside gradually.
    • You will notice some shedding of the transplanted hair within the first 2 to 3 months after the surgery. This is also normal and expected, as it is part of the natural growth cycle of the hair. The new hair will start to grow back after 3 to 4 months and reach its full potential after 12 to 18 months.
  • What are the risks and complications of hair transplant surgery? Hair transplant surgery is a safe and effective procedure that has a very low rate of complications or adverse effects. However, as with any surgical procedure, there are some potential risks and complications that you should be aware of and discuss with your surgeon before undergoing the surgery. Some of these include:
    • Infection: This is a rare but possible complication that can occur if the surgical site is not properly cleaned or sterilized. It can cause inflammation, pain, fever, and pus formation. It can be treated with antibiotics and proper wound care.
    • Bleeding: This is a minor and common complication that can occur during or after the surgery due to the cutting or puncturing of blood vessels. It can cause bruising, swelling, and hematoma formation. It can be controlled with pressure dressing, ice packs, and medication.
    • Scarring: This is a cosmetic and rare complication that can occur due to improper technique or healing process. It can cause visible marks or bumps on the scalp or donor area. It can be minimized with proper care and medication.
    • Nerve damage: This is a rare and serious complication that can occur due to accidental injury or compression of nerves during the surgery. It can cause numbness, tingling, or loss of sensation on the scalp or donor area. It can be temporary or permanent depending on the severity and location of the damage.
    • Graft failure: This is a rare and unpredictable complication that can occur due to various factors such as poor quality of grafts, improper handling or storage of grafts, infection, inflammation, trauma, or genetic factors. It can cause poor growth or loss of transplanted hair. It can be corrected with revision surgery or medication.
Hair Transplant Turkey, Antalya


Hair transplant surgery is a permanent and effective solution for hair loss problems that can improve your appearance and confidence. Turkey is one of the best destinations for hair transplant surgery in terms of quality, cost, service, and culture. Dr. MFO is one of the most reputable and reliable clinics in Turkey for hair transplant surgery that offers expertise, quality, satisfaction, and all-inclusive packages.

If you are interested in getting a hair transplant in Turkey with Dr. MFO, please contact us today for a free consultation and quote. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have and help you achieve your hair goals.

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