Dr. MFO – FFS Surgeon in Turkey

What Is Tummy Tuck Surgery?

Venus Belly Tummy Tuck Abdominoplasty & 360 Lipo by Dr. MFO

While losing weight with the help of natural processes such as creating calorie deficit in one’s diet or doing exercises regularly is the most healthy and effective way, sometimes, fat masses in certain areas in the body might be a lot harder than normal to break down. This might be due to several reasons such as giving birth or simply genetic reasons. For such situations, there are many different solutions such as vibrating devices that can be worn to help break down the fat or liposuction that basically drains the fat out of your body.

While there are different solutions and procedures for different parts of the body, the most common area that people have problems with is the abdomen, or belly area. This area is significantly hard to deal with since its tendency to accumulate fat is greater than all the other areas in the body. Additionally, it is also hard to lose fat in this area because only after losing a great amount of weight in other parts of your body can you start losing weight around the abdomen. For this reason, professionals have developed many different solutions and procedures that specifically help people lose fat in the abdomen area. And among these solutions, one of the most popular and effective ones is abdominoplasty, also known as tummy tuck.

In this article, we will inform you about the procedure of abdominoplasty: how it is done, who should have it, and how much it costs.

Abdominoplasty: Who Is It For?

Tummy tuck surgery is a cosmetic procedure, which means that it is mainly done with aesthetic concerns. The main group of people that this procedure is for is those who want to look better by having a flatter stomach. However, this procedure is not for every person that wants to have a flatter stomach. In fact, there are a number of conditions one should fulfill in order to qualify for a tummy tuck surgery, say professionals. These conditions are not strict or officially determined, which means you can still have this surgery if you want. However, many professionals see this as unhealthy and dangerous.

The recommended group of people this procedure is mainly for consists of:

  • Women who have gone through a or multiple pregnancies and that have deformation in their abdomen area
  • People who had had excessive amounts of muscle and lost some mass in the abdomen area, creating saggings in the skin
  • People who have lost great amounts of weight and has irremovable masses of fat or excessive skin amount the abdomen area

How Is Tummy Tuck Surgery Done?

The main technique of the operation consists of removing the excess fat mass from the belly area and then trimming the extra skin and tissue. There are essentially two sorts of tummy tuck surgeries. These are full and mini tummy tuck. The mini tummy tuck simply addresses the lower portion of the abdominal region, as opposed to the full tummy tuck, which additionally addresses the top portion.

Various liposuction techniques can be used during the procedure to remove the fat from the abdominal area. After the fat is removed, the skin is stretched down and trimmed. The removal of the excessive fat and skin helps create a flatter and better looking abdomen.

What Is Revision Tummy Tuck?

After experiencing problems and unfavorable side effects following a prior tummy tuck, a revision tummy tuck is performed to fix the abdomen’s appearance. Depending on the degree of correction required, this surgery may involve a number of surgical techniques.

After Tummy Tuck Surgery: How Long Is The Recovery?

In most cases, the surgical incision heals 8 to 12 weeks following the procedure. Patients can thus resume modest exercise after this time.

Following a tummy tuck procedure, you will be advised to wear compression clothing for 6–8 weeks. It ought to be worn all day and removed just to take a bath.

While everyone’s full recovery time for a tummy tuck is different, most patients may get back to doing their normal activities 2-4 months following their first procedure. After 2-3 weeks following surgery, they are capable of performing daily tasks. Twelve months after the surgery, the full and final results are clearly visible

How Long Does It Take For Tummy Tuck Scars To Fade Away?

The pink coating that surrounds the scars for the first several months gradually fades and vanishes. It might take this process up to 9 months. However, it might take years for them to vanish or become obscured. In some circumstances, the scars may even partially persist years later.

Tummy Tuck Surgery Cost

With there being different types of tummy tuck surgeries that consist of different procedures, the cost for these surgeries also vary depending on these conditions. Below, we will list some of the most commonly preferred procedures labeled as tummy tuck with their prices.

● The typical price tag for a basic tummy tuck is $3000.
● An extended tummy tuck typically costs $4000.
● A panniculectomy typically costs $2000.
● Additionally, a reverse tummy tuck often costs $4500.
● 360 body lift starting from 5000.
● Revision or Secondary tummy tuck costs starting from 5000.

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